911 LIVE in Kuala Lumpur

One of Britain's biggest boybands from the 90's, 911 will be in Kuala Lumpur for the Reunion Concert on the 22nd of June 2019! Bringing back hits that made young girls swoon back in the 90s, we can guarantee you a night of songs that'll make your hearts melt! Just in case you forgot some important information about the boys, here are some quick facts to jolt your memory about your favourite band. 911 consists of Lee Brennan, Jimmy Constable and Simon "Spike" Dawbarn.They were formed in 1995 and released their debut single "A Night to Remember" in May 1996.Their debut album The Journey followed it in March 1997, which was certified Gold by the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) in November 1997.911 released two more Silver-certified albums, Moving On, and There It Is in 1998 and 1999, respectively.There It Is also produced their only UK number-one single, a cover of "A Little Bit More", which topped the UK Singles Chart in January 1999.In their five years together, 911 scored ten UK top 10 singles. They sold 10 million singles and 6 million albums around the world, and were very popular in South East Asia, where their first two albums went to number one, in Malaysia specifically.In February 2000, the boys announced their split. However, 2013, 911 reunited for the ITV2 reality-documentary series The Big Reunion, along with Atomic Kitten, Liberty X, B*Witched, Five and Honeyz among others.Due to the highly positive reception, the groups went on an arena tour around the UK and Ireland. 911 released their comeback album Illuminate: The Hits and More were released on 8 September 2013. In early 2014, 911 headlined their own UK tour - The Illuminate: The Hits and More Tour. 911 still performs together till today911 DISCOGRAPHY13 Singles3 Studio Albums10 UK Top 10 Singles10 Million Singles6 Million AlbumsTHE ALBUMSThe Journey (1997)Moving On (1998)There It Is (1999)The Greatest Hits and a Little Bit More (2000) Illuminate … (The Hits and More) (2013)THE SINGLESNight to RememberLove SensationDon’t Make Me WaitThe Day We Find LoveBodyshakin’The JourneyParty People…Friday NightAll I Want is YouHow Do You Want Me to Love YouMore Than A WomanA Little Bit MorePrivate NumberWonderlandNow that you're all updated about your favourite boyband, don't forget to get your tickets on travel360.com. We'll see you soon!

Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0 makes a comeback with free Hungarian movies in 2019

After a successful Hungarian Film Fiesta last year, The Embassy of Hungary in Kuala Lumpur, together with partners Golden Screen Cinemas and Cinema Online is pleased to present to the Malaysian audience the 2019 Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0. Growing from a local to a national-wide event, this year’s Fiesta will bring all films to Penang and Sarawak, besides the screenings taking place in Kuala Lumpur. The 2019 edition is one of the highlights of the year celebrating the 50 th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Hungary and Malaysia. This year, we are honoured to have among us a famous Malaysian friend in the person of singer, actor and entertainer Mugen Rao. We believe this marks the beginning of a longer cooperation with him. Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0 presents a selection of 4 award-winning titles with a total of 16 free screenings for film festival fans to enjoy and learn more about Hungarian films, culture and the country itself. Through the Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0, we aim to promote the Hungarian culture and wish that the Malaysian audience would embrace the wide variety of Hungarian movies being screened this year. We hope that Malaysians will enjoy the movies, learn a little more about our country and be inspired by the rich cinematic tradition introduced to them. We believe this will definitely enhance and strengthen the relations and understanding between both countries. Anyone interested to get their hands on the free Hungarian movie tickets need only present a printout of any articles about the 2019 Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0 or snapshots of the film festival social media articles or logo in the participating GSCcinemas. Each article publication or snapshot photo will entitle them to redeem two free tickets for the same movie, up to 4 tickets per person, on a first-come, first served basis from 11.00 a.m. onwards on Monday June 17, 2019 in GSC Pavilion KL, GSC Gurney Plaza, Penang and GSC CityOne Megamall, Kuching .The free screenings have been scheduled in GSC Pavilion KL (June 21 – 23, 2019),GSC Gurney Plaza (June 29 & 30) and GSC CityOne Megamall, Kuching (July 6& 7). The Official Launching Ceremony of the Hungarian Film Fiesta will be held on the 20 th June 2019 (Thursday) in GSC Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. This year, we areprivileged to have YB Datuk Mohamaddin bin Ketapi, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia as our Guest of Honour during the launch. We are also delighted to welcome Dr Balázs Orbán, Deputy Minister from the Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, who will be visiting Malaysia for the first time in his official capacity and will be one of our main guests for this occasion. The Embassy will also be holding regional launches in GSC Gurney Plaza Penang on June 17 and in GSC CityOne Megamall, Kuching on July 4, 2019 as part of the efforts to enable more Malaysians to be exposed to the Hungarian movies. In conjunction with the Hungarian Film Fiesta 2.0, there will be a total of 4 movies being played at GSC Pavilion, 3 fiction films and 1 musical.Liza, the Fox-Fairy which tells the story of Liza, who is a nurse and she is seeking love. Her only company is a long-dead Japanese pop star, who turns her into a fox fairy out of jealousy. Every men who desires Liza shall die horribly. Can sheovercome the curse? That is the question. This film won seven awards including the Best Film 2019 César Awards, 23 nominations – including Silver Lion International Film Festival of Venice, the Best Director. The Troupe which speaks of a handful of travelling actors and a young soldier forced to flee. A young soldier sides with them in the scuffle. After he is forced to flee, the troupe takes him in and together, they rattle in a cart from village to village, on their way to Budapest. It seems like a lucky escape, but little does he know what awaits him. A hanging, seduction, a duel, and love, on and maybe off stage. If he knew, perhaps, just possibly, he would join them anyway. In addition, Think of Me will also be playing. It tells the bizarre tale of a surgeon whose life seems perfect until he learns that he only has a couple of months left to live. Driven by the best intentions, he decides the only way to reduce the suffering of others when he dies is to drive everyone away.Last but not least, Pappa Pia. The latest Hungarian musical romance which unites the old and young people of a community together they temporarily transform the boathouse into a ruin pub to collect the cash they need to survive. Their hopes are large but their chances are little – but in a romantic comedy such as this, where everyone is a musician and/or in love, then anything at all can happen. And at least that gives us the chance to hear a whole stack of oldies but goodies.For movie info : https://www.aforadio.com/movies/2019-hungarian-film-fiesta

家人恩師好友總動員護航音樂會 「大馬好女聲」林文蓀化身女Rapper首獻處女秀 真心細訴音樂夢心路歷程

由馬來西亞環球音樂主辦、「大馬好女聲」林文蓀《這世界終會記得我的名字》已于6月8日,晚上8時,在The Platform Menara Ken TTDI 圓滿結束,向來唱民族、藝術歌曲,全身散發著文青女氣質的她,搖身一變狂野女Rapper,獻唱親自填詞的饒舌曲,細數自己的音樂夢想從沙巴斗湖衝出北京,自爆當上龔琳娜的學妹「真的很牛」,然後再回到大馬舞台繼續發光發熱的心路歷程!這次為了音樂會首次交出「Rap處女秀」,林文蓀力道十足的Rap震撼全場,她稱:「Rap的歌詞真的花了很多心思準備,寫了很久!」原來之前她上節目時曾被批過唱Rap像數來寶,所以這次特意選Rap來挑戰,直接用實力霸氣地為自己平反!出道以來第二次辦個人音樂會,而且還是以售票形式進行,林文蓀坦承壓力很大,但看到現場坐得滿滿的觀眾,心里也放下心頭大石,早前已透露過要把音樂會當做演唱會來做的她,將表演環節劃分為,剛出道時以演唱民族藝術曲、站上《THE VOICE決戰好聲》舞台以及加盟環球音樂后的作品三大部分,當中還增設不少「小福利」的驚喜環節,宛若迷你演唱會一樣!重現THE VOICE舞台林文蓀要曹格「找數」兩年前林文蓀參加馬新版《THE VOICE決戰好聲》獲得總冠軍一戰成名,加盟環球音樂公司,以全新姿態發佈第三張新專輯《這世界終會記得我的名字》,成為她音樂路程第二個轉捩點。林文蓀還重現 《THE VOICE 決戰好聲》情景,演唱當時在舞台上唱過的「戰曲」:《我是一隻小小鳥》、《離開情人的日子》、《風之彩》和讓她高分奪冠的《身騎白馬》。林文蓀感觸地說道,「記得我八年前從北京畢業回來,對什麼都非常有好奇心,各種不同的舞台都去參加,舞台劇、詩歌朗唱、校園演唱,今天終於等到這個舞台,真的很不用一,兩年前誇了這個大步,去到了THE VOICE的舞台,今天也帶著大家回去這個現場。」直說這個比賽令她獲益良多。她也特別點名當時的導師曹格,直呼要他「找數」:「非常感謝我的導師曹格,他是一個很守諾言的人,除了是還沒一起吃火鍋以外……」 笑稱曹格做到了讓她和Grace姐姐吃過飯、也寫了《我的天空一直晴朗》這首歌,現「隔空喊話」,要曹格趕緊兌現承諾一起吃火鍋!家人恩師好友齊護航 林文蓀激動哽咽林文蓀整家人這次從斗湖飛來現場支持她的音樂會,讓她十分感動,大銀幕上還秀出了妹妹為姐姐畫了一幅童年的林文蓀在海邊騎在爸爸肩膀的畫;林文蓀也準備了一首《戀曲1990》和一幅畫送給媽媽,將這份驚喜送給過世的爸爸和在場的媽媽,場面十分感動:「很感謝爸媽讓我去做想做的事以及對我的栽培,才讓我可以無憂無慮走到今天。」恩師周金亮雖然沒有來到現場,可是「精神」依舊在,用「聲音」為愛徒加持,為林文蓀音樂會的每個環節讀白,叮嚀她「錯過夢想的不甘心卻是一輩子」、「無論你已支離破碎也好、八花九裂也好,收拾好自己、重新拼湊,那些才是你最獨一無二的美麗花紋」,句句真情意切,為林文蓀打氣。而且,林文蓀的好姐妹陳珂冰、饒燕婷、陳依依和黃嘉文,五個女生合唱《You Know My Name》后還玩大爆料,表妹陳珂冰爆說林文蓀的車上有一堆「小強」(蟑螂):「每次坐她的順風車都很害怕!」陳依依則是「護花大軍」,還可以徒手抓抓蟑螂!而饒燕婷還會換輪胎,根本是「女人當自強」,讓身在異鄉的林文蓀也因為這些姐妹情而感到特別溫暖。特別嘉賓陳依依,陳珂冰+黃嘉文 + 饒燕婷 與 Anna莊啟馨(和音) 合唱 離開情人的日子林文蓀家人歌單農夫+橄欖樹、最高的地方、鬱金香的祈禱+當時年紀小、北京情歌、去莫留情+Never Enough、(THE VOICE決戰好聲組曲)我是一隻小小鳥+身騎白馬+離開情人的日子+風之彩、我的天空一直晴朗、Tell Me Why + 寬恕+ 烏蘭巴托的夜、You Know My Name(陳珂冰+饒燕婷+陳依依+黃嘉文)、有一朵花開在我的身體里、(不插電組曲)讓我愛你好嗎+怎麼了+年少有為+綠色+戀曲1990、我曾經一個人的放牧時間+這世界終會記得我的名字

KidZania Kuala Lumpur and KRU Group Collaborate to Introduce Animation Creation Among Children

Visitors to KidZania Kuala Lumpur, the award-winning themed edutainment centre have yet another attraction to look forward to – an animation studio! This new development comes following an industry partnership between KidZaniaKuala Lumpur and KRUGroup, one of Malaysia’s leading media and entertainment outfits. Amplifying the ‘Learn Life Today’ philosophy, the new KRU Animation Studio at KidZania Kuala Lumpur will encourage early stage exposure and learning of animation among children, equipping them with new skill sets for the future. Representing KidZania Kuala Lumpur at the announcement ceremony held recently was its Mayor, ShahrulNizar Ahmad while KRU Group was represented by President and Group CEO of KRU Entertainment, YBhg. Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim.Also witnessing the ceremony was Chairman of the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), YBhg. Dato’ Hans Isaacand Chief Executive Officer of the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), YBrs. Tuan Ahmad IdhamAhmad Nadzri. (1st from right) Mr ShahrulNizar Ahmad, Mayor of KidZaniaKuala Lumpurpresenting (1st from left) YBhg. Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim, President and Group Chief Executive Officer of KRU Entertainment with the KidZania‘Key to the City’, a symbolic honour to formalise the partnership between KidZaniaKuala Lumpur and KRU Group. (From left) YBhg. Dato’ Hans Isaac, YBhg. Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim, Mr ShahrulNizar Ahmad and YBrs. Tuan Ahmad IdhamAhmad Nadzriofficiating the opening of the KRU Animation Studio at KidZaniaKuala Lumpur with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Commenting on the partnership, Shahrul Nizar Ahmad said, “We’re thrilled to have the KRUGroup, experts from the creative industryjump on board with us on a mission toexpand knowledge, promote values and develop skills among children. “Children of this generation consume content from a very young age,whether it’s on the television, smartphone ortablet, and seeing thatcontent and technology will remain to be the building block of the future generation’s career, why not broaden their aspirations and create a platformfor them to experiment further. We’re certain having KRU Group on board will serve to enhance their learning experience,” he added. With the opening of the KRU Animation Studio,children will have the opportunity to learn how animation is developed from the start. Some of the activities that are introduced in the establishment includecreating storyline and storyboard, designing and developing charactersand doing voice overs for the charactersthey create. Echoing his sentiments, YBhg. Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim said, “The partnership couldn’t have happened at a better time seeing how the content creation industry has evolved and proliferated. We are thrilled to embark on this endeavour together with KidZania Kuala Lumpur as this will give KRU an opportunity to contribute to the industry through shaping and educating the young ones.”“We cannot deny that children today are among the biggest content consumers and some of them are successful creators themselves. As such, we see this partnership as a natural one and we are determined toensure its success by infusing our industry knowledge, experience and involving our new intellectual property ‘Zan Orangutan’as part of the activity in the establishment.” YBhg. Dato Norman said. To formalise the partnershipbetween KidZania Kuala Lumpur and KRUGroup, YBhg. Dato’ Norman was presented with the ‘Key to the City’, a symbolic honour traditionally bestowed by a city upon esteemed individuals. Meanwhile, highlighting the value of the partnership to the growth of the creative industry, YBhg. Dato’ Hans Isaac said, “This partnership is certainly a big leap forward in securing a bright future for creative arts such as animation and production in the country. For one, it provides early exposure to very young kids, which not only instils interest, but also equips them with the necessary skills which can be further nurtured and honed as they grow older to produce high quality calibre talents in the future that will propel the industry forward. It is quite exciting, indeed, and I’m keen on seeing the amazing possibilities and outcomes this partnership can bring out.”The ceremony was also attended bysome 30 children from Pusat Jagaan Telaga KasihNur Muhammad, Rumah Amal Kebajikan Asnaf Anak Yatim upon invitation by KRUGroup, as part of its CSR outreach programme. Prior to the partnership ceremony, the children enjoyed a field day experiencing KidZaniaKuala Lumpur’s unique offering of interactive learning and real-time job role play in the fully functioning child-sized city, complete with buildings, a functioning economy, recognisable destinations with local and multi-national sponsored and branded establishments. (From left) YBhg. Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim, YBhg. Dato’ Hans Isaac, Mr ShahrulNizar Ahmad and YBrs. Tuan Ahmad IdhamAhmad Nadzrigetting a first-hand glimpse of what’s in store for kids at the KRU Animation StudioDuring the ceremony, the children were also presented with duit rayaand a token of appreciation, before they joined other attendees at the ceremony in a buka puasadinner held at the premises of KidZania Kuala Lumpur. For children keen to delve deeper into animation, they have the option of enrolling into KRUGroup’s AfterClassprogramme by KRU Academy which targets pre-school, early primary and advanced primary school students.The AfterClassprogramme aims to create awareness, promote interest and develop skills in art and animation production through a platform which provides a solid foundation for creativity and art appreciation. Participants are given vast opportunities to express their ideas, imagination, emotions, observations and experiences during their learning process, which in turn also enable them to experience the joy of artistic expression.Address: Curve NX, No. 18, Jalan PJU7/5, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, SelangorWebsite: www.kidzania.com.my Facebook:www.facebook.com/KidZaniaKualaLumpur Instagram : KidZania Kuala Lumpur @KidZaniaKLYoutube : http://youtube.com/KidZaniaKualaLumpur CareLine : 1 300 13KIDZ (5439)9.00 am – 6.00 pm (Monday to Saturday)

Casio Has Released The New Collaboration Models with Scuderia Toro Rosso Racing Team

Casio Malaysia has released the new additions to its EDIFICE line of high-performance sports chronographs that combine dynamic design with advanced technology. The new EDIFICE Scuderia Toro Rosso Limited Edition comes in three models designed in collaboration with the Formula One racing team Scuderia Toro Rosso, which Casio supports as an official team partner.Scuderia Toro Rosso brings its youthful energy and racing cars powered by outstanding technological innovations to the circuit, in the passionate pursuit of speed. Casio believes that these qualities perfectly match the brand concept for EDIFICE and has been an official team partner since 2016.The new ECB-900TR, EQS-920TR, and EFR-564TR boast color schemes that adopt the red, blue, and silver colors of the Scuderia Toro Rosso racing machines. The overall design of the watches is inspired by the worldview of motorsports, with special touches such as rendering the hour indexes in a typeface that resembles team car numbers. The dial and back case feature the team logo, while the second hand is decorated with the colors of the flag of Italy, where the team is based. These details add up to designs truly worthy of collaboration models with the Scuderia Toro Rosso team. The watches also come with special packaging.All three models feature a multidimensional face and flat bezel, with the ECB-900TR and EQS-920TR also employing a solar-charging power system. The ECB-900TR pairs with a smartphone via Bluetooth® for enhanced ease of use, enabling the user to adjust time and control watch functions such as world time and alarm from a smartphone app. LCDs at the12 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions provide an accessible view of a variety of information.These watches will connect their owners with the motorsports worldview and the Scuderia Toro Rosso racing team. ECB-900TR - RM1499Water Resistance100 metersAccuracy at Normal Temperature±15 seconds per month (without pairing with a smartphone)Communication SpecificationsCommunication StandardBluetooth® low energy*Signal RangeUp to 2m (may differ depending on surrounding conditions)Alarm5 multi-function alarms (daily, 1 time, scheduled), hourly time signalCountdown Timer Countdown timer, measuring unit: 1/10 second; countdown range: 24 hours; countdown start time setting range: 1 second to 24 hours (1-second increments, 1-minute increments and 1-hour increments)Stopwatch Measuring capacity: 00'00''000~59'59''999 (for the first 60 minutes), 1:00'00''0~23:59'59''9 (after 60 minutes); measuring unit: 1/1000 second (for the first 60 minutes), 1/10 second (after 60 minutes); measuring modes: elapsed time, lap time; recorded data: up to 200 records (measurement lap times); speed (0 to 400 units/hour)Mobile Link Functions Auto time adjustment (four times a day); world time: over 300 cities; one-touch time adjustment; phone finder, etc.Other Features World time, battery indicator, daylight saving time auto switching, full auto-calendar, button operation tone on/off , double LED light, etc.Power SourceTough Solar power system (solar-charging system)Approx. Battery Operating Time Operation period without exposure to light after full charge:- About 6 months with normal use of functions- About 19 months with the power-saving function ON *Operates within accuracy of a regular quartz watch (at ±15 seconds per month) when used without linking to a smartphone.Size of Case 51.5×48.0×13.9mmTotal Weight  Approx. 163g*The Bluetooth® wordmark and logo are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of these marks by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. is under license.EQS-920TR - RM1199Water Resistance 100 metersStopwatch 1-second stopwatch; measuring capacity: 29’59”; measuringmodes: elapsed time, 1st and 2nd place timesOther Features Date display, battery level indicatorPower Source Solar poweredAccuracy at Normal Temperature  ±20 seconds per monthApprox. Battery Operating Time Approx. 5 months (from full charge until hands stop)Size of Case 56.0 × 47.6 × 12.5 mmTotal Weight Approx. 170gEFR-564TR - RM899Water Resistance 100 metersAccuracy at Normal Temperature ±20 seconds per monthStopwatch 1/10-second stopwatch; measuring capacity: 59’59’’99,elapsed time, 1st and 2nd place timesOther Features Date indicatorBattery Life 3 years on SR920SWSize of Case 52.0×48.9×12.4mmTotal Weight Approx. 172g

OPPO全新旗舰 Reno系列终于在大马闪耀登场!

OPPO Reno系列任命本地著名艺人、企业家Neelofa为代言人,著名电视节目主持人叶剑锋为Reno 10倍变焦探索者。 OPPO,作为全球领先的智能手机品牌,今早在吉隆坡正式发布革命的新旗舰手机Reno系列,引领大马人使用智能手机摄影的新时代。OPPO 早前已公布了Reno系列中的标准版,现在作为高配版Reno 10倍变焦版更是将旗舰等级的先进科技和卓越的摄影技术融入其独特的美学设计中,满足了追求高配置性能的用户。 OPPO与大马著名艺人以及企业家Noor Neelofa binti Mohd Noor(Neelofa)合作,任命为OPPO Reno系列大使;此外,本地电视著名主持人,叶剑锋则出任为OPPO Reno 10倍变焦探索者,为发布会增添更多的光彩和魅力。Neelofa在马来西亚拥有庞大的粉丝群,是娱乐和时尚界的爱宠,无论是她在荧幕上的出色表现还是她的国际头巾品牌Naelofar Hijab,对于那些有梦想、敢表现的人来说,OPPO Reno系列与创造者的角色和生活方式完美契合。 “作为一名设计师,我总是想象那些穿着我的设计的人:设计应该是如何提升外观并树立一个人的自信,所以必须足够时尚经典和永恒。 OPPO的设计和配色总能让我对我接下来的设计系列有所启发,Reno系列也代表了鼓舞人心的创造力,“Neelofa在OPPO Reno系列发布会上表示。OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版是一个旅行和冒险必备伴侣,对勇于开拓新视野电视主持人叶剑锋来说 “我很喜欢旅行, 而Reno 10倍变焦版真的打开了我的看世界的另一双眼睛,现在我可以从不同角度去看和捕捉视图。带着OPPO Reno无论何时何地,我不仅可以从不同的角度看世界,我对照片的看法和其他人不再相同。“叶剑锋说。OPPO Reno 10x Zoom拥有全新的产品概念,设计理念和与用户的沟通模式,专为追求梦想的年轻先锋而设计,不怕表达自我,创造新潮流。全球首创隐藏式摄像头,完美极致的工学比例OPPO Reno系列延续了OPPO一贯受欢迎的独特美学设计风格,带来了崭新无暇的无开孔真全面屏设计,Reno 10倍变焦版更是采用6.6英寸大屏幕OLED显示屏。 Reno系列下边框仅为3.5毫米,屏幕比例高达93.1%。 Reno系列还配备了第六代康宁® 大猩猩玻璃,进一步提高了其屏幕耐用性。为了实现镜头无凸起的一体式无缝后背,OPPO将后置摄像头完全内置于玻璃底盘,配上曲面3D玻璃面板,为用户提供舒适的抓握感。 Reno系列配有两种颜色,雾海绿(Ocean Green)和极夜黑(Jet Black),后玻璃面板下面还有哑光纹理。此外,OPPO Reno系列还巧妙地隐藏了前置摄像头,柔光和背光闪光设定于侧旋升降镜头内。在所需时启动该结构,仅需0.8秒即可平稳无声地完成整个升降过程。 Reno系列还配备了一个光敏的屏下指纹解锁传感器(Hidden Fingerprint Unlock 2.0)。该传感器的全新照明系统和算法将指纹解锁成功率提高了20-30%。10倍无损光合变焦的精彩摄影OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版在摄影方面拥有非常优越的设置,配备全焦距三镜头后置摄像头,包括48MP主镜头,13MP长焦镜头和8MP广角镜头。这些摄像机共同运作,实现了16mm-160mm的全焦距,从而轻松实现了10倍混合变焦和60倍数码变焦。主要的48MP相机采用OIS光学防抖和闭环聚焦电机,可以更清晰,实时地捕捉所有生命的特殊时刻,而不会错过任何时刻。此外,OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版在应用长焦镜头的同时还能保持轻薄的机身。这归功于三项主要创新:潜望镜远摄镜头的水平校准,通过D-Cut技术减少镜头厚度,以及结合两个先前独立电机的电机设计(主透镜和广角镜头的电机),以减少内部空间。这些创新技术共同构成了超薄5.75mm镜头,在舒适尺寸的设备中实现了强大的变焦能力。为了确保长距离变焦摄影的质量,Reno 10倍变焦版还在其主镜头和远摄镜头中采用了双OIS光学防抖设计,以减轻设备在拍摄时出现异常抖动现象。Reno系列配备了索尼的48MP IMX586传感器,让任何人都可以轻松捕捉专业级的夜间拍摄。此外,全新的超清夜景模式2.0通过复合多帧降噪和多帧HDR技术提升了图像的清晰度和亮度。这使得Reno系列可以分别处理面部和背景,在提供优化肤色效果的同时也获得更接近真实的图像。 Reno 10倍变焦版还拥有60fps的4K UHD视频录制,兼具光学和电子图像稳定功能。旗舰级别的硬件和软件配合,提供强大的性能OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版采用高通骁龙 855芯片,8GB RAM + 256GB存储和4,065mAh电池供电,共同带来出色的高性能用户体验。 Reno 10倍变焦版本还配备了优化的VOOC 3.0闪充技术,可在游戏或流式视频时实现低压快充,而不会散发过多的热量或限制性能。Reno系列采用由OPPO独立开发的系统级优化解决方案Hyper Boost 2.0。 Hyper Boost 2.0包括三个独立的模块,Game Boost,System Boost和App Boost,它们分别针对游戏性能,系统速度和应用程序的打开速度进行了重大改进。所有Reno系列机型均采用新的ColorOS 6,完美设计用于无边框显示器,并通过自定义UI布局,颜色,字体和其他关键功能提供更加身临其境的用户体验。除此之外,OPPO Reno还拥配有杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)和令人惊艳的全新音频升级功能,提供众所期待更大,更好的音响体验。 OPPO Reno系列配备立体扬声器,三个麦克风,用于立体声收音器,NFC功能和其他硬件配件,为全球消费者提供更好的体验。Reno (标准版)售价为RM1999,而 OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版则售价 RM3,399; Reno (标准版) 将于明日(2019年5月28日)正式发售于OPPO专卖店,OPPO授权经销商门店、OPPO官方商站、电子商务合作伙伴商店Lazada和Shopee以及运营商合作伙伴:Celcom, Digi和Maxis门店。而系列中高配的OPPO Reno 10倍变焦版,讲正式在5月27日,下午1点起至6月17日接受预订。预订用户将可获得总价值RM877的赠品(其中包括价值RM599的手机云台(手机稳定器)、价值RM139的额外一年手机保家以及价值RM139的一年屏幕保家)。预订平台包括OPPO专卖店、OPPO授权经销商门店、OPPO官方商站、电子商务合作伙伴商店Lazada或Shopee。 预定客户可在6月18日起进行取机。OPPO Reno,想象,更近一点。 #OPPOReno #FurtherYourVision欲知更多关于OPPO的最新消息,请浏览:OPPO Official Website:www.oppo.com/my/OPPO Official Facebook   Page:https://www.facebook.com/malaysiaoppo/ OPPO Official Online   Store:https://www.oppo.com.my/categories/Smart-Phones/4OPPO Official Lazada   Store:https://www.lazada.com.my/shop/oppo-electronics/OPPO Official Shopee   Store:https://shopee.com.my/oppo.os

OPPO Reno Series Launches in Malaysia amidst much Glitz and Glamour

OPPO Reno Series Launches in Malaysia amidst much Glitz and GlamourOPPO, a leading global smartphone brand, launched its revolutionary Reno 10x Zoom in Malaysia today at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, introducing a new age in smartphone photography. Similar to the phones in the Reno series, the Reno 10x Zoom packs cutting-edge technology and exceptional photography into a unique, aesthetic design.(L-R) Chan Peng Li, Maxis Head of Marketing, Sharon Chin, Head of Device Program and Vendor Management for Digi, Nikki Chen, Brand Director of OPPO Malaysia, Owen Yap 10x Zoom explorer, William Fang,CEO of OPPO, Neelofa OPPO Reno Series Ambassador, Garry Gong, OPPO Sales Director, Ellyna Eng, Head of Device and Retail Marketing at U Mobile, Ken Ng, Product Manager of OPPO Malaysia. OPPO Reno series ambassador Neelofa. Adding more glitz and glamour to an already anticipated launch, OPPO engaged local celebrity and entrepreneur Noor Neelofa binti Mohd Noor (Neelofa) as the OPPO Reno series ambassador and TV personality and emcee Owen Yap as the OPPO Reno 10x Zoom Explorer Icon.With a large fanbase in Malaysia, Neelofa is a well-known personality in the entertainment and fashion industry, whether it is her stellar performance on-screen or her global hijab brand, Naelofar Hijab. For someone who dreams big and is not afraid to express herself, the OPPO Reno series fits in seamlessly with the creative’s persona and lifestyle. “As a designer, I always envision people who are wearing the design: how the design can elevate the look and set the confidence of a person, and so the design has to be stylishly classic and timeless. OPPO’s design and colour always gives me inspiration on my design collections, the Reno series itself speaks all about inspiring creativity as well,” said Neelofa at the launch of the OPPO Reno series.Not the one who is afraid to take the road less travelled, for TV personality and emcee Owen Yap, the OPPO Reno 10x Zoom is a travel and adventure companion. “Since I like to travel, the Reno 10x Zoom really opened my eyes to look beyond the obvious. Now I can see and capture the view from different angles. Whenever and wherever I travel, not only I get to see the world in a different angles, my perspective in the photos I take is also different from everyone else.” said Owen Yap.Boasting a brand-new product concept, design philosophy and communication model, the OPPO Reno 10x Zoom is created for youthful pioneers who are dream chasers and are not afraid to express themselves and create new trends.An innovative hidden camera complemented by elegant symmetryThe Reno series utilizes OPPO’s design language based on the concept of creative concealment, providing users with a brand-new and seamless form. The Reno series features a full panoramic screen, with Reno 10x Zoom boasting a massive 6.6-inch OLED display. The chin of the Reno series measures a mere 3.5mm, resulting in an impressive screen ratio of up to 93.1%. The Reno series also comes equipped with sixth-generation Corning® Gorilla glass, further enhancing display durability.To realize a seamless back with zero protrusions, OPPO placed the rear camera completely under the glass chassis, with curved 3D glass panels providing a comfortable grip. The Reno series comes in two colours, Ocean Green and Jet Black, featuring a matted texture beneath the back-glass panel. The entire Reno series lineup innovatively conceals the front-facing camera, soft light and back flash within a Pivot-Rising Structure that rises on demand. The structure only requires 0.8 seconds to fully rise or lower, moving both smoothly and silently. The Reno series also comes equipped with a light-sensitive, under-the-screen fingerprint sensor (Hidden Fingerprint Unlock 2.0). The sensor’s all-new lighting system and algorithm improve the fingerprint-unlocking success rate by 20-30%.Brilliant photography with 10X ZoomThe OPPO Reno 10x Zoom goes above and beyond in photography, equipped with a full-focal length tri-lens rear camera, including a 48MP primary lens, a 13MP telephoto lens, and an 8MP wide angle lens. The cameras work jointly to realize a full-focal-length of 16mm-160mm, thus achieving the 10x hybrid zoom and 60x Digital Zoom. The primary 48MP camera employs optical image stabilization (OIS) and a closed-loop focusing motor to capture all life’s special moments clearly and in real time without missing a beat.To incorporate a telephoto lens while maintaining a thin phone body, the OPPO Reno 10x Zoom employs three major innovations: horizontal alignment of its periscope telephoto lens, reduction of its lens thickness via D-Cut technology, and a motor design combining two previously independent motors (motor of main lens and of wide-angle lens), to reduce interior space. The innovations together enable an ultra-thin 5.75mm lens, facilitating powerful zoom capability in a comfortably-sized device. To ensure the quality of long-distance zoom photography, the Reno 10x Zoom also utilizes a dual OIS design in its primary and telephoto lenses to mitigate device vibration.The Reno series comes equipped with Sony's 48MP IMX586 sensor, making it easy for anyone to capture professional-grade night shots. Furthermore, the all-new Ultra Night Mode 2.0 elevates the clarity and brightness of images through composite multi-frame noise reduction and multi-frame HDR technology. This allows the Reno series to process faces and backgrounds separately to offer optimized skin-tone effects and achieve pictures that are more realistic. Reno 10x Zoom also boasts 4K UHD video recording at 60fps, complete with both optical and electronic image stabilization.Dolby Atmos and incredible new audio mobile enhancements provide the Reno series with the bigger, better sound on the go you’ve always wanted. Equipped with stereo speakers, three microphones for stereo sound pick-up, NFC function and other hardware accessories, the OPPO Reno series delivers an elevated experience to consumers around the world.(L-R) Chan Peng Li, Maxis Head of Marketing, Sharon Chin, Head of Device Program and Vendor Management for Digi, William Fang, CEO of OPPO, Garry Gong, OPPO Sales Director, Ellyna Eng, Head of Device and Retail Marketing at U Mobile. The price of OPPO Reno (standard version) is RM1,999. OPPO Reno (standard version) will start selling tomorrow (28 May 2019) at OPPO Concept Store, OPPO Official dealer stores; and online at OPPO Official Website, e-commerce partners’ store at Lazada or Shopee as well as with the smartphone’s partners telco partners, namely Celcom, Digi and Maxis.Customers may place their pre-order for the OPPO Reno 10x zoom starting from 27th May, 1PM to 17th June 2019 and will stand a chance to receive additional pre-order gifts worth up to RM877 (Smartphone Gimbal Stabilizer worth RM599; extended one-year warranty and screen protection warranty worth RM139 each). The pre-order platform will be at OPPO Concept Store, OPPO Official dealer stores or online at OPPO Official Website, e-commerce partners’ store at Lazada or Shopee. Pre-order customers may collect their phone from 18th June onwards.Get ready to be inspired by the OPPO Reno series. #OPPOReno #FurtherYourVisionOPPO Reno series ambassador Neelofa. Owen Yap, OPPO Reno 10x Zoom Explorer.For more information on the OPPO products, kindly refer to:OPPO Official Website:www.oppo.com/my OPPO Official Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/malaysiaoppo/ OPPO Official Online Store:https://www.oppo.com.my/categories/Smart-Phones/4    OPPO Official Lazada Store:https://www.lazada.com.my/shop/oppo-electronics/ OPPO Official ShopeeStore:https://shopee.com.my/oppo.os 


In conjunction with Ramadhan and Hari Raya Aidilfitir celebrations, Quill City Mall is having their Raya campaign this year commences from 23 May to 9 June 2019.  A family and kids friendly shopping destination along Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur is honored to present the momentous grand launch of “ Rileklah! Raya Bersama Didi & Friends”. Didi & Friends, a production by Digital Durian is a famous kids TV pogrammme featuring an educational , interactive and fun cartoon singing as well as storytelling for young children. Based on the success and huge turnout during the Karnival 1 Billion Didi& Friends in September 2018 at Quill Convention Centre, families and young children are expected to enjoy this special Raya celebration with Didi & Friends.  This year , the theme revolves around Didi & Friends travelling to the beach for a Raya celebration, a chilled out and relaxing beach theme and a mix of traditional as well as modern elements of Raya. Surrounded by colourful and vibrant fairy lights lightning up thr Main Atrium, beach houses, coconut trees, visualistic sea view and Didi die-cut boards are some of the sight not to be missed at Quill City Mall Raya decoration. There are beach themed carpeted areas at the Main Atrium for family and youngsters to Buka Puasa and have a ‘santai’ session ( chill out session) by the beach with colourful bean bags. An open concept as well as freedom for youngsters to gather around and socialise among each other whilst being surrounded by latest fashion collections in town. Shoppers can now enjoy great parking perks. Look out for the Scan Me QR Code posters to get free parking.Weekdays are free parking for first 2 hours while weekends are free parking. Shoppers and visitors who are looking for new clothing for this Raya, may consider to purchase their attractive clothing at the Raya booths. The Raya fashion booths are located at the Main Atrium of the mall. Get the latest Raya fashion trends and snap a photo of yourself while sharing them to your friends. Didi & Friends merchandise will also be sold throughout the campaign, shoppers and visitors can get the merchandise at the Main Entrance Foyer, Ground Floor.  Quill City Mall KL presents this launch to members of the media, partners and shoppers on 25 May 2019. The grand launch of Rileklah! Raya Bersama Didi & Friends will begin with an opening dance performance. Dato’ Ar.Michael Ong, Group Executive Director of Quill Group of Companies, Dato’Lee Fong Yong, Director, Quill Group of Companies, Mr.Alan Cheong, Centre Manager of Quill City Mall Kuala Lumpur and Joseph Teo, Vice President, Marketing of Quill City Mall Kuala Lumpur will officiate this launch subsequently. “ A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initative by the mall titled We “Sea” Your Wish wull be held throughtout the campaign period from 23 May – 9 June 2019 in conjunction with Ramadhan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations. With this initiative, shoppers will have the opportunity to show their contribution towards an orphanage home, Yayasan Chow Kit Orphanage Home, by granting a kid’s wish form his/her wish card displayed at the We “Sea” Your Wish Display Area at the Main Atrium, Ground Floor. The Mall hopes to spread joy to the children and encourage everyone to join this initiative throughout this festival of peace, reflection and showers of good deeds; as we remember those around the world who are less fortunate. As always, we wish to spread love and jot to underprivileged children for a memorable Raya celebration this year,” said Dato’Ar. Michael Ong, Group Executive Director of Quill Group of Companies. Steps to join the We “Sea” Your Wish CSR initiative:Choose one (1) of the kids wishing card Write your special message behind the wishing cardProvide the wishing card together with the present to our Concierge Counter We will help you send the presents to the kids at the end of the campaignAfter the grand launch, media will be treated to delectable Buka Puasa meal at Aragan Yokocho, a japanese restaurant serving authentic Japanese food – the first and largest authentic Japanese restaurant in Asia.Didi & Friends Mascot Appearances & Performances to Set the Stage Alight Every weekend, starting from 23 May to 9 June 2019, catch Didi & Friends Mascot Appearances & Performances at the Main Atrium , Ground Floor. Didi & Friends fans will have opportunity to meet their favourite characters, take photos, sing along with Didi & Friends and even dance together. Hari Raya Promotions & Contest Unique Raya Redemptions of Didi & Friends Raya Packets and Stickers, Didi & Friends Zoomoov Ride, Carousel Ride, Guess & “Sea” Voucher Redemption, Spot Didi & Friends Photo Contest and much more awaits you at Quill City Mall KL. Stand a chance to redeem limited edition redemptions and win attractive prizes during Rileklah! Raya bersama Didi & Friends when you drop by Quill City Mall KL. T&C Apply.Besides that , Quill City Mall are also have the Spot Didi & Friends Photo Contest , shoppers and visitors can expect to have a memorable moment by taking photos with their friends and familiy this Raya. Cool amd trendy decorations are all set up for photo taking purpose. The contest period is from 23 May untill 9 June 2019, one photo is equivalent to one entry, participants are entitled to unlimited entries, and : Hunt for Didi & Friends @ Quill City Mall Post a photo of yourself with Didi & Friends and Raya decoration on FacebookHashtag #Rileklah #RayabersamaDidiandFriends and tag @Quill City Mall KL Ensure your post is set to “Public” THREE (3) winners with the most creative photo will be emtitled to win MR D.I.Y cash vouchers wroth RM300.00 each. Not to forget, our Makan, Minum, Main and Menang (MMMM) contest is happening from 18 May until 31 July 2019 featuring 2,000 different prizes such as FREE movie tickets, shopping vouchers, snacks, childhood games ,and mystery gifts to be won. Come and shop for your Raya essentials and stand a chance to be one of the many lucky winners to win the various prizes lined-up for shoppers in the Makan, Minum , Main and Menang contest! Steps to join : Spend RM30 in a single receipt in any Food & Beverages outlet in Quill City Mall KL Redeem an entry by filling up a form at the Concierge Counter Pick one paper from MMMM Tikam Wall Redeem your prize !This Raya , Quill City Mall Kl is the best choice to gather with familiy and friends as shoppers can enjoy festive Raya offerings from our valued tenats with various promotions ranging from food, fashion, entertainment and much more. Get your Raya goodies from tenants and partners booths namely Ashh & Annas, Di Moda Closet, Fana Couture, Szoffya, Refash, United Babies Studio, Toy World, Alliance Spectrum, Zoomoov, Dupharma and many more. Last but not least, a heartfelt thanks to AirAsia BIG Loyalty- Official Mall Loyalty Partner, Aforadio.com- Official Online Radio Partner, Viral Cham and Rojaklah- Official Online Social Media Partners, and Official Mall Partners such as Kluang Station, D’oldtime Kopitiam, Travis Hegel, Glow & Glamour, MOG, Juice Works, Me Time Art, Photobook Worldwide, The Manhattan Fish Market and Toy World. In partnership with AirAsia BIG Loyalty, The  Official Mall Loyalty Partner, shoppers get to redeem 2 BIG Points for every RM1 spent on weekdays and 1 AirAsia BIG Point for every RM1 spent on weekends at any outlet in Quill City Mall KL. Members can accumulate points in exchange for air tickets, starting from 500 AirAsia BIG points. T&C apply. Quill City Mall is easily accessible via major highways, public transport and the Medan Tuanku monorail station which is situated along Jalan Sultan Ismail , opposite Sheration Imperial Kuala Lumpur and Asian Heritage Row; providng convinience to shopeers as well as visitors to have a great Raya shopping expreince. Avoid the rush hour traffic and come “Berbuka Puasa” wit Quill City Mall KL while enjoying an array of Buka Puasa promotions from F&B tenats in the mall. Free parking is available after 5pm onwards on weekdays whereas RM3 flat rate on weekends. Come and celebrate a relaxed Raya with Quill City Mall. Do also get a copy of Rileklah! Raya Bersama Didi & Frieds brochure for futher details of the Raya campaign.For inquiries and registration of Quill City Mall KL programs and promotions, visit Facebook , Instagram : QuillCityMallKualaLumpur  or webiste : https://www.quillcitymall.com.my


In conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya and school holidays, Sunway Lost World Of Tambun is hosting a celebration of all things Malaysian. The Malaysia First Lah celebration, which will run from 25 May to 9 June, allow visitors to experience the wonders of local Malay culture, reminiscent of traditions, values and customs, which Malaysian share in a true spirit of unity and concord. Among the many activities in store for visitors during the celebration period include the experience of Malay traditional games such asplaying on agiant congkak board and participating in hybrid game of Teng Teng withSnakes and Ladders. Promised to be all fun and exciting, the celebration will also feature the Humalaya Malayana meet and greet session as well as theAwesome Raya Pool Party to spice things up during the Raya festivities. “Games and sports have a unique way to bring people together while creatingand renewing bonds. This is why we are making fun games a big part of our Malaysia First Lah celebration, where families and friends can come together at Sunway Lost World Of Tambun and celebrate awesome moments with traditional Malay games,” said Nurul Nuzairi Mohd Azahari, General Manager of Sunway Lost World Of Tambun. “It truly will be a special timefor the whole family, creating a bridge between the older generation and the young ones, as parents can reminisce their childhoodplaying games which are sadly forgotten todaywhile the younger ones can experience these games their parents used to play, while doing what kids do best – having fun!” he added. Meanwhile, when all the fun and games leave participants hungry, they can continue to bond while indulging in special food and beverage promotions at Sunway Lost World Of Tambun’s Dulang Tea House, with a specifically curated menu featuring traditional Malay favourites including Rendang Tok Daging, Rendang Ayam, Ketupat,Lemang, Nasi Impit, Tempoyak Ikan Patin, Ulam, and Air Bandung, Dodoland an assortment of Kuih Raya, guaranteed to whet any appetite, large or small. The event also saw the launch of Lost World Of Tambun’s Kuang Rayaconservation programme,the first of its kind in the country,officiated by Dato’ Abdul Kadir Bin Abu Hashim,theDirector General of Wildlife and National Parks department (PERHILITAN). The attractively remarkable Kuang Raya, or Great Argus, is a pheasant species native to Southeast Asia, identified by its brown plumage, blue head and neck, rufous red upper breast, black hair-like feathers on its crown and nape, and red legs. Due to ongoing natural habitat lossandhunting, conservation of this species is essential to its survival, which has led Sunway Lost World Of Tambun to take the lead in this regard, featuring a full on conservation site on its grounds, where visitors can get up close and personal with these beauties. “As Malaysians, we sometimes take for granted the rich, diverse heritage and legacy that we enjoy in this beautiful land. It issomething that is unique to us, as it can be found nowhere else. Therefore, the responsibility lies on us to preserve and protect this heritage. The upcoming school holidays and Hari Raya is the perfect opportunity for us to do this right here at Lost World Of Tambun. While guests will certainly be in for a good time, they will also more importantly be part of a truly unique initiative which we all can share as Malaysians,” said Nurul Nuzairi Mohd Azahari, General Manager of Sunway Lost World Of Tambun.To enable more people to experience this national treasure and to experience the Malaysia First Lah celebration, Lost World Of Tambun has put together a special online promotion where tickets can be purchased at a 50% discount atRM58.50 (usual price: RM117.00) for adults and RM55.00 (usual price: RM110.00) for children*. For more details on Malaysia First Lah celebration, call +605 542 8888, visit www.sunwaylostworldoftambun.com/ orconnect to its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lostworldoftambun.*Terms and conditions applied.

OPPO Reno Launches in Malaysia to Inspire a Creative Vision

OPPO, a leading global smartphone brand, is set to reveal yet another exciting series to the Malaysian market – the OPPO Reno. Being the whole new series from OPPO, Reno is designed for the creative edge and technology, dedicated to excitedesigners and creators, pushing their passion for creativity even further.  OPPO’s latest Reno product boasts a brand-new concept, design philosophy, and communication model. It is tailor-made for those who seek to be differentand are not afraid to express themselves through creative impressions, whether it is music, dance, literature or a canvas. Setting itself apart from the rest with its innovative design and stylish appearance, the OPPO Reno is truly created to inspire you.“The OPPO Reno breaks the definition of being just another smartphone. It is an outlet for creative expression, designed to seamlessly fit into the life of artists and creatives or anyone who has a vision beyond the ordinary,” said Nikki Chen, Brand Directorat OPPO Malaysia. “With OPPO Reno coming to Malaysia we are confident of bringing a new wave of smart and creative connectivity to the market.”Pivot Rising Structure - An innovative hidden camera combined with a sleek design The OPPO Reno utilizes OPPO’s design language based on the concept of creative concealment, providing users with a brand-new and seamless form. Boasting a panoramic screen with a 6.4-inch OLED display, the OPPO Reno comes equipped with sixth-generation Corning® Gorilla glass, further enhancing display durability. The chin of the Reno series measures a mere 3.5mm, resulting in an impressive screen ratio of up to 93.1%.To give the series a seamless feel with zero protrusions, OPPO has placed the rear camera completely under the glass panel chassis, with curved 3D glass panels providing a comfortable grip. The OPPO Renolineup innovatively conceals the front-facing camera, soft light and back flash within a Pivot-Rising Structure that rises on demand. The structure only requires 0.8 seconds to fully rise or lower, moving both smoothly and silently. The OPPO Renoalso comes equipped with a light-sensitive, under-the-screen fingerprint sensor (Hidden fingerprint Unlock 2.0). The sensor’s all-new lighting system and algorithm improve the fingerprint-unlocking success rate by 20-30%. Available in two mesmerizing colourvariants, namely Ocean Green and Jet Black, the OPPO Renoalso features a matted texture beneath the black-glass panel, giving the Reno a truly stylish aesthetic. Brilliant photography, artistic visionThe OPPO Reno features a 48MP+5MP camera, ultra-night mode 2.0, colourmapping, 4K Video and improvised artistic portrait mode. OPPO’s portrait style brings together a series of optimization about portraits, colors, light effects, etc.  which can help users easily shoot magazine-level portraits. Together, these features allow you to take brilliant portraits, even in low-light with an added artistic flair, never allowing your creativity to take a pause. Advanced systems to deliver a uniquely powerful performancePowered by Snapdragon 710 processor and a 3,765mAh battery, the OPPO Reno features a proprietary system-level optimization solution, Hyper Boost 2.0, developed independently by OPPO. Hyper Boost 2.0 includes three separate modules, Game Boost, System Boost, and App Boost, which provides significant improvements to gaming performance, system speed, and app opening speed, respectively. The OPPO Reno run on the new ColorOS6, which is perfectly designed for use on borderless displays and provides a more immersive and balanced user experience via customized UI layout, colors, fonts, and other key features.The OPPO Reno also comes equipped with the VOOC 3.0 flash charging technology, which allows low-voltage fast charging while gaming or streaming video, without emitting excess heat.  Reno gives free rein to users’ imagination, giving them the power to break creative barriers. No-one defines this new series, but rather everyone will have their own unique Reno experience. Priced at RM 1,999, customers may place their pre-order of OPPO Reno starting from 17th May to 27th May 2019 at OPPO Concept Store, OPPO Official dealer stores or online at OPPO Official Website, e-commerce partners’ store at Lazada or Shopee. Pre-order customers may collect their phone from 28thMay onwards and will be receiving additional gifts worth up to RM437 (Battery Casing worth RM199; extended one-yearwarranty and screen protection warranty worth RM119 each). Get ready to be inspired by the OPPO Reno. #OPPOReno #FurtherYourVisionFor more information on the OPPO products, kindly refer to:OPPO Official Website:www.oppo.com/my OPPO Official Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/malaysiaoppo/ OPPO Official Online Store:https://www.oppo.com.my/categories/Smart-Phones/4    OPPO Official Lazada Store:https://www.lazada.com.my/shop/oppo-electronics/ OPPO Official ShopeeStore:https://shopee.com.my/oppo.os 

“迅酷宝”电子钱包(PrestoPay)于吉隆坡桂和广场(Quill City Mall KL)双庆其首个无现金交易开斋节市集

“迅酷宝”电子钱包(PrestoPay)今日正式推介其首个无现金交易开斋节市集活动,预备迎接即将来临的开斋节庆典。这项市集活动将于5月16日至18日,一连三天于吉隆坡桂和广场(Quill City Mall KL)举办;值得一提的是,届时将有超过30个商家提供各类产品,折扣高达70%。消费者可在此“迅酷宝”电子钱包无现金交易开斋节市集体验一系列销售餐饮,电子产品,旅游和娱乐,保健和美容,生活用品,时尚,运动器材及家电等优质品牌摊位,其中包括Kluang Rail Coffee,Mon Cheri Essentials,SunQuick Juice以及Deka Electrical,以备齐开斋节的需求。消费者也可享有独家优惠以及高达70%的产品折扣。PUC控股集团董事总经理兼行政总裁张嘉洲指出,“无现金交易将为商家和消费者双双提供无缝又便利的消费体验。与现金交易相比,无现金支付方式即简单,快速又安全,同时也提供各自折扣及返现回赠的购物体验。至今共67%的大马人使用各式无现金支付方式如电子钱包,转账卡,信用卡和网银。迅酷宝将持续透过一些现场活动如此次无现金交易开斋节市集来教育消费者,让消费者接触并享用无现金交易尤为电子钱包所带来的便利。”这项为期3天的市集活动亦接受其他电子钱包支付方式如Boost,WeChat Pay等。官方场地合作伙伴吉隆坡桂和广场经理张子伦说,我们一直在找寻吸引和惠及客户的新管道。因此透过与“迅酷宝”电子钱包合作举办其首个无现金交易开斋节市集活动,我们相信所有参与此活动者可享有无缝的购物体验。我们期待与迅酷宝展开陆续的合作,鼓励我们的顾客充分利用电子设备进而简化及提升在商场的整体购物体验。”在为期3天的活动期间,首次下载并注册迅酷宝的用户即可参加转盘游戏及赢取每日多达2000份的神秘奖品。与此同时,“迅酷宝”电子钱包也举办“消费并赢取”活动,在这3天内消费最高的9个用户可获得神秘奖品,每日分别送出3份神秘礼物予3名当日消费最高的“迅酷宝”电子钱包用户。PUC控股集团于2018年透过旗下的创新社交营销平台迅酷宝推出其电子钱包功能—“迅酷宝”电子钱包。用户可透过“迅酷宝”电子钱包进行线上和线下零售交易,手机预付加额,支付账单,发送及接收汇款,充值以及提款服务,提供消费者一个简单便捷的无现金支付方式。迅酷宝应用程序于App Store及Google Play可供下载。欲知更多有关迅酷宝以及“迅酷宝”电子钱包详情,请浏览https://www.prestouniverse.com/presto.

Presto Celebrates Upcoming Raya Festive Season with Its First Truly Cashless Raya Bazaar at Quill City Mall KL

PrestoPay today launched its first ever truly Cashless Raya Bazaar in preparation for the upcoming Raya celebrations . The Bazaar will be held for three days at Quill City Mall KL from 16th to 18th May, offering customers a range of products across various categories from more than thirty (30) merchants with irresistible deals up to 70% discount.Mr. Jason Tong, Head of e-Money, Mr. William Lim, CEO Aforadio, Cheong Chia Chou, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, PUC Berhad, Mr. Alan Cheong, Manager of Quill City Mall.At PrestoPay's Cashless Raya Bazaar, customers will experience an array of curated pop-up stalls featuring brands like Kluang RailCoffee, Mon Cheri Essentials, SunQuick Juice and Deka Electrical over eight (8) different categories consisting of food and beverages, gadgets, travel, and entertainment, health and beauty, groceries, fashion, sports and home electronics to complete their Raya needs. Customers will also be able to enjoy exclusive deals as well as discounts of up to 70% on products.Cheong Chia Chou, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive OfficerPUC Berhad's Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Cheong Chia Chou said, "Going cashless enables convenient and seamless experience for both merchants and customers. Unlike physical cash, cashless payments are easy, safe, secure, quick as well offers various discounts and cashback. To-date, 67% of  Malaysians use some form of cashless payment such as mobile wallets, debit and credit cards as well as online banking. We at Presto will constantly strive to educate consumers through on-ground events, such as our Cashless Raya Bazaar in order to continuously increase exposure and showcase the convenience of going cashless especially through mobile wallet".During the three-day long event, first-time users who download and register with Presto will be eligible to spin the wheel and win up to 2000 mystery gift daily. PrestoPay is also hosting a 'Spend and win' contest with mystery prizes for nine (9) selected top spenders throughout the three-day bazaar period. Three (3) mystery prizes will be awarded to three (3) top spending PrestoPay users daily.PrestoPay was introduced in year 2018 and is a unique mobile wallet accessible via Presto app, a revolutionary home-grown social marketing app operated by PUC Berhad. PrestoPay offers hassle-free cashless payments for online and offline retail transactions, prepaid mobile reloads, bill payments, money transfer, top up and withdrawal services for consumers as an alternative payment solution.The Presto app is available for Download in both App Store and Google Play. For more information about Presto app and its mobile wallet PrestoPay, visit https://www.prestouniverse.com/presto

科学实测与众多运动员认证- 推出有史以来最具创新价值的UNDER ARMOUR RUSH科技装备

UNDER ARMOUR RUSH 创新科技问世 矿物纤维布料帮助突破1%的临界点!UNDER ARMOUR RUSH决心提供运动者更强,更新科技装备,经过不断的科学实测与众多运动员认证后,于2019年推出品牌有史以来最具创新价值的UA Rush 科技装备!UA Rush 系列物饰透过创新的 矿物纤维布料,吸收运动过程中所散发的热能,转化成能量,再将能量回馈到肌肉与组织当中,增加血液流量及含氧量,提供身体运动所需的更多动能,帮助强化运动表现,提升耐力,不但在训练与竞赛过程中帮助运动员提升1% more的成长,加强实力,最终更帮助运动员突破1%的临界点,持续创造极限!而除了全新科技布料所提供的能量回馈之外,UA Rush 系列同事也具有UA一直以来为人赞誉的“快干排汗”,“四维拉伸”符合肌肉纹理剪裁等专业设计。经美国NBA球星Stephen Curry等多位国内外运动员实测后,证实UA Rush 让他们在运动过程中依然能保持绝佳的舒适度,不断迎接下一个更强的挑战。一直以来提供运动员24小时,360度全方位照护为品牌宗旨的Under Aemour,为了帮助运动员不断超越自我极限,追求更强的运动表现,于去年问世的Recover系列装备中,以特殊科技布料帮助运动者在休息时让身体快速恢复到最佳状态,而2019年全新推出的最强装备UA Rush,更完美落实了under armour的“24小时”运动员照护概念,从生活,恢复时所穿戴的Recover系列,到训练,竞赛时的UA Rush系列,都将帮助运动员持续成就突破1%的临界点!

Scientifically Tested, Athlete Proven : Under Armour’s All New Training Line with Infrared Technology

Under Armour RUSH is the fabric version of an infrared sauna , recyling the body’s energy during performance.  Under Armour, the first revolutionised athletic wear brand in market , to introduce sweat-wicking fabric in 1996. Once again, Under Armour is changing the performance apparel game by introducing responsive textiles and gear which is scientifically designed to enhance performance.  When it comes to training, Under Armour has 24 hours, 365 days of holistic mentality for athlete to work towards their full potential which gives more beyond training, sweat and competition. Under Armour established in the rest and recovery space through product innovations including Athlete Recovery Sleepwear featuring TB12 technology, developed in collaboration with six-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady. The 2018 Athlete Recover collection was designed in collaboration with leading technology provider Celliant for athletes to wear immediately after an intense workout, beginning the recovery process long before they get home and into bed. Now in 2019 , Under Armour once again partnered with Celliant to create UA RUSH, a mineral –infused fabric deisgned to enchance performance, giving athletes that extra edge by recycling the body’s energy during moments of performance.  WHAT IS UNDER ARMOUR RUSH ( UA RUSH) ?Under Armour RUSH is the newest performance apparel line, designed to be worn at the time of sweat. This scientifically engineered fabric promotes improved performance and energy return.UA RUSH is intended to provide the same benefits to the body as an infrared sauna.  Minerals found naturally in the earth are extracted and broken down into active particles, which are then melded together to form a proprietary blend. The blend is the infused into the fibres which ultimately knit into Under Armour’s high – performance fabrics that make up the gear in the collection.Under Armour athletes from around the globe have been tranining in UA RUSH for their biggest moments. Under Armour will be providing a glimpse into the training experiences of some of the world’s most elite athletes in the form of a documentary launching this summer. The UA RUSH collection offers mens' and womens' collection which will be dropping at all Under Armour brand houses and online at https://www.underarmour.com.my/en-my/starting from 11thApril 2019.

《灼人秘密》- NINA WU 前導預告驚悚詭譎 吳可熙作勢割喉 夏于喬跪地狗叫 宋芸樺憔悴慘白

導演趙德胤首部台灣拍攝新作《灼人秘密》前導預告今天(11日)正式上線,吳可熙瘋魔狀態瀕臨崩潰,夏于喬跪地學狗叫散發詭譎邪氣,宋芸樺則是面容憔悴有別以往甜美形象,三位女主角演技爆發,糾纏在彼此間的關係也隱隱透出端倪。女主角吳可熙戲中角色受盡煎熬,一句對白「他們不只摧毀我的身體,他們也要摧毀我的心」,訴說她身心接近崩解極限,最後像發了瘋似的拿刀亂衝,甚至將利刃頂在喉頭作勢割頸,已分不清是現實或虛構。由好萊塢海報設計師Erik Buckham操刀設計的《灼人秘密》國際版海報,也選用吳可熙持刀的畫面為主視覺,搭配一片血紅背景,營造出女性復仇的懸疑感,網友盛讚這張海報「美翻了」!夏于喬飾演的女孩「3號」也終於登場,是預告中的一大亮點,無論是一抹淺淺的微笑或瞪大雙眼撂狠話說「你這個賤人」,儘管只有幾顆鏡頭短暫曝光,都讓人全身發毛,尤其當夏于喬紅衣、紅唇跪在地上學狗叫這一幕,宛如中邪般的眼神,新一代「鬼后」封號果真名不虛傳。宋芸樺的角色「Kiki」則讓觀眾留下許多想像空間,她一反過去甜美可人的鄰家形象,眼泛淚光憔悴不堪,流露出痛苦的壓抑情緒,對宋芸樺來說是一大突破,也更加好奇這個角色究竟與其他人的關係是什麼。《灼人秘密》將在第72屆坎城影展「一種注目」競賽單元進行世界首映,導演趙德胤與三位女星吳可熙、夏于喬、宋芸樺都將出席,劇組特別策劃影迷福利,臉書分享前導預告,就有機會獲得導演與演員來自坎城的親筆簽名明信片,詳細活動辦法請見《灼人秘密》官方臉書粉絲團(https://www.facebook.com/ninawufilm/)。