#AIM名曲挑战 2020 AIM中文音乐颁奖典礼与TikTok共同打造TikTok 神曲 联手送你站上AIM大舞台与线上歌手一起表演

2020 AIM中文音乐颁奖典礼》与TikTok发起了一项特别企划 ——【#AIM名曲挑战】,召唤全民翻唱本地中文歌曲。颁奖典礼筹委将从TikTok最火的视频中挑选出一首创意佳作,胜出者将有机会在颁奖典礼上与线上歌手同台表演。 近年乐坛掀起一阵翻唱风潮,大马多位网络翻唱歌手如碰碰、Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨、Danny许佳麟、DAPHNE D調等,都因上传了翻唱影片人气暴增,进而成为歌手发行个人原创单曲。另外,近期被翻唱次数最多的本地歌曲《飘向北方》,不但获得2019年MACP「海外最高版税歌曲」奖,至今仍占据各大音乐平台排行榜前列。本地知名音乐人彭学斌9年前为陈势安打造的代表作《天后》,2017年被薛之謙翻唱后,再次在中国掀起不小轰动,网上更出现多个翻唱版本,而这股热度除了证明大马音乐实力坚强外,一首好的作品也经得起时间的考验。  TikTok近年迅速崛起后,许多年轻朋友纷纷加入短视频的行列,TikTok也成为大家无法离手的社交媒体之一。TikTok于2018年3月正式打入海外市场后,短短1年半,根据Sensor Tower数据库资料显示,TikTok在全球已经超过15亿下载,在马来西亚应用程式排行榜上更是稳居冠军宝座。 为此,《2020 AIM中文音乐颁奖典礼》与TikTok联合举办【#AIM名曲挑战】活动,共同打造 “大马TikTok神曲”。除了向大众推荐大马音乐和创作,希望让经典作品二次发酵外,也期盼借此让大家听见更多本地新人的作品,让好音乐透过TikTok这个国际平台,散播到世界的每一个角落。这项活动一公布后,迅速获得一众本地艺人的支持,当中包括Gin Lee李幸倪、Namewee黄明志、车志立、朱浩仁、王雪晶、Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨、李佩玲、郭文翰、Bell宇田等,更在短短一天内突破90万人点阅。 【#AIM名曲挑战】活动于12月16日开始至12月31日截止,粉丝朋友只需录制翻唱大马歌手的作品,上传至个人的TikTok账号,并带上“#AIM名曲挑战” 和 “#AIMChinese2020” 2个hashtag即可。颁奖典礼筹委将会从众多翻唱作品中选出最优质、最Cool的作品,胜出者便有机会登上1月4日的《2020 AIM中文音乐颁奖典礼》舞台,与线上歌手一起演出。 Namewee 黄明志 : https://vt.tiktok.com/8jK9Xg/   Bell宇田 : https://vt.tiktok.com/8jx9E4/车志立 : https://vt.tiktok.com/8j3MaA/ Colbie 王思涵 : https://vt.tiktok.com/8jc8tm/  


由马来西亚水墨画协会主办的“碧波莲漾”李碧莲水墨画慈善个展,在12月21及22日在隆雪华堂光前堂举行,开幕主宾为扬名国际的大师级画家钟正川。“碧波莲漾” 李碧莲水墨画慈善个展,展示的是李碧莲这位低调的水墨画家过去逾20年来研练的成果,当中包括极受佳评的《夏荷》、《荷塘清趣》、《荷塘翠色》、《碧池清影》、《香远益清》、《野趣》等百余幅作品。李碧莲于1967年毕业于台湾国立师范大学英语系,回国后在星洲日报国际组从事翻译工作。李碧莲说,举办此次画展的主要目的是为推广水墨画艺术,并借机和其他水墨画艺术爱好者交流,以提升自己的水平。她同时希望借自己年过半百才开始学水墨画的经历,鼓励退休人士以及一般社会人士、年轻人学习和欣赏水墨画,以增添生活情趣,进而促进家庭与社会和谐。拍卖所得捐2基金会值得一提的是,本次展出的百余幅作品拍卖所得,将捐予马来西亚国立台湾师范大学校友会购置会所基金及马来西亚水墨画协会活动基金。


《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》1月18日于吉隆坡独立广场举办 盛邀民众共襄盛举2020年为马中文化旅游年,两国华人一直都保有过春节阖家欢乐的传统习俗,为了让马来西亚民众能更直接感受中国春节的别样风情以及促进马中文化交流,将于1月18日于吉隆坡独立广场举办《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》,届时将会有文娱晚会、无人机表演、大型烟花秀以及美食与传统文化街,欢迎马来西亚群众前往共襄盛举!《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》由中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、马来西亚旅游、艺术和文化部、中华人民共和国驻马来西亚大使馆以及联邦直辖区旅游艺术文化理事会主办;马来西亚首相署对华特使办公室、吉隆坡市政局(DBKL)、大马遗迹机构以及陕西省戏曲研究院联办,各个单位齐心合作并且大力支持下,期盼活动可推动马中文化交流,让马中文化旅游年可以有个完美的开展!中国驻马大使馆文化参赞张振在记者会上致词时,表示:“农历新年就像大自然赋予我们的嘉年华,是一个向春天降临、生活以及新希望展现敬意的节日。适逢2020年是马中文化旅游年,中国与马来西亚政府会借此机会致力强化两国之间文化与旅游的合作交流。同时也承诺会与两国各个参与单位会紧密合作,将在《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》为前来的民众呈现最好的演出、优秀的制作以及称职的主办方。2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华文娱晚会在中国每当春节必定会有大型新春晚会,大量优秀的表演阵容让人目不暇接,而《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》也将中国这最具代表性的文娱晚会带到马来西亚,“2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华文娱晚会”将于18日晚上8时45分开始至11时30分,接近3个小时的精彩节目保证让民众大开眼界。除了有武无极限武术团、陕西省戏曲研究院带来极具中国独特风格的演出,也会有马来西亚独有的多元化演出,像是多民族舞蹈、吉打州华乐团、马来武术等精彩演出等着民众前来观赏探索。马来西亚旅游、艺术和文化部国际处高级首席助理秘书Surya Kumar A/L Subramaniam致词时如是说,“对于《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》能作为2020年马中文化旅游年的首发活动感到荣幸与雀跃,该活动除了展现出中国春节的佳日氛围,同时也将马来西亚的多元化融入当中,更能促进两国的文化交流。”他亦透露,该活动将剪辑成为节目,并于中国芒果TV以及马来西亚Astro电视台进行播出,借此触及更多国内外的民众达到传递文化作用。值得一提的是,中国著名主持人李锐将联手马来西亚著名主持人萧慧敏以及著名马来电台主持人Danial担纲晚会主持人,三人主持功力备受高度认可,这次联手主持也成了晚会一道特别风景线。而马来西亚著名歌手阿牛、钟瑾桦以及Layla莎妮娅亦会出席该晚会担任表演嘉宾,阿牛透过电访表示自己很荣幸能参与那么大型的文娱晚会,“知道这个晚会将在两国播出,能把马来西亚的热情与文化带到中国相当开心,希望可以让两地文化有更深刻的交流。”他亦透露当晚也会演唱与任贤齐共同创作的新歌。而记者会上,年仅17岁的马来歌手Layla莎妮娅透露,自己将会演绎中文与马来文组曲,资深音乐人周金亮表示自己暌违10余年再与阿牛同台合作,更即场清唱《用马来西亚的天气来说爱你》增兴,但至于更详细的演出内容就留待民众当晚出席时揭晓!“迷你马来西亚”与“迷你中国”满足你的味蕾!一个国家的美食与其文化息息相关,《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》活动上就特别设置 “美食+传统文化街”,将打造成“迷你马来西亚”和 “迷你中国”,马来西亚各族同胞美食以及中国民间各种新春美食都会在此贩售,从早上11点至晚上11点无间断营业,让前来参与嘉年华的民众能同时感受两国的美食文化也满足食欲与味蕾!除了美食,还有各式传统文化档口供民众前往观赏与体验,像是展现中华文化手工艺的书法、春联、捏面人、剪纸,让民众可以一窥中国传统手工艺的魅力,亦会有本地文化手工艺的部分,展现马来西亚各个民族独有的文化产物,欢迎出席民众前来体验与带回心头好。《2020马来西亚欢乐春节嘉年华》由马来西亚芒果传媒、湖南广播电视台、湖南广播电视台金鹰纪实卫视 - 纪实传媒、大德正智文旅产业有限公司以及无乎电影有限公司跨国策划实施,芒果TV以及Astro为媒体合作伙伴,实践马中文化交流。

HONOR Officially Unveils the Brand-New HONOR MagicWatch 2

HONOR MagicWatch 2 is an incredibly personalizable smartwatch with 14-day long-lasting battery life enabled by Kirin A1 ChipsetEquipped with industry-leading health and wellness monitoring technologies, HONOR MagicWatch 2 gives you precise health insights when you need it while keeping you fully connectedHONORGlobal smartphone brand HONOR officially launched its new wearable product HONOR MagicWatch 2 today. This innovative timepiece attests to the excellence of HONOR wearable products, which has up to 14-days battery life? enabled by the Kirin A1 chipset intelligent and well-thought fitness and health monitoring technologies, as well as customized clock faces and four different choices of watch straps that resonate with global youth to further activate a digital and fitness lifestyle.The HONOR MagicWatch 2 is another ströng product that helps to achieve the 1+8+N loT strategy and is a big step in the brand's own ecosystem integration of connected smart products as well as the global wearable market. The HONOR MagicWatch 2 cements HONOR's forward-thinking approach in smartwatch design and development of wearable products, Whether you are out for fitness training or work, HONOR MagicWatch 2 will keep you at your optimal performance inside and out.15 fitness modes to be your trusted work-out companionTo spur a more personal, diverse and effective fitness style, HONOR MagicWatch 2 supports 15 goal-based fitness modes including 8 outdoor and 7 indoor sports, from outdoor modes like running, hiking,cycling and triathlons to indoor pool swimming, free training and rowing machine etc.On top of 15 fitness modes, HONOR MagicWatch 2 is also supported by 13 professional indoor andoutdoor running courses from beginner to advanced levels. Whether you are just starting out or you are already an experienced runner striving for something more professional, HONOR MagicWatch 2 is able to offer perfect courses and motivation for you to go further. The HONOR MagicWatch 2 is also packed with a virtual pacesetter with real-time actionable advice to help enhance workout efforts at your own pace.Advanced healthcare monitoring to be your wellness advisorThe HONOR MagicWatch 2 redefines healthcare tracking by incorporating three industry-leading technologies to introduce real-time, accurate and informative health advice and insights to help users to live healthier and improve quality of life in various aspects.Equipped with HUAWEI TruSleep 2.0 technology, the HONOR MagicWatch 2 can precisely track and diagnose 6 common types of sleep disorders and provide over 200 corresponding suggestions tailored to your sleeping habit to improve your sleep quality. The HONOR MagicWatch 2 can also detect your stress level when you're feeling tense and you could follow the suggested breathing exercises to get some peace of mind with the support of HUAWEI TruRelax" technology. Enabled by HUAWEI TruSeen. HONOR MagicWatch 2 can keep an eye on your heart rate 24/7 and send you an alert when it goes above or below normal levels. With an adaptive algorithm to enhance signal reception, HONOR, With water resistance up to 50 meters, MagicWatch 2 also performs well underwater to monitor your heart rate and record your SWOLF score, distance, speed and burned calories. All personal health data can be synced to your smartphone pre-installed the HUAWEI Health APP for you to keep records and learn better about yourself.Smart features to be your intelligent assistantThe HONOR MagicWatch 2 allows you to make or receive Bluetooth calls on the go either through headphones or with the built-in speaker and mic even when you are up to 150m away from your phone. It also supports notifications push from SMS messages, emails, calendar and all contents will be displayed on the screen when the HONOR MagicWatch 2 is connected to your phone. Built-in apps including Weather, Alarm, Timer, Find My Phone and more are also available for easy access. HONOR MagicWatch 2 also provides 4GB internal storage, of which 2GB can be used for music storage, allowing up to 500 songs so you can enjoy your favorite music without carrying your phone.AvailabilityBoasting a 1.39-inch full-color AMOLED touchscreen, multiple health and wellness monitoring, long- lasting battery, and customized watch faces, the HONOR MagicWatch 2 46mm a will be priced at RM 699 and will be available on hihonor.com.my, HONOR Experience Stores nationwide and HONOR official store on Shopee starting 20 December 2019. The MagicWatch 2 46mm in Flax Brown and MagicWatch 2 42mm will arrive on our shores very soon. Stay tuned!


Vivo has today unveiled the new V17 in Malaysia. V17 comes with an innovative Ultra O Screen Design which provides consumers a whole new viewing experience beyond their imagination. Housed with a total of 5 professional grade cameras on the front and back, V17 allows consumers to shoot beyond their limits. Completing its futuristic design with brilliant colors and a glossy finish, the V17 is the ultimate answer for what the young and stylish consumers are searching for. “V17 represents our understanding of today’s consumers’ needs and it is an innovation which we are extremely proud of. The 5-camera design together with the Ultra O Screen provides consumers with a brand-new photo taking and viewing experience beyond imagination,” said  Raymond Lee, Product Specialist of vivo Malaysia. “The creation of V17 once again showcases our strong consumer-centric innovation approach and reinforces our position as a pioneer in bringing best-in-class mobile experiences to Malaysian.” Latest Ultra O Screen Design Opens the Door to a Brave New World  V17 features an innovative Super AMOLED Ultra O Screen with the industry’s slimmest in-display front camera design. The 6.44-inch FHD+ display houses 2.98mm wide super-clear front camera, providing a trendy and futuristic look without sacrificing the viewing experience. The customized next-gen Super AMOLED display features an aspect ratio of 20:9, bringing vibrant and authentic colors and filtering out 42% of blue light.The smartphone also comes with Vivo’s industry-leading In-Display Fingerprint Scanning Technology. With its higher fingerprint pixel density and more sophisticated algorithms, it allows consumers to unlock the smartphone safely and easily.  48MP AI Quad Camera and 32MP Front Camera for Users to Capture Fantastic Moments in Life  V17 features a powerful AI Quad Camera which allows users to unlock unlimited possibilities. The 48MP Main Camera, 8MP Super Wide-Angle Camera, 2MP Macro Camera and 2MP Bokeh Camera line-up, together with the embedded AI algorithms, brings a new photography experience by capturing even better photo clarity. The smartphone also features a Super Wide-Angle Camera that expands landscape shots even further.   With a 32MP Front Camera, the V17 helps users capture high quality selfies and group shots effortlessly.  To complete the professional shot options, the smartphone also features the “Super Night Mode” and “Super Night Selfie” features that enhance clarity even in night shots, offering best-in-class photo quality anytime, anywhere.  Larger Battery Capacity and Strong Hardware Performance to Support All-day Usage  V17 is also designed for users to complete all their everyday tasks with their mobile, be it work, social or entertainment. It is supported by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 675 AIE processor with 8GB RAM + 256GB ROM, delivering performance for all applications and ensuring systems can be operated smoothly at all times. Its 4500mAh battery with Dual-Engine Fast Charging Technology brings higher durability and faster charging so the smartphone can provide a long-lasting and safe mobile experience.  For gamers who seek for a smooth mobile gaming experience, the V17 comes with an Ultra Game Mode that brings out the best and uninterrupted gaming experience by temporarily blocking messages and notifications so users can fully immerse themselves into their fantasy world. The Multi-Turbo acceleration technology actively tunes the operating system to ensure gamers can enjoy a more exhilarating game performance. V17 also comes with a “Voice Changer” feature, which can inject more fun into game time by providing a variety of voices to match game characters.  The smartphone comes in two trendsetting color options – Admiral Blue and Crystal White.  Availability V17 in Admiral Blue and Crystal White will be available in Malaysia on 21 December 2019 for RM1,699. (L-R) Lewis Zeng, Chief Marketing Officer, Mike Xu, Chief Executive Officer and Jeremy Lim, Chief sales officer is presenting the vivo V17 during photo op session.

JDX Presto无现金概念店双十二盛大开幕 PUC携手新马智城诚意巨献

东南亚区规模最大的无现金概念店—JDX Presto概念店今日在吉隆坡桂和广场(Quill City Mall KL)隆重开幕。JDX Presto概念店是由PUC控股集团(简称PUC)与新马智城控股有限公司(简称新马智城)携手在马来西亚推出的首家O2O(线上至线下,Online-to-Offline)模式商店,是双方共同努力为大马打造无现金零售场景的成果。JDX Presto概念店位于吉隆坡桂和广场3楼(Lot63、63B和72),占地5万平方尺,商品种类众多,涵盖电子电器产品、保健及美容、家居及生活用品、服饰、食品饮料,总计多达3,000种商品(SKU),主要来自京东京造、中国和东南亚地区的畅销商品。在JDX Presto概念店购物是一件极为简单的事,看到喜欢的商品,购物者只需用「迅酷宝」(Presto)扫一扫商品的二维码(QR Code),「迅酷宝」里的电子钱包PrestoPay便会进行支付,省却排队付款的动作。购物者也可以选择当场取货或享受由中国零售巨头京东集团的子集团 - 京东物流提供的送货上门服务。购物者不妨停下脚步休息片刻,在概念店里附设的咖啡馆享用茶点和饮料。咖啡馆内设置了由京东物流集团旗下的京东X事业部(JDX)研发的JDX无人智能冰箱。智能冰箱由人工智能(AI)与无线射频识别(RFID)驱动,购买者只需用「迅酷宝」扫一扫智能冰箱门上的二维码,便可打开智能冰箱挑选喜爱的商品,电子钱包PrestoPay会在门关上后自动扣除款项,完成付款动作。PUC业务涵盖数码金融服务,积极响应政府推动转型至无现金社会的路线图,迄今已打造出含PrestoPay、微型贷款服务及PrestoPay预付信用服务的生态系统。在JDX Presto概念店,每一笔交易均为无现金且无缝。PUC控股集团董事总经理兼行政总裁张嘉洲表示:“我们很荣幸在两年前推出「迅酷宝」,这一路走来我们的团队竭尽全力为「迅酷宝」添加各种数码产品。今天,我们首家O2O商店盛大开业,标志着我们在这个旅程上的一个重要里程碑。我们很高兴能带给马来西亚人结合线上线下的完整购物体验,大马人可先在PrestoMall网上浏览JDX创新技术与产品再到访JDX Presto概念店,或先到访概念店再浏览PrestoMall。我们深信融合线上线下的体验至关重要,这可让消费人触摸和感受产品,带给网购经验不足或不曾网购的消费人一丝确定感。”张嘉洲补充说:“「迅酷宝」以兔子为其标志。兔子以可爱、机智,能够轻松应对各种挑战以及闪电般的冲刺和跳跃速度而当选为主角,也反映出品牌的成长倾向。购物者可随着我们第一家O2O商店的开幕与「迅酷宝」兔子合照留念,为购物过程增添乐趣。「迅酷宝」爱好者也绝对不容错过概念店里的「迅酷宝」周边商品。”新马智城创办人李建源分享:“我们很荣幸能够凭借JDX的智能科技并透过本土超级应用程序「迅酷宝」进一步为马来西亚的消费者打造更高端的无现金社会。”“您可曾想像过在购物中心内无钱包消费的画面?只要有智能手机在手,您的无钱包购物旅程随时都可启动。我们联同PUC致力于为零售业增添一丝新创意,为大马人重新定义和塑造独特的O2O购物体验。”李建源补充。场地官方伙伴 Quill Group of Companies集团执行董事拿督王宁俊说道:“我们的购物中心鼎力支持可为购物者和商家带来双赢的数码支付。今年5月,「迅酷宝」曾在吉隆坡桂和广场举办首个无现金交易开斋节市集,成功鼓励和教育消费人以无现金方式采购开斋节用品。我们无比的荣幸能成为他们在零售业领域创新的一份子。”“吉隆坡桂和广场朝着实体数位化时代重新定位,而JDX Presto概念店与我们日后的方针及理念同步。其重点放在以消费者为中心的科技基础设施上,以促进消费者与品牌之间的互动。因此,我们很高兴能够在一系列振奋人心的活动中与双方紧密合作,比方说将本土品牌扩展到国际平台。”吉隆坡桂和广场高级副总裁廖志鸿补充。配合JDX Presto概念店盛大开幕,首300名购物者可用12令吉12仙特惠价每人限购一样特定商品。概念店的排队通道将在2019年12月12日早上8时开放,店面将在11时正式对外开放。今日起至12月15日,购物者可在概念店及广场内搜寻及扫描二维码,赚取PrestoPay预付信用并消费于概念店或任何「迅酷宝」数码服务。配合新张志庆,凡是在2019年12月12日至31日期间,五名在店内消费满50令吉的消费者将有机会赢取双人香港迪士尼乐园门票。机不可失,时不再来!赶紧前往吉隆坡桂和广场享受购物带给你的乐趣吧!

PUC and Smuzcity Roll Out JDX Presto Concept Store on 12.12

JDX Presto Concept Store, the largest cashless concept store in ASEAN, celebrates its official grand opening at Quill City Mall KL today. The partnership between PUC Berhad ("PUC") and Smuzcity Berhad ("Smuzcity") in launching their first Online-to-Offline ("O2O") store signifies the joint effort of the two parties to create cashless retail scenario in Malaysia.Spanning a total 50,000 square feet in the strategically located Quill City Mall KL on Level 3 (Lot63, 63B and 72), JDX Presto Concept Store hosts products from a host of brands covering categories such as Electrical Appliances, Gadgets, Health & Beauty, Home & Living, Fashion and Food & Beverage, with a total of up to 3,000 Stock Keeping Units (SKUS) from J.Zao, as well as other top-selling products from China and the ASEAN region.It is easy to begin shopping around the store. Shoppers just need to scan the QR code of their selected product with the Presto app and enjoy a hassle-free payment experience by checking out with the eWallet named PrestoPay in the app. Shoppers can opt for on-the-spot self-pickup or for convenient delivery to a doorstep, supported by JD Logistics, the logistics affiliate of JD.com, China's largest retailer.Shoppers can take a break from their shopping sprees and enjoy some refreshments from the Al- and RFID-powered JDX Presto Unmanned Fridges, developed by JD Logistics' logistics innovation lab, JDX, that are available at the in-store cafe. By scanning the displayed QR code with Presto app, shoppers are able to unlock the fridge and pick their favourite products off the shelves. Payment will be deducted from PrestoPay accordingly after the door is closed.In line with the government’s roadmap to transform Malaysia into a cashless society, PUC has fully embraced digital finance, from the inclusion of PrestoPay to the introduction of micro-financing facility, PrestoPay Credit Financing to its ecosystem. At JDX Presto Concept Store, every transaction is cashless and seamless. Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of PUC Berhad, CHEONG Chia Chou said, “We proudly launched Presto two years ago, and along the way, our teams have worked relentlessly to gradually enrich Presto with various digital offerings. Today truly marks a great milestone on our journey, with the grand opening of our first ever O2O store. We are excited to extend to Malaysians the opportunity to first explore JDX innovations via PrestoMall and then complete the shopping journey by visiting JDX Presto Concept Store or vice versa, as we believe that the integrated experience is important for consumers to touch and feel the actual products, providing a sense of certainty to consumers with lesser or no experience in online purchase.”  Cheong added, “The symbol for Presto is a rabbit. It was chosen as the central character due to its fun-loving personality, its alertness, its ability to navigate challenges effortlessly, and the way it sprints and leaps at lightning speed, reflecting the brand’s propensity for growth. With the launch of our first O2O store, shoppers are welcome to meet and take a photo with Presto, doubling the joy of shopping with fun and interactive elements. Presto-themed merchandise is also available in the store for Presto lovers.”  Founder of Smuzcity, Kent Lee Kian Yan shared, “We are proud to leverage JDX technology to bring increased cashless convenience to shoppers in Malaysia through homegrown super app Presto.” “Ever picture yourself shopping in shopping mall without your wallet? With a smartphone in hand, your shopping journey is now good to go. Together with PUC, we are committed to add a touch of innovation to the retail scene, redefining and shaping a unique O2O shopping experience for Malaysians,” Lee added. Official venue partner, Group Executive Director of Quill Group of Companies, Dato’ Ar. Michael Ong said, “Our retail mall offers utmost support to the adoption of digital payment that is a win-win for both shoppers and sellers. Back in May, Presto held their first Cashless Raya Bazaar at Quill City Mall KL to encourage and educate consumers to go cashless while shopping for their Raya needs, which saw a success. We are more than delighted to be part of their adventure in the retail scene.”Senior Vice President of Quill City Mall KL, Justin Liew added, “As Quill City Mall KL is repositioning itself towards the ‘phygital’ era, JDX Presto Concept Store is very much aligned with the direction we are moving forward. That focuses on consumer-centric technology infrastructure that facilitates the interactions between the consumers and brands. Thus, we are very excited to be able to collaborate with both parties closely in a set of exciting activities; such as, expanding home-grown brands to the international platform.” In conjunction with the grand opening of JDX Presto Concept Store, the first 300 shoppers will be eligible to purchase selected SKUs at only RM12.12, limited to one item per shopper. Queuing starts at 8am and the doors are open to public at 11am on 12 December 2019. Continuing the celebration, until 15 December 2019, shoppers can spot and scan QR codes placed in the store and the mall to earn free PrestoPay Credits, which can then be spent in store and on any services on Presto. Adding to the shopping pleasure, 5 shoppers who spend a minimum of RM50 in the store with PrestoPay from 12 December 2019 to 31 December 2019 will have a chance to win a pair of Hong Kong Disneyland Theme Park admission tickets.

Malaysia's Women's Badminton Player S. Kisona has won the women’s singles gold medal in the Sea Games 2019

Kisona Selvaduray is a Malaysian badminton player. She was the bronze medalist at the 2013 Asian Youth Games in the girls' singles event. She won her first senior international title at the Indonesia International Series tournament in the women's singles event.2019 SEA Games - Medal Moment GOLD S. Kisona Badminton - Women's SinglesThe 21-year-old’s admirable comeback gave her a surprise win over world No 51 Ruselli Hartawan in Manila today.Despite losing a hard-fought first game 22-20 to Indonesian Ruselli Hartawan, world No 98 Kisona came back strongly to take the second 21-14.Congratulation Kisona. Malaysia Boleh. 

THE BEST OF TWO WORLDS Crème De La Crème x The Tokyo Restaurant

– Hello Kitty fever is sweeping over Malaysia, after Sanrio specially hand-picked Crème De La Crème (CDLC) to throw the greatest party bash for the ultra-lovable icon’s 45th birthday. Be that as it may, CDLC is not letting up and is pleased to announce yet another innovative collaboration, marrying its famed ice cream with The Tokyo Restaurant (TTR)’s equally famed burnt cheesecake to create the ultimate desserts infused with the best of two worlds.Lio Lim, managing director of CDLC, enthused, “Our recent collaboration with Sanrio is such a tremendous success. True to our promise, we do not rest on our laurels and are absolutely thrilled to partner with TTR for our next exciting collaboration. TTR’s famed burnt cheesecake needs no introduction and CDLC has of course shaken up the ice cream world by reinventing the look and taste of ice cream. Combining the best of these two worlds is definitely something to shout about and we couldn’t have found a better partner to recapture the imaginations of ice cream and cheese cake lovers alike!”Indeed, lovers of ice cream and cheesecake will approve and be thoroughly spoilt by these choices:Artisanal ice creamsBurnt Caramel Cheesecake: Enjoy delicious burnt caramel ice cream swirled with TTR burnt cheesecake with such smoothness and richness that is sure to tantalise your tastebuds.Tokyo La Crème: Creamy cream cheese ice cream featuring fresh Australian cream cheese texturised with the perfect proportion of TTR burnt cheesecake – an amazing balance that will throw your senses off-balance.Plated dessertHave the best of two worlds with a delicious scoop of Burnt Caramel ice cream plated with TTR cheesecake dazzled with hazelnuts and caramel. TTR could not agree more. Akito Sakamoto, General Manager of TTR says,“Our cheesecake has such a discerning following that when it came to deciding a trusted partner whom we can work with to design ice creams of the highest standards inspired by our beloved cheesecake, which our clients would also adore, CDLC is the obvious choice, standing head and shoulders above others in the ice cream world.”

Crème De La Crème x The Tokyo Restaurant 打造成最强组合

Crème De La Crème (CDLC)在被 Sanrio 亲选为吉蒂猫 45 周年庆举办一场盛大的庆生狂欢派对后,吉蒂猫(Hello Kitty) 热潮正席卷全马。而当吉蒂猫热潮还未褪去,CDLC又再次隆重宣布了另一项跨界合作。这一次 CDLC 带着自家著名的冰淇淋与 The Tokyo Restaurant (TTR)相同著名的芝士蛋糕融为一体,创造出结合世上两大美食的甜品。CDLC 总经理 Lio Lim 兴奋地说:“我们近期与 Sanrio 的合作取得了巨大的成功。我们遵守承诺,不会就此停下脚步。这次很荣幸能与我们新的合作伙伴 TTR 推出全新的作品。TTR 远近驰名的芝士蛋糕加上 CDLC 特别创造的冰淇淋造型和口味一定会震撼冰淇淋界。很高兴地我们找到了最适合的伙伴 TTR, 结合了两者的优势,为冰淇淋和芝士蛋糕爱好者带来崭新的口感体验。当然,冰淇淋与芝士蛋糕爱好者铁定会认可和爱上我们为大家带来的选择:手作冰淇淋Burnt Caramel Cheesecake: 享受美味的烧焦焦糖冰淇淋旋绕在 TTR 芝士蛋糕而带来顺滑及浓郁的口感绝对能虏获您的味蕾。Tokyo La Crème:有着新鲜澳洲忌廉芝士的绵密忌廉芝士冰淇淋在 TTR 的芝士蛋糕上融合出完美比例的纹路,完美的口感将使您的味蕾乱了方寸。并盘甜品有着两个世界顶尖的一颗焦糖冰淇淋与 TTR 芝士蛋糕结合的并盘,再淋上榛子和焦糖。TTR 总经理 Akito Sakamoto 认同说:“我们对芝士蛋糕的合作对象非常挑剔。这对象必须是能受到我们最爱的芝士蛋糕启发而做出高水准的冰淇淋,同时也必须是我们的顾客所喜爱的。而无可厚非,在冰淇淋界高人一等的 CDLC 就是我们的选择。”

A Collaboration Featuring Pikachu Pokédex No.025 to Celebrate BABY-G’s 25th Anniversary!

The first BABY-G shock-resistant watch for active women was released in 1994 and celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. To help celebrate the special occasion, Casio is collaborating with the The Pokémon Company on a special edition of the BABY-G watch inspired by Pikachu, the 25th Pokémon in the Pokédex.Longtime fans of the Pokémon video game franchise will enjoy details on the BABY-G watch reflecting the style of the original Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue video games released in 1996 in an edgy way.The numbers “0:25” are printed on the band loop, while on a black base, the watch band is decorated with neon, polygon-style Pikachu lightning marks, and Poké Balls. The design of the dial references the original game screen, giving a very 90’s feel. A polygon-style Pikachu appears when the EL backlight is turned on, and Pikachu’s rear view is engraved on the back cover. Even the packaging is specially shaped like a Poké Ball.This special anniversary model uniquely features Pikachu, who first took the world by storm by storm in the 90’s and whose popularity continues worldwide today.Display Design Back Engraving Special Packaging SpecificationShock resistantElectro-luminescent backlight∗ Selectable illumination duration (1.5 seconds or 3 seconds), afterglow • World time∗ 29 time zones (48 cities), daylight saving on/off1/100-second stopwatch∗  Measuring capacity: 59'59.99''∗  Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time, 1st-2nd place timesCountdown timer∗  Measuring unit: 1 second∗  Countdown range: 24 hours∗  Countdown start time setting range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments∗  and 1-hour increments)5 daily alarms (with 1 snooze alarm)Hourly time signalFull auto-calendar (to year 2099)12/24-hour formatButton operation tone on/offRegular timekeeping: Hour, minute, second, am/pm, date, dayAccuracy: ±30 seconds per monthApprox. battery life: 3 years on CR1616Size of case / total weight∗ BGD-560PKC .............44.7×40.0×12.5 mm / 44 gThe model is now available at all G-Factory stores and authorized dealers, and is retailing at RM 579.

Dream Vending Town Radio Station by Aforadio X Quill City Mall

A Platform for children to discover their dreams while having fun through " Dream Vending Town", a play town centred idea for children to explore more about real-world occupations. Happening through interactive exhibits and plays; children are able to have fun while fostering their curiosity , creativity , critical thinking , problem solving and teamwork. We would love to inspire and empower children that their dreams are worth pursuing and it is okay to dream big. Also, the dream vending town is an inspiring play town for children to explore and to deal like grown-ups do. Dream Vending Town offers 10 different fun-filled Role Play dream station to be explored (Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Radio Station, Airline Training Centre, Shopping Mall , Cooking School, Modelling School, Acting & Entertainment and Driving Centre).Check out the little Announcers Podcast here : Dream Vending Town 23/11/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 24/11/19 (12.30pm to 1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 30/11/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 1/12/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 7/12/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 8/12/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 14/12/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm)Dream Vending Town 15/12/19 (12.30pm to1.30pm) & (4.30pm to 5.30pm) 

Save up to RM 650 with HONOR’s 12.12 sale

Purchase best-selling HONOR smartphones and win HONOR products from 6 – 12 December 2019! Global smartphone brand, HONOR today announced the great 12.12 sale with mega deals, special bundles and free gifts on HONOR’s official e-commerce website hihonor.   Save the date as HONOR Malaysia will begin its sale on December 6 till December 12. During this period, you’ll also stand a chance to win selected HONOR products for free through the Slash & Win deals – one of them being the super limited edition HONOR 20 PRO Moschino edition. This edition is not sold in Malaysia, so you’ll get exclusive bragging rights!   HONOR Smartphones Model RRP 6 – 12 DecemberFree Gift HONOR 20 PRO (with 2 years warranty) RM 1,999   RM 1,899 - HONOR 20 (with 2 years warranty) RM 1,399 RM 1,199HONOR Band 5 Sport HONOR 20 Lite RM 799 RM 799 - HONOR View20 (6+128) RM 1,499 RM 899HONOR View20 Case and Screen Protector HONOR 9X RM 999 RM 999 - HONOR 10 RM 1,399 RM 749HONOR Body Fat Scale or HONOR Band 5 Sport  HONOR Accessories ModelRRP 6 – 12 December HONOR Sport PRO  RM299   RM199HONOR Watch Magic   RM459   RM399 HONOR Band 5   RM129    RM111 HONOR Band 5 Sport   RM 79   RM79 HONOR Flypods Lite    RM349   RM259 HONOR Soundstone Speaker   RM149   RM99 HONOR View20 Cover (Blue)  RM 79   RM30 HONOR 20 Flip Cover (Black) RM 79 RM30  HONOR Holiday Special Bundle ModelRRP 6 – 12 December  HONOR Band 5 +HONOR Sport PRO  RM 428 RM 299HONOR Band 5 Sport Couple Set  RM 158 RM 129 Slash & Win Deals*  Model RRP Period  Slashed Deal HONOR Mini Speaker (limited units) RM 99 6 – 12 Dec FREE HONOR 10,000mAh Powerbank (limited units)  RM 149 12 Dec RM 49 HONOR 20 PRO (8GB+256GB) Moschino Edition (1 unit) N/A 12.12 exclusive 12 Dec FREE On 12.12, HONOR will also be launching a variety of new colors for the HONOR Band 5. Consumers will now be able pick from Coral Pink, Olive Green, Midnight Navy, on top of the earlier-launched Meteorite Black. Retailing at RM 149, the fitness tracker will be available to purchase at only RM 111 in conjunction with HONOR’s 12.12 sale starting at 12 AM on December 6. For more information on HONOR Malaysia, visit HONOR’s official e-commerce website and information portal at http://hihonor.com/my, or check out the official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HonorMY/for exciting updates.    

“贺岁女王” 王雪晶震撼全球荣归金鼓風鸣雷霆万钓傲霸迎新岁!

“贺岁女王”王當晶,挟持雷霆万钓滔天之势,2020贺岁回归全球流行乐坛:女王霸气驾到,谁与争锋!小小年纪踏入乐坛,即掀起一股“王雪晶”之旋,当年拍唱过无数贺岁歌曲的她,迅速成为国內外皇牌贺岁小唱将,过去发表的一系列贺岁卡带、录影带及光碟影碟至今于国内外,包括中国及全球有华人的地方,仍是市场上的销售热点,一时无两。及,王雪晶与另三位女歌手联盟创组“M-Girls”,所发表的“四个女生“贺岁合辑,更是万众瞩目的皇牌贺岁巨片、而王雪晶更是我们的贺岁焦点,傲视群雄。隔别3年没出版贺岁歌辑,王雪晶以“贺岁女主”驾到之勇态覆行对歌友们的承诺,确定2020出版全新华语个人贺岁DVD+CD考辑,这也是她阔别整整25年后才以个人方式推出贺岁大碟,可说是来势汕油,对她国内外的广大判丝来说,可是漫长的等待,引颈待盼后的一大喜讯,势必霸气震撼 2020流行乐坛。由 ShiningEPro工作室首炮金力策制的王雪晶全新个人贺岁:〈金鼓風鸣迎新岁〉 DVD+CD 专辑,历经年余慎思筹划悉心制作,重头特约大权威资深贺岁歌曲创作人:邓智彰、依尔及寿忠交出2首全新贺岁之作,即:标题曲, 〈金鼓凤鸣迎新岁〉(词 / 依尔 曲/寿忠)、以及副题曲:《春天的心跳〉(词曲 / 邓智彰)。此外,张爱辉收师也参与作词一首。值得一提,重头主打歌〈金鼓凤鸣迎新岁〉,乃撰词人依尔针对王雪晶阔别25年后推出个人贺岁回归乐坛的心声而写,100巴仙为她量身打造,配上资深音乐人寿忠的节奏感曲调, 经王雪晶的俐落唱功喜悦演绎,彻底烘托出整首贺岁歌洋溢着浓浓新春激荡振奋的感觉!同时,在特别获得“来亚汉服运动”全力配合下,王雪晶首次作汉服文化装束,并在导演安排下拉队北上取景拍摄这首《金鼓風鸣迎新岁〉 MV,曾造出气势磅礴的贺岁女王王雪晶!另一首由贺岁创作天王邓智彰词曲的副打歌:〈春天的心跳〉,则是王雪晶贺岁专辑中的一首清朗细腻贺岁创作,其余收录的新年歌、都经过悉心挑选,迎合喜爱贺岁歌曲朋友的口味,首首绝 对是“贺岁女王”的强势之作。王雪晶2020金新个人贺岁:〈金鼓風鸣迎新岁〉DVD+CD 专辑, ShiningEPro精心策制、双碟装诚意献上, PMP全总发行,坚持购买正版,以珍藏拥有王雪晶阔别25年后第一张个人贺岁大碟!


WORLD-RENOWNED FILM PRODUCER, PEGGY LEE, KNOWN FOR ‘DOA: DEAD OR ALIVE’, ‘CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON’, ‘KUNGFU HUSTLE’, ‘THE BRAVEST’ AND ‘THE CAPTAIN’ TO PRODUCE ‘BEYOND LIFE & DEATH’ IN MALAYSIAMr. Solehuddin Ahmad, Director of Tourism Malaysia on behalf of YB Liow Cai Tung, Johor Executive Committee Chairman for Tourism, Women, Family & Community Development welcomed Golden Shield Television Centre of the People’s Republic of China and Changsha LeFeng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (LeFeng) to partner- up with Malaysia’s Moths Studio Sdn. Bhd. (Moths Studio) to produce a series of multiple cultural entertainment projects (eg. movies, dramas, programs, activities, events, property, etc) between Malaysia and China with an accumulated value of RM 3 Billion over the next 5 years. The first joint-project is to co-produce a RM 237 Million China-Malaysia international co-production blockbuster in Johor, Malaysia.Mr. Solehuddin Ahmad, Director of Tourism Malaysia for the Southern Region on behalf of YB Liow Cai Tung, Johor Executive Committee Chairman for Tourism, Women, Family & Community Development said during the press conference held on 3rd December 2019 at Forest City Phoenix International Marina Hotel, Johor Bahru, “The Malaysian Government is extremely honored to have this international collaboration between China and Malaysia which certainly will boost the tourist arrivals to Malaysia. Malaysia, especially Johor, is truly blessed with many scenic and iconic locations from the crystal white sands of Desaru Beach to the nostalgic buildings at Heritage Street to the amazing night market of Pasar Karat to the Victorian-Moorish design of Sultan Abu Bakar State Mosque and many more. Through this collaboration, we hope that the world will be able to see all of Malaysia’s natural beauty, heritage, arts and culture”.The first landmark of this collaboration between the Chinese and Malaysian parties is a co- production of a top-secret agent action-packed movie, entitled “Beyond Life & Death”, where approximately RM 11.8 Million of its budget is to be spent in Johor, Malaysia.Peggy Lee Ji Wen (李锦文), who is a world-renowned Film Producer and also the Art & Film Director of Golden Shield Television Centre, announced the overall creative development and production plans of the feature film and television series projects between both parties (collaboration) over the next 5 years during the press conference. Besides the first feature film project, “Beyond Life & Death”, Peggy Lee will also oversee the production of the blockbuster, ‘Tianjin Explosion’ and ‘Resurrection Day’, science fiction movies, which cost approximately RM 400 Million each.In addition, the project, which is based on a Chinese pilot, is also supported by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), which is a key strategic partnership project between both parties with the interest to develop the Asian Television and Film Industry. As for the movie, “Beyond Life & Death”, the script writer, director and casts are currently kept confidential, as it is still being discussed with the director and the starring actors, rest assured that the final line-up of casts and production team will certainly be most prominent.According to Peggy Lee (李锦文), a world-renowned Film Producer, “I am excited and lookingforward to begin producing the film in Malaysia. With my great experience and profile, I am confident that my movies will be able to stimulate growth and development of the entertainment industry for both nations and foster intimate friendships between China & Malaysia”.Chris Tong Bing Yu (童冰玉) is a well-known Malaysian artist, who has recently been active in the fashion industry. Her most recent movie are “The Twins” (双生) co-produced with Eric Suen (孙耀威) last year, as well as the remake of the ever-popular movie, “Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre” (倚天屠龙记) earlier this year. Chris Tong, a renowned award- recipient of the prestigious American Chinese Film Festival last year, also has two Chinese feature films and television series on hand. In addition to acting, Chris Tong, Founder of Moths Studio, is currently the producer of an international blockbuster, “Beyond Life and Death” and will be co-producing with Peggy Lee Ji Wen (李锦文), who represents the famous film industry group, Golden Shield Television Centre, and is also one of the most prominent figure behind the scenes supporter of this Malaysia-China cultural project cooperation.All the while in her entire entertainment career, Chris Tong has always been a curiosity to the public. During the press conference, Chris Tong emphasized that she is a Malaysian actress, based in Singapore, and hopes that her status as a Malaysian will create opportunities between Malaysia and other countries. As a career transition into becoming a producer, she also shared her experience and challenges in the past year. However, she insisted that she has not forgotten her origins as an actress and would never give up acting but will continue to deepen her passion for the industry.Chris Tong Bing Yu, a famous Malaysian actress who received an award from the prestigious American Chinese Film Festival, said, “This is a golden opportunity for Malaysian crews and talents from the Television and Film industry to gain exposure and built a name for themselves on the international stage. We hope this collaboration will propel the Malaysian entertainment industry to greater heights and make Malaysia the next ‘Hollywood of Asia”.Shi Cai Wen, Chairman of Changsha LeFeng Culture Communication Co., Ltc., said, “We are excited to work with Malaysia’s Moths Studio on our first collaboration project, ‘Beyond Life & Death’. We believe Moths Studio has a lot to offer and we are determined to make this blockbuster a hit at the box office. We are truly amazed with the Malaysian culture and landscape, which we will enjoy infusing these elements into the movie”.“We are honored to be working with Golden Shield Television Centre through Changsha LeFeng Culture Communication. This 5-year collaboration deal will open a lot of opportunities for not only the Malaysian television and film industry but also the tourism industry and local businesses. We hope to make Malaysia proud with this international collaboration production of ‘Beyond Life & Death’ and other future collaboration projects,” said Kee Kai Loon, CEO of Moths Studio.It is also worth mentioning that Anita Chui (崔碧珈), a famous European and American Marketing Director of Moths Studio, is not only an actress, but also known as a business entrepreneur in Hong Kong. Since 2017, she has been deeply involved in various film/television investments projects and even opened-up attractive investment opportunities within the European & American shores. In 2018, she successfully became the first American Chinese female producer in the French Italian Film Festival to produce the movie, ‘NAUSICA’, which is expected to be released next year.In addition, a Hollywood movie, ‘Don’t Forget Me’, which Anita Chui is producing, costing US $30 Million, is expected to be entirely shot in Malaysia. Moths Studio will be tasked with the production, thus, creating more job opportunities for the television and film Industry in Malaysia. There will also be another Hollywood A-level blockbuster to be co-produced next year, shot in Malaysia. With Anita Chui’s strong status, network and experience, she is poised to bring the best opportunities in the television and film industry from Europe & America into Malaysia through Moths Studio.With the cooperation of the Tourism, Women, Family & Community Development, Tourism Malaysia, Johor Tourism Association (JTA) and the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), it is hoped that this new joint venture and the multiple co-productions projects will place Malaysia in the right path in achieving the ‘Visit Truly Asia Malaysia 2020’ campaign goal of 30 Million tourists and enriching the creative economy.