Creating long-lasting memories with loved ones and fueling art and film enthusiasts from all walks of life, Malaysians can look forward to the much anticipated world-class pop-up museum  - ‘The World of Tim Burton.’  Organized and presented by Toybox Projects Sdn. Bhd. - a multi-entertainment and cross-media multinational company, the event acts as an initiative to bring greater awareness to the Malaysian tourism sector through entertainment and draw in more and more local and international visitors in 2023. The World of Tim Burton has paved waves across prominent countries around the world since its debut in 2009,  including China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, Mexico, Belgium, Prague, and more. This year, Malaysia has been officially added to the line-up to experience this world-class event. Toybox Projects has dedicated their utmost hard work and efforts to the investment, negotiation, planning, and execution of such a world-class event in hopes for Malaysians to experience one of the world's most demanded forms of entertainment.  As a result, Malaysia will be the first and only Southeast Asian country to play host to The World of Tim Burton and last Asia stop in the pop-up museum world tour.YB Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture (MOTAC) shared, “We are honored to be the only Southeast Asian country to play host to this world-class pop-up museum  - this speaks volumes about Malaysia’s excellent creative sector and I am positive that this will definitely inspire and invigorate current and aspiring filmmakers, artists and creatives to showcase what our Malaysia Truly Asia has to offer.”Visitors will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity  to take a deep dive into Tim Burton’s personal archive which represents the artist’s creative output from childhood to the present day, with over 500 drawings, paintings, photographs, sketchbooks, moving-image works, and sculptural installations focusing on the recurrent visual themes and motifs that resonate in the distinctive characters and worlds found in Burton’s art and films.Additionally, the pop-up museum will include 10 thematic sections  composed of paintings, drawings, photographs, videos, and media arts as well as a teaser into current Tim Burton projects provided to the visitors through the exact replica of Tim Burton’s personal work studio:SECTION 1: INFLUENCESTim Burton’s versatility and range, as well as the influence of his predecessors, are demonstrated in this section where the earliest works of the exhibition are found. Drawings from Burton’s childhood and early career pay homage to classic cartoonists and illustrators such as Edward Gorey, Charles Addams, Don Martin, and Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Burton’s class notes and sketches from his studies at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) offer insight into his formal training. The substantial influences of Japanese kaiju (monster) movies, Expressionist Cinema, Universal Studios’ horror catalog, stop-motion animation master Ray Harryhausen, and suspense maestro Vincent Price are also revealed in these works.SECTION 2: HOLIDAYSThis prominent theme originates from Tim Burton’s upbringing in Burbank, California, a homogenous suburban neighborhood that came alive only during the holiday seasons. Representing a creative respite from dull monotony, this early influence is seen throughout his work—in the form of sincere appreciation as well as a satirical wink. Examples include his 1997 book of illustrated poems The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories (1997) and the stop-motion animated musical Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) in which Halloween and Christmas are ghoulishly and gleefully linked.SECTION 3: CARNIVALESQUEThe theme of the “carnivalesque”—the mixture between comedy and the grotesque—is seen in Tim Burton’s films from Beetlejuice (1988) and Batman (1989) to Alice in Wonderland (2010) and Dark Shadows (2012) as well as in his personal drawings and paintings. These selections exemplify Burton’s treatment of the balance between the seemingly opposing genres of horror and humor. The imagery of twisting tongues, eyeballs wandering out of their sockets, and poisonous clowns—often accompanied by deadpan wordplay humor—alludes to this dichotomous theme.SECTION 4: FIGURATIVE WORKSThese drawings, paintings, and sculptures, unrelated to Tim Burton’s professional projects, are some of his most personal artworks. Burton depicts physical reality not as it appears, but how it is personally felt through a distortion of perspective and the human figure. Included in this section are Burton’s studies for Blue Girl with Wine and The Green Man, positioned alongside the final paintings which highlight Burton’s signature aesthetic.SECTION 5: MISUNDERSTOOD OUTCASTThe most recognizable theme of Tim Burton’s art and films is the archetypical—and perhaps autobiographical—“misunderstood outcast.” These sympathetic monsters are found in projects from the stop-motion animated short film Vincent (1982) to the Hollywood blockbuster Alice in Wonderland (2010). Included in this section are drawings and the concept maquette for Balloon Boy, a 22-foot site-specific installation that the Museum of Modern Art commissioned for its entrance lobby during the inaugural presentation of the Tim Burton exhibition tour. This original creation bears a melancholy countenance and embodies the characteristics of the artist’s beloved outsiders.SECTION 6: FILM CHARACTERSFor visitors who are well-acquainted with Tim Burton’s movies—from his first feature, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure (1985), to his latest, Dumbo (2019)—This section offers a deeper look into familiar characters and worlds. Paintings, videos, script notes, storyboards, puppets, and maquettes show how film characters progressed from ideas in Burton’s mind to the cinema screen.SECTION 7: POLAROIDSUsing a rare 20 x 24 large-format instant camera, Tim Burton produced several series of oversized Polaroid prints between 1992 and 1999. These personal photographs express visual themes and motifs that appear in his professional films. SECTION 8: AROUND THE WORLDThe spontaneity of Tim Burton’s creative process is highlighted by the works in this section.  Drawings made in sketchbooks and on hotel notepads and restaurant napkins are impulses of his restless imagination.  The worldwide travels that are necessary to the itinerant life of a film director—shooting locations, film festivals, publicity tours—provide inspiration and subject matter.  The resulting dream-like imagery of hyper-reality reflects Burton’s perceptions of the people and places encountered.SECTION 9: UNREALIZED PROJECTS These works from Tim Burton’s film, television, and book projects that were halted in various stages of development reveal the extent of his artistic output. Some of these projects never progressed beyond the beginnings of the ideation stage while other projects in this section were fully realized but did not incorporate any of Burton’s concepts in the final product. The drawings in this section provide a rare glimpse into previously unknown projects that affirm the continuity of the artist’s themes and motifs and also served as inspiration for the exhibition design of Burton’s art exhibition.SECTION 10: THE ARTIST’S STUDIOTim Burton is a solitary artist, constantly drawing, painting, and planning, working away in his studio. For the first time, a part of Tim Burton’s studio is replicated in the exhibition as a way for visitors to experience how the artist’s passion and artistic spirit come to life. The sketches and drawings on cork boards feature works relating to current projects, including those he created for his Seoul exhibition’s entrance sculptures and his new TV series project, Wednesday. Ms. Yuri Aizawa, President & Chief Executive Officer of Toybox Projects Sdn. Bhd and Organizer and Presenter of The World of Tim Burton said, “We have been known as a Japanese entertainment specialist. But this year marks our 10th anniversary and with one of our goals being to contribute to expanding the entertainment market in Malaysia as well as connecting with Japan and now to the world, we know "The World of Tim Burton" is the perfect one to bring in not only because of Tim Burton's popularity, creativity and the iconic style, which will surely bring in more tourists to Malaysia but also by bringing in this one of the kind and the first class pop-up museum, we hope to influence the Malaysian creative industry to expand its market.”Furthermore, fans of Tim Burton will be able have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about the art of films through an exclusive virtual masterclass titled “Tim Burton’s Masterclass” hosted by Tim Burton himself on 14 April 2023 where he will tell his story on the art of films, his unique creative processes, and the road to becoming a prominent household name in the entertainment and film industry.This once-in-a-lifetime experience to immerse one’s self in the artworks of one of cinema’s most valued filmmakers will be available to the public starting tomorrow 21 March 2023 to 30 July 2023 and can be purchased at https://kol-nation.com/the-world-of-tim-burton-malaysia/ priced at only RM88 for adults, RM68 for children and senior citizens,  and RM48 for the OKU. In addition to this, visitors can also opt for a season pass (multiple entries to the exhibit) priced at RM498 or the VIP Bundle inclusive of a season pass, a master pass to the virtual Tim Burton’s Masterclass, The Art of Tim Burton book, and special signed merchandise for only RM1,500.* AFO Announcer - @Papi ZakFor more information on The World of Tim Burton, kindly visit: https://www.toyboxprojects.com/timburton

2023年《第14届云顶世界狮王争霸战》 国际舞狮精英重返云顶世界,上演一场龙争虎斗的狮王争霸赛!

准备好迎接一场充满戏剧性杂技动作的视觉震撼了吗?对于喜好舞狮比赛者而言,2023年《第14届云顶世界狮王争霸战》绝对是一场不能错过的精彩赛事。集聚了世界各地最优秀的舞狮团队,随着激动人心的锣鼓节奏,为您带来一连串高难度的高空跳跃动作!舞狮是一种百年民间艺术的巅峰,其历史可追溯至2000年前。直至如今,舞狮表演仍然继续为不同年龄层的观众们带来无限的娱乐及有趣的文化体验!2023年《第14届云顶世界狮王争霸战》将于2023年8月4日至6日在云顶云星剧场举行。届时,来自马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、日本、澳洲等等国家狮队将齐聚云顶世界,在3天的赛事上使出浑身解数,让现场观众欣赏他们出神入化的技术。《第14届云顶世界狮王争霸战》初赛定于8月4日至5日进行,得分最高的队伍将晋级于8月6日的冠军赛。云顶世界娱乐及活动策划部副总裁翁诗融表示:“我们很荣幸的再次主办这一年一度的云顶世界狮王争霸战,这是因为马来西亚的所有种族都十分喜爱这项赛事。”今年的云顶世界狮王争霸战将为胜出的狮队准备一系列诱人的奖金。今年的冠军队伍将可以抱走1万5000美元的现金奖、奖杯及个人奖牌。亚军及季军得主则可分别获得8,000美元和5,000美元奖金、奖杯及个人奖牌;至于其他8支成功晋级决赛的队伍可分别获得1,500美元,以及参赛奖杯。自增设以来就备受瞩目的“东方狮王”和“西方狮王”奖项,也将卷土重来,颁发予来自东方和西方国家的最佳狮队。除此之外,现场也将颁发由评审们评选出的“金鼓奖”,以及开放予公众投票的“最佳人气奖”。观众可期待观赏到世界各地最优秀的舞狮队伍卯足全力,展现十八般武艺以争取最高荣耀,致力为观众展现高度艺术价值的演出。1天票价: 60令吉(PS2 - 自由入座) 3天票价:230令吉(PS1 - 对号入座)、 140令吉(PS2 - 自由入座)另外,95公分以下的儿童需购买50令吉的无座位儿童票。所有票价未包括4令吉手续费,云顶云尊卡会员可以通过现金、信用卡或云顶积分来购买或兑换门票。需要额外支付4令吉的处理费。欲了解更多详情,请浏览www.rwgenting.com或云顶世界官方社交媒体账号。   

Art of Speed Malaysia 2023 presented by BRO ASIA

With a record-breaking crowd response from 2022, Art of Speed returns for 2023 – bigger and better than ever! This year, Malaysia’s premier Kustom & Counter Culture event is invading Malaysia Agro Exposition Park, Serdang (MAEPS) – 350,000 sqft indoor venue, 8.6 acre outdoor venue – taking over every event hall and features even more activities to satisfy the fans and visitors. MAEPS will host Art of Speed 2023 (AOS 2023) on 29 July 2023 (10:00 am – 7:00 pm) and 30 July 2023 (10:00 am – 7:00 pm).*Asep Ahmad, Founder Art of Speed MalaysiaThe AOS 2023 featured guest list from the international custom community and media will include:Shige Suganuma, Emi Suganuma, “Sunny” Yano & Michi “NATQQ” from MOONEYES; Japan Cycle Zombies; USAV-Twin Visionary; USAWild Road Choppers; JapanCosmic Chopper City; JapanGeoff from Return of Cafe Racer; USADino Dalle Carbonare from Speedhunters.com; JapanSide Yakotani; JapanHopping Shower; JapanBoopin; JapanKen Flat Top; JapanJetwrench_artstudio; JapanVondutch; IndonesiaYa Seat; ThailandThe main highlights for AOS 2023 will feature:1. New For 2023! - The Outdoor ThunderCircus “Brotherhood Rally” – a fully dedicated open area for motorcycle riders and enthusiasts. Highlights for ThunderCircus include a motorcycle stunt show performed by professional riders, as well as a mega ride in and gathering of various motorcycle groups from across Malaysia and around the region.2. New For 2023! - Taking over Hall B for 2023 will be the 1st Official Hot Wheels Collector Convention in Southeast Asia. Visitors will be able to enjoy even more Hot Wheels activities, diorama displays - which includes the Hot Wheels Rare and Collectibles Exhibition, Hot Wheels Skate School, Hot Wheels Swap Buy And Sell, and many more. Hot Wheels fans will also be able to meet and greet famous Hot Wheels designer from USA. And to top it all off, there will be a record attempt at the largest Hot Wheels formation in Malaysia. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Hot Wheels in Malaysia, Mattel is joining hands with Malaysia’s iconic national automotive brand, PROTON to create the first ever Hot Wheels – Proton Saga vehicle. In conjunction with this historic occasion, Mattel is giving a shout out for all Malaysian kids to come exercise their creativity for the Hot Wheels x PROTON Kids Design Competition. The winning design will be commemorated as the design of the blister card of the Proton Saga vehicle ‘special edition’ and will be sold nationwide in Malaysia early 2024! 3. New For 2023! - The Hot Wheels Legends Tour, debuts at AOS 2023. This year, the Official Malaysia competition will be held on Sunday during AOS 2023, featuring both local and international judges to select a Champion to represent Malaysia on the world stage. Registrations for the Hot Wheels Legends Tour will be on-ground at AOS 2023.4. In collaboration with NoEqual.co is the NEAT Fest in Hall C, which will feature a collective display of hand selected modified cars from across Malaysia.5. Returning to Hall C for 2023 will be the Off The Grid outdoor camping and lifestyle - featuring "outdoor lifestyle" held indoors with air-condition comfort and plenty of activities for both on and off stage for the entire family to enjoy.6. Hail Vintage is back for AOS 2023 and will be hosted in Hall D, showcasing a large variety of vintage collectibles. Specialist vendors will be invited not only to sell but also display their extensive collection. This year’s theme is MUSIC and features the rarest of music collectibles, merchandise, and memorabilia.7. Qhalis Najmi from NoEqual.co will be this year’s host for our annual Kustom & Koffee Talk inside Hall A at 3.30pm on Saturday, together with overseas panelists. The forum will discuss the latest trends in bike and car industries.8. Show & Shine returns in Hall A, featuring the best selection of modified cars and custom motorcycles with an opportunity for Best of Show to win a trip to The 31st Annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show to be held in December 2023.Additional AOS 2023 activities include:Roda Rumble 2023 – Two Wheels Gathering & Outdoor Festival supported by Retro ManiaLa Cultura – Malaysia’s Chicano Culture Appreciation Gathering, which includes a fashion display of Cholo and Chicano style, Dance and DJ show, and moreStreetware Con - streetwear fashion vendors galore at Hall DPinup Pageant presented by Cherrybomb Pinup ParlourFood Park food vendors and trucks now with sheltered access at the Food and Beverage basement/underground level DG Automotive Flea MarketProduct launching on stageTest Ride Zone for bike (Ducati, Royal Alloy, Italjet, Royal Enfield, Vespa, Aprilia, Triumph, Harley-Davidson and moreAlso returning for AOS 2023 is the highly popular SoundCircus Festival. The line-up for this year’s SoundCircus Festival* will be revealed at a later date.*SoundCircus Festival is for ages 16 years old and above ONLY!Connect with Art Of Speed : Website  | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube

Freshable's Ramadan Delight With Cash-back Vouchers and Premium Discounts!

Freshable, the innovative ready-to-cook meal kit delivery service, is proud to announce the launch of their Festive Ramadan Campaign in partnership with Live It Up!. From March 1 to April 21, 2023, Freshable will be offering their delicious and healthy options for Sahur and Iftar meals, along with cash-back vouchers and discounts on premium cookware.Freshable is a team of passionate F&B specialists who shared a vision to create a delivery service for ready-to-cook meal kits. It has set out to revolutionize home cooking by providing pre-cut ingredients and pre-portioned meal plans right to the doorstep, providing a simple solution for cooking nutritionally balanced meals at home.*Featuring Almond Basmati Pilaf with Dried Fruits, Beef Kofta Skewers with Tzatziki, Medjool Dates with Carrots and Green Salad, Chicken 65 and Vegan Charred Cauliflower & Lentil Curry. More selections to be introduced every week during this Ramadan.Freshable’s Ramadan menu this year features fourteen premier Middle Eastern meals with one side dish and with every purchase comes a box of Medjool dates. These meals are expertly designed to be conscious of nutrition, wellness, food logistics and supply chains to ensure only the freshest and highest-quality ingredients are used. Their recipes have been crafted to suit a variety of health conditions and diets, as it offers lower carb, lower sodium, lower calories, higher protein, diabetic friendly with vegan and vegetarian options.To celebrate this festive season, customers who purchase over RM150 worth of meal kits from Freshable’s website will receive cash-back vouchers ranging from RM10 to RM30, valid between March 1 and April 30, 2023. In addition, Freshable has partnered with Live It Up! to offer discounts up to 80% on the selected elegant range of Zwilling and Zwiesel products, including the Zwilling Trueflow 5 pieces Cookware Set, Zwilling Bela 16 pieces Cutlery Set, Zwiesel Glas Show 6 pieces set and more. Customers who have bought at least one of the fourteen main dishes from the Festive Ramadan Campaign range on Freshable’s website are entitled to this discount by showing their receipt at the 1Utama Live It Up! Store.Co-founder and CEO of Freshable, Adeline Tang, said, “At Freshable, we're not just solving mealtime problems. We're on a mission to change the way people approach food, by offering healthier and simpler meal alternatives. Our ultimate goal is to help people lead healthier, happier lives through the power of whole foods while reducing the impact on the environment by minimizing food waste and optimizing the supply chain. And this mission of ours is driven by our love for food and the belief that everyone deserves access to delicious and nutritious meals, especially this Ramadan.”Visit www.freshable.co to start stocking your cart.  This Ramadan, let Freshable make your Sahur and Iftar meals more convenient, healthy, and delicious.Connect with Freshable : Facebook  | Instagram

Join the Game-Changer: AFA Superapp Digitalises the Malaysian Sports Experience

AFA Community is championing the digitalisation of sporting activities in the Malaysian community with the introduction of its new AFA Superapp — a sports community platform that lets users create and find activities, manage RSVPs in groups, book venues and pay seamlessly, earn loyalty points and redeem rewards, and enjoy deals from partners  — all at their fingertips. This effort to digitalise sports supports the core strategies that the Youth & Sports Ministry of Malaysia (KBS) and the National Sports Institute of Malaysia (ISN) have mapped out in order to make Malaysia an active nation by 2023. Co-developed by SegWitz, the AFA superapp has already garnered more than 150,000 users as of March 2023, booked over 500,000 hours played across 90 sports venues in 11 states - Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor, Malacca, Penang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Perak, Kedah, Sabah and Sarawak and will continue to progressively establish a wider presence across the nation in the coming months.YB Hannah Yeoh, Minister of Youth and Sports, on the unveiling of the AFA Superapp said, “Sports has the ability to bring Malaysians together, transcending differences and uniting us in a common pursuit. Whether played for fun or in a competitive setting, sports has the power to engage and foster a sense of community. Hence, the launch of the new AFA Superapp has the potential to bring Malaysia’s sports industry to greater heights through digitalisation, while also providing easy accessibility to participate and promote a more healthy and active lifestyle amongst Malaysians”. Ahmad Faedzal, CEO of ISN shares his support for the superapp’s potential, “AFA Community is Phase One of six emerging sports technology startups with which ISN have shareholding and active participation. We are proud to support and stand along with this visionary team and believe that this platform will be a real game-changer for the sports community in Malaysia at all levels.” Designed to solve challenges that are commonly faced by sports aficionados who often struggle with traditional booking methods, the superapp will be rolling out much-awaited features in the coming months. One of which is an RSVP management feature which makes organising events a stress-free experience. It also includes a secure e-wallet, AFA Pay, for hassle-free booking transactions and tracking — making cost splitting easier than ever among activity groups - whether for badminton, futsal, or any of the 50 activities that will be listed within the app. Users can also collect points from using AFA Pay, and later on when joining or creating activities. These points can be used to redeem rewards and enjoy booking discounts from AFA Community’s partners. Samuel Siew, CEO of AFA Community said, “Everyone enjoys playing sports with their families, friends, and colleagues. However, coordinating RSVPs involving large groups can always be a hassle, not to mention the tedious payment-splitting routine at the end of each session. With AFA Superapp, we want to transform the way Malaysians play sports — our goal is to provide a seamless and enjoyable way for individuals to discover and organize group sports activities, classes, and events nearby. Users can also connect with others who share similar interests to play the sports they love together”. On a mission to become the leading, all-in-one platform for activities and engagement for Malaysian communities, AFA Superapp is looking to significantly expand its user base, venue, reward, and service partnerships by the end of 2023. To know more about the AFA Superapp or for partnership opportunities, visit afa.community, or follow AFA Community on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Linkedin. From left : CEO and Co-Founder of AFA Superapp - Samuel Siew and AFO Announcer -  Linora Low. Download the AFA Superapp at www.afa.community or Google Play Store and iOS Apple Store.

KL Wellness City – Healthcare Developer in Malaysia Advocates for a Healthy and Fun Festive Celebration

In line with KL Wellness City’s corporate philosophy of redefining wellness; KL Wellness City (KLWC) recognises the importance of cultivating a community that prioritises well-being, especially among the younger generation. KLWC, as a healthcare developer is thrilled to announce the launch of SongkranMY 2023, a water-splashing festival inspired by Thailand’s Songkran festival. This event is KLWC’s  first participation in bringing this international festivity locally, and by adding local performances to the festivities, KLWC aims to promote the local entertainment industry, providing opportunities for the youth to showcase their talents, and fostering a sense of pride in the international’s festivity locally.“As a healthcare developer, we recognise the importance of fostering healthy habits among young people. By providing opportunities for them to participate in wellness activities, we hope to instill healthy practices that will benefit them for years to come. We believe that a healthy community is a happy community, and we remain committed to advocating for activities that promote wellness and a balanced lifestyle.” said Dato’ Sri Vincent Tiew, Executive Director of KL Wellness City.The Nobel Healthcare Park, is the first-of-its-kind medical and wellness hub that will revolutionize the way medical professionals operate and manage their practices, as well as the way people live and reside, incorporating longevity and wellness in their daily lives. The ultimate goal is to make Malaysia the top destination for medical tourism and to set a new standard for hospitality, living and medical care through KLWC, as stated by Tiew.As a community that is dedicated to promoting healthy and fun festivities by bringing the spirit and the essence of the activity to Malaysia, SongkranMy will be held right here in the heart of Kuala Lumpur at the KL Wellness City, Bukit Jalil on 15th April 2023. The event organised by Ebakz Sports is in collaboration with KL Wellness City, Gear UP and Kbox, who share the same vision and objective of promoting wellness and activities for youngsters and youths in Malaysia by providing a stage for these talented people to showcase themselves. It is with honor to have Mr. Shahrin Mokhtar, the Director, Package Development Division, Tourism Malaysia and Mohd Hedzri Mohd Sobbri, the Senior Tourism Officer, Package Development Division, Tourism Malaysia representing the Director General of Tourism joining for the media launch. This is the first year adopting this festivity where we will add scenes of local performances to promote local entertainment industry especially the youngsters and youth. Believe in wellness activities are key in to a healthy lifestyle and we wish to provide our future stars to start young. Water activities will be a good icebreaker and bonding platform for them to enjoy a good lifestyle weekend therefore KL Wellness City in Bukit Jalil will be the place to be.The Event will have 3 Zones which is the Wet Zone, Party Zone and Feed Zone. Wet Zone is where all the games and activities where you will get wet and wild. Have fun, have laughter but have mercy on young children and senior citizens. Remember, safety is the best priority to having good fun. Party Zone is the place where all performances will be held. There will be plenty of performances to keep you moving to the beat. Impress your friends with your dance move. Feed Zone is where you can feed your stomach, feed your soul and replenish or upgrade your weapons and enjoy some shopping spree with lucrative discounts and promotions. SongkranMy will comprise of 2 sessions, Fun Hour from 10am to 2pm and Party Hour will start from 6pm until 10pm. Ticket will be sold at RM 150 for adults and RM 80 for students (processing fee excluded). Both category ticket holders are entitled to entry pass for both Fun Hour session & Party Hour session.Hypergear, Vanilla Crepe, Wondrous, Vsing, DaLongYi Hotpot, Bangkok to Buriram, Nice-Style are some of the partners that will be promoting their prestigious brands and products while you get wet and enjoying yourselves. The strategy partner Champion Group and supporting partners MRCA Youth, BNC, SME Malaysia and World Gourmet also jumped in the band wagon to strengthen the vision and objective. Please visit Ticket2U HERE to purchase your ticket.For more info on the SongkranMY, please do not hesitate to contact Sabrina at 016-2613166FacebookInstagram 

For Her, By Her: Smthgood spotlights 8 women-owned conscious fashion brands this International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, is one of the most exciting days of the year. This global holiday celebrates the cultural, political and socio-economic achievements of 8 women around the world.This year, the IWD campaign theme is #EmbraceEquity.  As you may know, fast fashion is constantly violating human rights and has a negative impact on the planet. Most of our garments have been grown and produced beyond our home countries where a majority of the workforce are women, who are often exploited and underpaid. We’re here to tell you that in this story, an empowered entrepreneurial community of women are committed to changing the fashion industry in their own unique, innovative ways.This March, profit-for-purpose conscious fashion platform Smthgood aims to empower women to express their individuality. To celebrate one of the best days of the year, the brand shines a spotlight on these women-owned conscious fashion brands on their platform.Tove and Libra (Hong Kong) - Tove and Libra was founded by Christine Chow. Working behind the scenes in the fashion industry Christine and co-founder Ivan could see how negligent and ignorant many brands and consumers were being to thoughtlessly create waste. As a working mom who enjoys discovering independent brands, Christine found a real lack of options for women similar to her in Hong Kong. Wanting to show how creativity and conscious manufacturing and consumption of fashion could come hand in hand, she decided to found Tove & Libra. Built on quality over quantity, and centred around ethical sourcing and production, their mission is to make fashion that’s better for both your closet and our planet. From left : Henley Ribbed Tee - Sage, Ruffle Sleeve Ribbed Midi Dress - Dark Taupe, Cutout MiniDress - Bright White, Multi-way Tank Top - White & Convertible Crop Pants - ApricotJim Weaver (The Philippines) - Founded in 2016, JIM Weaver Designs is the brainchild of four women, sisters Mischel and Isabelle; Jenica and Jenica (Kaw), friends who share the same passion to make art wearable through fashion. The four friends come from different backgrounds and experiences working hand in hand towards a common goal: to share their culture and weave inspiring stories into their products. With Mischel’s passion for modern calligraphy and Jenica, a scarf collector, deciding to put Mischel’s art onto her scarves, art creator Isabelle and business-minded Jenica (Kaw) were roped in. For several months, the four communicated regularly to develop what would eventually be JIM Weaver’s flagship collection. Since then, the team has released over 50 designs spanning different product lines including scarves, pocket squares, reusable masks and tableware.From left : Tiger 43x43 Silk Scarf, So Fetch 43x43 Silk Scarf, So Fetch Silk ScarfFrom left : Tala Silk Scarf, Shine Bright Silk ScarfBeamBold (Hong Kong) - BeamBold began when their founder, Audra Gordon, met another colour lover and had a conversation about their shared love for bright coloured clothing & her challenges finding size appropriate options as an expat in Hong Kong. Audra's love for vibrant fabrics began at an early age while growing up on the Caribbean Islands of St. Vincent & the Grenadines with her grandmother who was a seamstress. The Aurora Collection was affectionately named to commemorate her  grandmother, Joycelyn Aurora & The Ermie Collection honours her great-grandmother, Ermie Sam. BeamBold pieces are  designed to inspire women to embrace their individuality.From left : Gazi Glory Crop Top - Orange, Sange Split Maxi Skirt - Blue, Sange Split Maxi Skirt - Watercolour TikiYogi (Indonesia) - Created in 2015 by designer Marisol Rocha, TIKIYOGI is an eco-friendly activewear fashion brand that uses eco-conscious and sustainable materials and other recycled products to create modern, and highly functional designs.Inspired by Ms. Rocha’s move to Bali in 2016, much of the island’s scenery and lifestyle has been incorporated into the brand’s collections. Comprised of an expansive variety of swimwear, surf wear and yoga wear; garments are created out of recycled fabrics, and ocean waste. Each collection has a classic, timeless design incorporating modern and vibrant prints. The brand is leading the way by using a sustainable techno-fabric made of ECONYL® regenerated Italian Nylon that turns waste into fashion.From left: Cheesecake Babe Bikini Top Miami Tropics, Cheesecake Babe High Waist Pink Rose Flamingo, Bali Flora Four Side Straps Reversible Bikini Brief Dear Senggigi (Indonesia) - Planet-pleasing fashion, handmade with love in limited quantities, Dear Senggigi products are made with sustainable material such as TENCEL™️, zero waste organic fabric – and even fabric scraps that were created during the cutting process of garment production. As part of their mission, Dear Senggigi produces products in a limited quantity, and also by pre-order, to help reduce waste and damage to our ecosystem often caused by the practices of the fast-fashion industry.From left : Mary Shirt - Green, Mary Shirt - Yellow, Isla Pants & Isla Shirt Dress - Green & Pink OliveAnkara (Singapore) - A a slow fashion brand founded by Ifeoma, founder and designer of OliveAnkara. Bringing the brand to Singapore, the brand operates from a place of curiosity and joy, celebrating the richness that diversity brings to our world. The brand’s mission is to create joyful, vibrant, well-crafted designs that draw inspiration from traditional African fashion. OliveAnkara is the meeting point of African fabrics and modern fashion design...with an Italian taste. From left : Obiageli Top - Green Asa Hana, Nailah Reversi One Piece & Suijin Reversible Afromono - Teal/Blue EQA NAIBU Print, Enu Tie Front Jumpsuit - Green Asa Hana Bells & Birds (Singapore)  - A namesake that means wedding bells for love birds, the brand started with bridal robes. The whimsical label, Bells & Birds, was founded in 2014 by Amanda Koh who noticed that the local market lacked bridal robes after her own wedding. She learnt sewing from her mother-in-law and painstakingly began handcrafting lace robes from home so that other brides could wear beautiful bridal robes for their getting-ready shots. Not influenced by trends, Bells & Birds designs are feminine, timeless and fun. From left : Buttercup PJ Set, Everly Mulberry silk cami - Steel blue, Holly Mulberry Silk Lace Slip, Lila Floral PJ Set Outfyt (Singapore) - Founded & designed by Stephanie Colhag Yeo, Outfyt is a brand for women to maximise their confidence when working out and beyond. Being half Swedish, the majority of the Outfyt pieces are influenced by Scandinavian design. Marked by a focus on clean, simple lines, minimalism, and functionality, the Outfyt design style is less trend-driven and more time-driven. Outfyt goes beyond aesthetics to promote sustainable living by removing what’s not necessary and focusing on what’s left - high-quality and longer-lasting items.From left : Ålva Sports Bra in Orange, Lilly & Lykke Sports Bra in Sand, Sage Leggings & Cora Bicycle Shorts in Sand, Pia Sports Bra, Frida Crop Top & Ronja Shorts in Celadon From now till 22nd March, enjoy discounts up to 40% off* on Smthgood when you shop these 8 inspirational women-owned conscious fashion brands. Download the Smthgood App now!

R+B – Malaysia’s First Circular Beauty Brand

R+B (Repurpose + Beauty) a homegrown beauty brand, announces the launch of its range of skincare products designed to meet the demands of consumers looking for effective, natural, and eco-friendly products.A game-changer in the skincare industry, R+B aims to create a future where consumers can easily attain skincare that benefits the well-being of individuals and the environment. “We want to empower our customers to make informed, sustainable decisions regarding their choice of skincare. The products from R+B are natural and reasonably priced, making it accessible to all. We believe that beauty should not come at a cost to the environment or your wallet,” said Co-Founder Irene Lim.”Founded in 2021, the brand believes it is possible to achieve beautiful skin without compromising the health of the planet while giving back to the community. Thus, R+B’s range of skincare solutions embodies circular beauty, making them the perfect choice for conscious consumers.*From Left :  R+B Co-Founders Irene Lim and Soo Hoo Siew Kheng.R+B products incorporate sustainability throughout their value chain – making them an impactful addition to the beauty industry and our community. Additionally, all products are derived from plant-based ingredients and are vegan and cruelty-free.R+B Coffee CollectionR+B’s premier collection features five products to add to your daily skincare routine – all of which contain repurposed coffee grounds as their core ingredient. These include the Deep Cleansing Face Gel, Exfoliating Face Scrub, Revitalising Face Moisturiser, Anti-Cellulite Body Scrub, and Anti-Cellulite Body Cream.Anyone registering an account on R+B’s official website will enjoy an RM10 discount on their first purchase. For future exciting deals and promotions, keep a lookout on R+B’s website and social media platforms.For more information, please visit https://rnbgbeauty.com or contact hello@rnbgbeauty.com.About R+BRepurpose + Beauty (R+B) is a homegrown beauty brand that practises circular beauty. Derived from all-natural and repurposed ingredients, R+B products are vegan and cruelty-free. R+B’s premier collection features five products, with repurposed coffee grounds being its key ingredient. The range consists of three facial products (Deep Cleansing Face Gel, Exfoliating Face Scrub, and Revitalising Face Moisturiser) and two body products (Anti-Cellulite Body Cream and Anti-Cellulite Body Scrub).R+B is an ethical alternative skincare solution that uses natural resources to reduce negative environmental impacts. In line with this, they have a return, refill, reuse, and repeat policy to reduce waste.Connect with R+B Socials : Instagram | Facebook |  YouTube | TikTok

One Piece ‘The Great Era of Piracy’ Exhibition Asia Tour pop-up booth now at Sungei Wang Plaza!

Die-hard One Piece fans in Malaysia can rejoice because the One Piece “The Great Era of Piracy” Exhibition pop-up will be at Sungei Wang Plaza, Main Entrance! This is in conjunction with the One Piece “The Great Era of Piracy” Exhibition Asia Tour. Sungei Wang Plaza plays host to the Gaint 6.5 meters inflatable Monkey D. Luffy flown direct from Japan!  Catch him now at the main entrance of Sungei Wang Plaza for a limited time only from 3-9 March 2023 from 10am to 10pm daily!


This Spring, Carlo Rino introduces the Stripy and Pillow Collection - inspired by the story of Charlotte and her unlikely friend, Little Monster. Just like Little Monster, the bags in the Stripy and Pillow Collection both serve as keeper of secrets, safeguarding your personal items and precious memories. Let these bags journey with you on life's wondrous adventures and capture each magical moment.Similar to Little Monster for Charlotte, The Stripy Collection is a reliable companion for all your essentials. Its overlapping wave design and soft, pillowy texture not only provide a clean aesthetic but also a warm hug.The Pillow Collection adds a touch of elegance to your daily look. Both collections embody practicality and minimalist sophistication, just like the friendship between Charlotte and Little Monster. Experience the magic of unexpected relationships with Carlo Rino's Stripy and Pillow Collection this spring.BAGSSTRIPY PUFFER TOTE- RM479The Stripy Puffer Tote boasts a functional design, making it a top choice for your everyday endeavours. With three chic colours to choose from, you'll be able to add both comfort and fashion to your ensemble. So gather your essentials and embark on your next escapade with the Stripy Puffer Tote. Join Charlotte and Little Monster for a fashionable and fun-filled spring season.PILLOW 2-WAY CROSSBODY- RM479The Pillow 2-Way Crossbody is the perfect accessory for any journey, similar to how Little Monster became Charlotte's constant companion, the Pillow 2-Way Crossbody will be your reliable sidekick for all your daily adventures. The adjustable strap allows you to wear it as a crossbody or as a shoulder bag, giving you the freedom to switch up your look as you please. The petite size of the Pillow 2-Way Crossbody ensures that you can carry all your essentials without the bulkiness that often comes with larger bags.FOOTWEAR STRIPY SANDALS - RM179The Stripy Sandals are the perfect addition to Charlotte and Little Monster's stylish spring wardrobe. With a unique, gear-inspired design that replaces the traditional suspender, these sandals offer a fresh take on the classic style. The design elevates the overall aesthetic, making these sandals a standout piece in any outfit. Ideal for both casual and dressy occasions, the Stripy Sandals are a versatile and stylish choice for any fashion-forward individual.STRIPY ECHO SANDALS -RM179The Stripy Echo Sandals are the perfect addition to your Spring 2023 wardrobe. Designed with asymmetrical stripe stitching, these sandals embody comfort and style. The puffy base of the shoe will have you walking on clouds, while the gold-tone metal signature Echo logo adds a touch of glamour. Whether you're exploring the city or taking a leisurely stroll, the Echo Sandals are sure to make a statement and elevate any outfit.STRIPY ECHO FLATS - RM159The Stripy Echo Flats are a must-have for the stylish and adventurous, much like Charlotte and Little Monster. These flats are offered in two chic hues, black and nude with a sleek black base. Their timeless design and versatile colours make them perfect for elevating any outfit. Whether you're running errands or embarking on a new journey, the Stripy Echo Flats will be your trusty footwear companion.TIMEPIECE REGALIA TIMEPIECE - RM499With its sophisticated combination of mechanical and elegant design, the Regalia Timepiece is the ultimate statement piece. Available in two styles, one with a sleek white strap and silver metallic plate and the other with a bold red strap and rose gold metallic plate, this timepiece is sure to turn heads. As Charlotte and Little Monster embark on their next adventure, the Regalia Timepiece is the perfect addition to their sophisticated and stylish ensemble, elevating their look to the next level.The Carlo Rino Stripy and Pillow Collection is available at https://www.carlorino.net/my/ , in-store at Carlo Rino boutiques, nationwide and major departmental stores


Queens of Asia to perform on March 17th and 18th at The Platform, Menara Ken TTDI, Kuala Lumpur, at 8.30pm. To commemorate International Women’s Day with South East Asia’s best female comedians, Yumi Nagashima from Japan, Joanne Kam from Malaysia, Sharul Channa from Singapore and Simmone Park from Korea.What happens when you bring together four sassiest, enormously talented, most outspoken, larger than life, spicy, adorable and wackiest female comedians on one stage? It’s a full power “Pompuan” night of female empowerment.This March 2023, the Goddesses of Asia are marching in with style, confidence and mega laughs bringing in massive energy to celebrate the true essence of female empowerment and artistic emancipation. It’s time to make a stand, raise the flag and sound in the hoorays for female comedians shining the spotlight on themselves and on their peers with `QUEENS OF ASIA.’Presented by LOL ASIA and Kam Productions, `Queens of Asia’ will showcase four iconic female comedians coming together representing power and empowerment over two nights - March 17th and 18th at The Platform, Menara Ken TTDI, Kuala Lumpur.Featuring a line-up of South East Asia’s comic super-stars with Singapore's No 1 female comedian, Sharul Channa, Youtube sensation with over 33 million views, Yumi Nagashima from Japan, a comic with both North and South Korea heritage, Simmone Park, and local legendary Queen of Comedy, Joanne Kam from Malaysia, the Queens of Asia guarantee to give their multi-cultural fans a night of side-splitting laughs.Meet Yumi Nagashima A Tokyo-born actress, writer, and international comedian with an unforgettable allure. If you haven’t seen her viral videos on social media or YouTube, you might recognize her from her many TV appearances on Montreal’s Just For Laughs, Winnipeg Comedy Festival, CBC Gem – New Wave of Stand up, Comedy Central Asia, or, the Jakarta International Comedy Festival. Releasing her debut stand-up comedy album, My Name is Yumi in 2019, her fandom has only grown since to international heights.Meet Sharul Channa Formally trained in theatre from Lasalle, College of the Arts, Channa has been a full-time stand-up comedian for the last 13 years, performing to packed houses all over Asia and Australia. Over the past few years, Channa has used comedy to shed light on important, and sometimes neglected, social issues in Singapore. She has created and starred in many works like Crazy Poor Sita and Am I Old? earning her critical acclaim from the likes of The Straits Times. Channa has also been flexing her comic repertoires with stand-up comedian, Kumar, doing stellar duo performances together to packed stage shows.Bringing in the full high girl power vibe is Simmone Park from Korea based in Canada poised on getting back to her roots and touring Asia for the first time, after headlining shows in Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Vietnam.Second City trained, Simmone has performed stand-up comedy in ten countries, and has headlined the iconic Blue Note Hawaii, opened for Chris Redd of Saturday Night Live, shared a stage with Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan at Gotham Comedy Club in NYC, MC’d and performed comedy at the 34th Annual Miss Asian Global Pageant in San Francisco (the longest running Asian cultural pageant in the world), and performed a comedy set in Costa Rica entirely in Spanish, a language she has never learned.Malaysia’s own Queen of Comedy, Joanne KamStar in her own light with an amazing career in entertainment over the last 30 years. Bursting into the industry with stellar determination to carve her own niche in the nightlife category with her own brand of acerbic wit, astute content and female experiences as a new-age comedy star since the 90s, Joanne’s mercuric rise to fame and fandom has seen her holding court at Boom Boom Room cabarets, producing and performing in hits such as Romantic Fools, Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and Kam, In Your Face, extending herrepertoire to radio with gigs at Mix FM, Capital FM, RED FM, and AFO Radio. However, Joanne’s heart continues to beat for comedy and championing for female comedians, whilst actively pursuing a career in TV and Theatre as a performer and story-teller.Founder and CEO of LOL ASIA, Mr Rizal Kamal, a champion of women empowerment himself shares his excitement of what is to come at the Queens of Asia show on March 17th and 18th. He states, “Super proud to bring these powerhouses of funny women together to demonstrate that the fairer sex can be a potent entity in a male-dominated comedy scene. These ladies are smart, hilarious and will certainly get the big laughs going.”Urging her fans to come out in full house in a show of female strength, power and solidarity, comedian Joanne Kam enthusiastically shares, “We will show the boys how we women do it in comedy. This is a show that guarantees the best anyone has ever seen in an all-female comedy cast.”Spotlight Steady and Set to Roar!Queens of Asia is brought to you by LOL Asia and Kam Productions.BOOK TICKETS NOW at :  https://lolasia.bigtix.io/

Elevate your Plant-based Milk Experience with the MILKLAB Coffee Run and MILKLAB Oat Float

Get ready for a brew-tiful blend of MILKLAB plant-based milk and espresso coffee! With an exclusive pop-up, MILKLAB Oat Float, happening from 25 February - 5 March in Malaysia, coffee lovers can indulge in freshly brewed coffee made with MILKLAB Oat Milk. Made with 100% Australian oats, MILKLAB Oat Milk is proving to be the best creamy alternative to dairy milk, with a rich and creamy mouthfeel and a high-performance stretch. In addition, MILKLAB Coffee Run will also be happening in partnerships with key cafés in Malaysia, such as The Link Café, 95 Degrees Art Cafè, JC Deli, The Brew Orchestra and many more, cementing its position as the preferred choice for baristas and coffee drinkers globally.Priding itself as the number 1 plant-based milk served in Australian cafes, MILKLAB offers a range-solution of dairy-free milk, which includes Almond, Oat, Soy, Coconut, and Macadamia to cater to a variety of tastes and dietary needs. With a vision to provide Malaysians with a premium coffee-drinking experience, MILKLAB’s product range complements the flavour of espresso coffee like no other milk – dairy or non-dairy.Established in 2015 as a foodservice-exclusive range of alternative milk, the brand was developed to provide the hospitality industry, particularly the coffee industry, with a premium offer that would elevate the café coffee experience for customers. Propelled by the booming coffee industry across Australia and the rest of the world, MILKLAB sought to create a delicious and inclusive range of products.Speaking on MILKLAB’s efforts to engage Malaysians through The MILKLAB Coffee Run and MILKLAB Oat Float, Peter Brown, Sales Director - Asia & Africa said, “At MILKLAB, we understand the importance of choice and inclusivity. That’s why we’ve developed a range of plant-based milk options that are designed to meet the needs and preferences of a wide variety of consumers. Our Oat Milk, in particular, is carefully crafted to provide the perfect balance of flavour and texture while at the same time offering a range of health benefits for coffee lovers.”“Our primary objective is to deliver an outstanding coffee experience for all. By showcasing our series of deliciously tasting plant-based milk, coffee drinkers will get to elevate the flavour and quality of a simple cup of coffee,” he added.The MILKLAB Coffee Run - a colLABboration with Malaysia’s best cafésColLABorating with some of the world's most influential baristas, café owners, food scientists, coffee roasters and other industry professionals, MILKLAB has since become Australia's number 1 plant-based milk served in cafes, with 62% of cafés using its products. Additionally, its almond milk has become Australia's number 1 plant-based milk for coffee.Partnering with prominent cafés in Malaysia to give everyone an elevated coffee-drinking experience, customers will not only get to enjoy dairy-free coffee but also enjoy exclusive deals such as 1-for-1 coffee when they sign up at all participating cafés.  All they have to do is search for a participating café, walk in the café, sign-up and redeem the special deal.For more information on participating cafés for the MILKLAB Coffee run, please visit: https://milklabco.com/location-page-malaysia/MILKLAB Oat Float - Enjoy an OATsome freshly brewed coffee with MILKLAB Oat MilkFrom February 25 - March 5 2023, Malaysians will have the chance to experience the exclusive one-week pop-up event, MILKLAB Oat Float, where they can enjoy the perfect combination of espresso coffee and MILKLAB Oat Milk. With its enticing aroma and creamy taste, Malaysians can expect to indulge in a flavourful cup of coffee that will keep them returning for more!For those who would like to sample a not-so-ordinary cup of joe,  please visit the MILKLAB Oat Float at the following venues:●  Lot10, 25 - 26 February 23●  Wisma MCA, 27 February - 1 March 23●  Publika, 2 - 5 March 23For more information on MILKLAB, visit HERE. 

Sensational Omakase Experience at Sushi Mew Kuala Lumpur

Omakase is a revered culinary experience any food connoisseur should endeavour to experience once in this lifetime. Literally translated to “I’ll leave it to you”, diners respectfully entrust the chef to perfectly curate a meal based on their professional expertise with a personal touch using only the finest ingredients available and the end result is an elegant, artistic and seasonal meal.Sushi Mew, having established itself as a purveyor of Japanese cuisine with international presence in Hong Kong and Singapore has brought the Omakase experience to Malaysia. Located in the heart and hub of metropolitan Kuala Lumpur at The Westin where the city pulsates to life, Sushi Mew is the newest joint for urbanites with a penchant for finer things to indulge in a unique dining experience with world class cuisine, aesthetic ambience and excellent service. The omakase experience begins when the undiscerning guest steps foot into the establishment and is transported to a land far away for an immersive epicurean experience.Sushi Mew’s philosophy is about creating a symphony of tastes that explores the limitless possibilities of different elements, flavors and ingredients that revolutionize the combination between classic and modern Japanese haute cuisine. It goes beyond a meal as it invites food connoisseurs on a journey of Umami woven into a melody of flavors in every dish, truly appreciating the art of dining and life.Strategically placed wooden panel frames and soft grey wall furnishings lend itself to a simple yet modern Japanese aesthetic while the gilded gold bracketed ceiling to floor chiller exude a touch of class and elegance. The soft downcast lights shroud the establishment in a warm golden glow, creating a relaxed ambience for its distinguished patrons. Omakase is a private affair in an intimate setting catering to small parties but Sushi Mew believes that good things in life are meant to be shared and boasts four separate private rooms catering to 6-8 pax for all your dining needs.Staying true to and upholding the highest quality of their art form, Sushi Mew offers two lunch sets for the leisurely afternoon diners with the KA menu at RM188 and the Shu menu at RM268. Ala Carte orders are also available on both lunch and dinner menus where guests can make their selection from an assortment of dishes all specially flown in from Japan.The dinner menu consists of three different sets with Kun at RM388, the Yu at RM488 and the Mew set from RM800 onwards (7 days pre order in advance required). This is chef's special menu where all ingredients will be exclusively handpicked and specially ordered upon request.Location:- Malaysia - The Westin Kuala Lumpur,199, Bukit Bintang St, Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur,55100 Wilayah Persekutuan, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.*Sushi Mew is accessible from the side entrance next to Ferria KL at The Westin Kuala LumpurSingapore - 139 Cecil Street, YSY Building, #16-01, Singapore 069539.Hong Kong - 3/F, 118 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.Opening Hours:Lunch : 12pm – 3pmDinner : 2 seating options – 6pm & 8.30pmConnect with Sushi Mew :-Website | Instagram

The NEW Play-Doh Magical Mixer and Picnic Shapes Starter Set

Play-Doh, a renowned brand that offers modeling compounds believes that imagination is the most powerful tool on the planet and that the world of imagination and creativity are beyond. There is no end, but an and to it, whereby it is a continuous process and new discovery each time. For more than 65 years, Play-Doh brand has been shaping imaginations for generations of families by encouraging children to explore what’s possible with open-ended, hands-on and creative play experiences.Every child is an artist. Children are masters of creating their own rules, exploring new ideas, and most of all — play. Children are divergent thinkers, capable of producing a range of ideas freely and generously, thanks to being naturally curious. Creativity helps children develop emotional, social, and critical thinking skills. Parents can encourage and spark children’s creativity in many ways - to squish, mix, and make fun creations from scratch.With the objectives of offering children exciting new innovative compounds to further unlock their creativity and imagination, Play-Doh has launches two new playsets which are Play-Doh Magical Mixer and Play-Doh Picnic Shapes Starter Set. Each set comes with an engaging theme and simple tools, that aimed to provide a fun-first learning experience for the children.Play-Doh Magical Mixer RM89.90Reimagine the iconic mixer experience with twice the treats twice as fast! With the Play-Doh Kitchen Creations Magical Mixer Playset, children can play pretend baker and easily create and decorate 8 different shapes of Play-Doh cakes, cupcakes, and cookies!This magical mixer allows the children to pop different bakery treats molds into the mixer and pushes down the handle to create a variety of fun baked treats – two at a time! The pop-out trays make it easy to take the creations out of the mixing bowl and add all sorts of toppings like confetti compound and pretend to frost.Additionally, it comes with 5 different colour cans of Play-Doh and 2 treat trays with unique molded shapes. Along with an extruder and spatula, children can now bake their desserts and be the next top baker in the family.Beyond being fun, it has several important benefits for children’s development. When playing with the set, children are beginning to use symbolic thinking, learning hand-eye coordination as well as building strength in the little muscles in their fingers and hands.This Play-Doh playset serves as a fun art and craft activity or gift for kids 3 years and up who love kitchen toys and play food.Play-Doh Picnic Shapes Starter Set RM89.90Rain or shine, the Picnic Shapes Starter Set is a perfect children picnic set for anytime! Picnic is a go-to activity for family and most of the time, we expect mother to pack up a basket full of food consisting of sandwiches, potato chips, fruits and etc. How if we swap mother’s role with children for one day? Preschool toys like this picnic set let children play pretend and create their own play food sandwiches with imaginations.Go for a picnic and create stackin’ sandwiches that will boost pattern recognition and sequence play. The set comes with an adorable picnic basket that holds the 12 starter tools, and it allows children to discover and pick their own tools for food-making.You can’t leave out the mat when it comes to picnic. The double-sided playmat has a fun picnic scene on one side and creative "recipes" on the other for children to arrange the shapes in order. Along with 6 different colour cans of Play-Doh, it helps children to explore matching, sequencing, fine motor skills, and their creative imaginations. The set is suitable for kids ages 3-5 years old.Gather a group of friends and kiddos and have a Play-Doh party! Nothing is more fun than a clean, colourful, and friendly battle of the artists. The Play-Doh Playsets are available at Toys "R" Us Malaysia and Hasbro Official Stores on Lazada and Shopee Malaysia.Hasbro Official Stores:LazadaMagical MixerPicnic Starter SetShopeeMagical Mixer Picnic Starter Set


A month long holiday and the Resorts World Genting is bringing you fun with CoComelon from the 16th of February to the 31st March 2023.Source : ResortsWorldGentingHave fun with CoComelon during the school holidays at Resorts World Genting.Bring your little ones to play at the CoComelon Inflatable Playland and meet JJ and Cody on the World’s First CoComelon Bus Parade. Don’t forget to take a photo with the 8-metre-tall JJ inflatable at Kimhua Atrium!Your little ones will be able to bounce, run, climb and crawl as they explore the CoComelon Inflatable Playland, complete with ball pit, rainbow slides, a maze and more! Source : ResortsWorldGenting Source : ResortsWorldGentingEntry to CoComelon Playland is complimentary when you purchase a CoComelon Activity Book for only RM10. Each activity book purchased is valid for one (01) person (kid/ parent/ guardian aged 18 and above). It is compulsory to purchase the acitivity book in order to enter the CoComelon Playland. Grip socks are compulsory within the play area and can be purchased for RM8 per pair.A total of 20 sessions will be allocated throughout each day, with a 5-minute interval between sessions for sanitising and cleaning efforts. Entry to CoComelon Playland is by a reserved slot basis only. To book your slot, visit the activity checkpoint. Limited slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis at these intervals:10am to 10:30am 10:35am to 11:05am11:10am to 11:40am11:45am to 12:15pm12:20pm to 12:50pm12:55pm to 1:25pm1:30pm to 2pm2:05pm to 2:35pm2:40pm to 3:10pm3:15pm to 3:45pm3:50pm to 4:20pm4:35pm to 5:05pm5:10pm to 5:40pm5:45pm to 6:15pm6:20pm to 6:50pm 6:55pm to 7:25pm7:30pm to 8pm8:05pm to 8:35pm8:50pm to 9:20pm9:25pm to 9:50pm*Subject to change at any time without prior noticeThe first-ever CoComelon Bus Parade in the world is happening at Resorts World Genting! Join JJ and Cody on their parade through the route and sing along to popular CoComelon songs.Source : ResortsWorldGentingThere are two routes from Kimhua Atrium to Time Square Stage and back, with a duration of 5 - 10 minutes per route. After the parade, don’t forget to take a photo with JJ and Cody at the Times Square Stage during the meet and greet (20-minute session)!Parade Schedule16 – 28.02.202301 – 12.03.202317 – 19.03.202324 – 26.03.2023 Route 1: Kimhua Atrium > Times Square Stage*12nn | 4pm | 7pmRoute 2: Times Square Stage > Kimhua Atrium*2:30pm | 5:30pm | 9pmFor 16.02.2023 only*11.30am | 4pm | 5:30pm | 7pm | 9pm *Subject to change at any time without prior noticeVisit HERE for more info.