Stream “Lover” album here:https://UMM.lnk.to/LoverPR “There are so many ways in which this album feels like a new beginning,” Swift says. “This album is really a love letter to love, in all of its maddening, passionate, exciting, enchanting, horrific, tragic, wonderful glory.” Lover’s highlights come when Swift ignores the outside world, whether that’s politics, public image or the desire to reassert her pop dominance. An introverted small-hours love song on which a rambling sax solo weaves around Swift’s voice. It’s Nice to Have a Friend, meanwhile, sounds like nothing else Swift has made before, a brief sliver of a song set to samples of steel pan, tubular bells and a Canadian kids’ choir. They hint at another album, buried amid Lover’s landslide of styles and lyrical approaches, more subtle and low-key and experimental, but potentially more satisfying.Source: Vogue & The Guardian

0809 吳青峰偕同旅美導演共同策劃 華語樂壇第一支融冰紀錄片MV

吳青峰偕同旅美導演共同策劃華語樂壇第一支融冰紀錄片MV青峰豁出去挑戰人體極限極冷與極熱交叉演出<太空>MV“冰封”拍攝15小時凍傷不喊卡台北和古巴二地拍攝 真人原型冰雕“冰峰”奇景登上古巴當地新聞 由吳青峰偕同旅美導演共同策劃之最新單曲<太空>MV,原訂於9日於電影院舉辦特映會,卻因為利奇馬颱風攪局而取消,該MV為青峰首度挑戰自我體能極限,於製片團隊量身特製的大型冰雕中,進行長時間非人道的拍攝,每一個鏡頭,青峰都必須鑽入人型冰雕中,前胸貼後背的冰凍狀況下進行拍攝工作,導演為了維持冰雕透明度以便讓鏡頭捕捉到“冰封青峰”的唯美鏡頭,設定片場維持零下溫度,所有工作人員以極地裝置雪衣裹身,唯有青峰,只能長時間從頭到腳全身貼著冰塊,在幽閉環境進行拍攝工作,每一次導演喊卡,青峰就立即被送入後台以五十度以上熱烤機器高溫處理,拍攝過程極為艱辛,期間無數次被工作人員發現凍傷,青峰也堅稱:「還行,挺的住。」 為了展現<太空>這首歌的意境以及雙關語,青峰與旅美導演洪詩婷不斷討論MV拍攝內容,最後青峰選定導演大膽提案,於台北、古巴二地拍攝類記錄片式MV,決議以人型冰塊包覆青峰,記錄青峰於冰塊中一起完好到融冰瓦解的過程;此外,也挑戰把同樣的拍攝複製於古巴“哈瓦那”,在一個人們沒有見過冰塊的環境中,記錄古巴當地人與青峰冰雕互動的過程。洪詩婷導演曾在國外勇奪奧斯卡金像獎搖籃之稱的學生奧斯卡獎(Student Academy Awards),吳青峰直白表示因自己一直欣賞導演拍攝過的許多幻奇角度的作品,如:Of Monsters and Men “Alligator”及Sigor Rós - Ég anda (film experiment series)…等,特地力邀導演跨刀合作幫忙,而這也是洪詩婷導演首次和亞洲歌手合作的第一支MV,導演這次為了用紀錄片的方式講述《太空》MV,更長途跋涉,親自帶著團隊和製冰師傅來到“極熱”的世界-古巴首都“哈瓦那”,團隊抵達哈瓦那後,在缺乏物資以及沒有通訊網路的環境下,於當地進行二個星期拍攝工作,有趣的是,古巴當地長年如夏,據記錄,居民上次見到這麼大的冰塊已是12年前,青峰冰雕因此造成市民圍觀,也登上了哈瓦那當地新聞 為了製造青峰人型冰雕,製作團隊從掃瞄青峰3D立體模型開始,過程也相當不簡單,因為青峰必須要維持一個擁抱的姿勢3個小時不能動,連呼吸都被要求越微弱越好,否則電腦無法讀取精細的身形資料。看到MV成品後的青峰也感性的謝謝導演用極冷與極熱的紀錄片形式來呈現<太空>,直說:「很多東西都像是我應該要去面對的冰,心裡的冰塊也會跟著融化。」 颱風雖然吹走了吳青峰<太空>首映會,卻吹不走青峰所帶領的音樂熱潮,全新個人專輯《太空人》於昨(9日)夜凌晨零時整點推出預購活動,半夜一上線立刻造成系統大當機,造成歌迷一片哀號擔心搶不到預購,許多歌迷也對於實惠的價格感到驚喜,擔心青峰投入太多心力於個人專輯中而回不了本,而紛紛號召其他樂迷朋友以行動支持青峰作品,也讓該預購活動秒登各平台冠軍。 照片:環球音樂

Dean Lewis Releases Remix EP For Hit Single, "waves"

With over 2 billion global artist streams, chart-topping Australian artist Dean Lewis released a 5 track Remix EP of his single ‘Waves’. Lead track on the EP is a remix by the award-winning US producer Timbaland who reached out to Dean with a keen interest to rework his the international hit single.Stream “Waves Remix” here:https://UMM.lnk.to/WavesRemixEPPR “I have been a huge fan of Dean for a while now and was always playing his music. When the opportunity came to collaborate, it was a no brainer.  Have you heard this man’s lyrics?  He brings the writing game to a whole new level – he is the future!” says TimbalandDean’s single ‘Waves’ got its first breakthrough when it was used as a sync on the US cult show Riverdale then again on the season finale of Suits and Grey’s Anatomy. Since its release it has now been streamed over 400 million times globally and achieved Platinum sales in Switzerland, Gold in Sweden and Belgium and 5 x Platinum in his home country. The official video has had over 57 million views.The multi-platinum-selling artist was Billboard’s “Chart-Breaker” in October 2018 and topped the charts world-wide with his single ‘Be Alright’. It hit #1 on Billboard emerging artist, headed Top 20 at Top 40, #1 at Hot AC and #1 on Shazam. ‘Be Alright’ achieved Platinum Certification by RIAA in the USA peaked on the Top 50 Songs YTD Chart in the USA at #42.Watch Dean Lewis answer questions by Malaysian fans!

天后 aME I張惠妹《聲入人心》分享音樂劇《杜蘭朵》演出經驗    “緊張到提著鞋走來走去”

美聲選秀節目《聲入人心》第二季,天后aMEI張惠妹的加入讓觀眾看到她在流行樂壇之外的隱藏實力,特別是在《聲入人心》節目後台的即興清唱,一首高難度的經典歌劇《公主徹夜未眠》影片曝光,被不少網友調侃為「天后技癢難耐」,有網友留言稱:「節目不讓出品人唱歌,姐憋壞了。」還有人稱讚「隨便一開口就是演唱會水準!」作為華語樂壇的代表人物,張惠妹的加入不僅憑藉自身影響力向大眾傳達美聲音樂,也用專業的演出經驗幫助學員讓節目更加吸睛,而她在節目上也難得的分享參與《杜蘭朵》音樂劇的心情,她表示,「首演時我緊張到提著高跟鞋在後台走來走去,所以我非常能夠感同身受成員們的緊張。」主演音樂劇《杜蘭朵》59場   天后aMEI:「我與成員感同身受」     張惠妹是華語流行音樂界的傳奇人物,甚至也是許多歌手的偶像。節目開播兩集雖然暫無她的表演片段,但是她對音樂的熱愛難以按捺。在節目開播記者會現場,張惠妹在主持人高天鶴的邀請下清唱《If Only》驚艷全場。而後在梅溪湖大劇院後台更是即興開嗓清唱超高難度歌曲《公主徹夜未眠》,演唱片段在網絡上掀起轉發熱潮,超高音輕鬆Hold住的演唱實力證明其出品人身份當之無愧!     在第三集節目中,張惠妹難得地分享了她演出音樂劇《杜蘭朵》的經驗:「我唱過59場《杜蘭朵》,首演之前我緊張到穿著衣服、提著鞋子,在後台一直走來走去,真的太緊張了。」張惠妹透露,當時的她在腦中反覆思考等一下要說什麼、唱什麼。 「我手上提著高跟鞋來回走,然後大家喊 ”公主!公主!你要去哪兒?”」張惠妹表示,正是這樣的切身體驗,讓她如今對《聲入人心》舞台上的學員們非常能感同身受,因為「音樂劇真的非常難!」在華語樂壇地位不言而喻的張惠妹,台上霸氣,私底下卻是個暖萌的小姐姐,以分享切身演藝經歷的方式激勵學員,點評中的細膩巧思十分有愛。     《聲入人心》是一檔以美聲為主線的音樂節目,對出品人要求向來頗高。作為流行樂和音樂劇的橋樑,張惠妹以豐富的舞台演藝經驗助力成員,並憑藉自身強大的影響力讓美聲音樂能更輕易的走進大眾生活,而這也正是她擔任《聲入人心》出品人的初心與意義所在。據悉,張惠妹將在之後的節目中正式開唱,與成員搭檔演出,向觀眾呈現美聲與歌劇的。

JAMES Collaborates With Former U-Kiss Member, Kevin Woo

JAMES Collaborates With Former U-Kiss Member, Kevin Woo“FALLING” is about that feeling of helplessness when you try to forget someone you’re in love with. Even though it’s a love song and the lyrics might sound a little sad, JAMES wanted it to feel good and fell in love with this one snare he had that helped the track really groove. Because of his hand injury, he couldn’t play the guitar himself but he had his friend David Dag Lee from college lay down some ideas. “I feel like this track is relatable to anyone who has ever felt helpless, and especially anyone who has fallen in love,” explained JAMES.Stream “FALLING” here:https://james.lnk.to/FALLINGPR “I had been talking to Kevin about collaborating on a track for a while, but when I came up with this hook I thought the contrast in our voices would make this song really strong. I flew to Korea on my birthday and recorded him a couple days after. He’s definitely a professional and stayed open minded to all the suggestions I had while directing his vocals.”

Kesha’s “Best Day” from “The Angry Birds Movie 2” is a Prescription for Summer Fun

Kesha drops “Best Day (Angry Birds 2Remix)” via Kemosabe/RCA Records, encapsulating the carefree spirit ofsummer and suggesting we take a walk in the sunshine, dance with our friends and embrace the day to the fullest. Featured in The Angry Birds Movie 2 (out August 14th via Sony Pictures Animation in association with Rovio Entertainment), “Best Day (Angry Birds 2 Remix)” is pop music at its most joyful.With a smooth vocal performance, funk bass line, beachside vibe, and a mantra- like refrain about seizing the moment and expelling negativity, the song captureswhat continues to make Kesha one of the pop world’s most refreshing stars: hereffortlessly exciting and melodious songwriting, her spirited and earnest vocals, and of course her occasional doses of humor.Of the inspiration for the track, which Kesha wrote with Wrabel, Ryan Lewis (who also produced the song) and Scott Harris, the singer said “I wanted to write asong that would make people feel GOOD. Life can be hard sometimes, and I wanted to write something to listen to in the morning to remind myself to be happy, grateful, positive and remember that I can choose to have the best day of my life (of my life, of my life). Every day. I also think high fives are great and would like to promote high fives whenever possible.”“With a movie as colorful, fun, bright and hilarious as The Angry Birds Movie 2,we’re thrilled to have a song that gives a happy musical bounce to the movie,”said Spring Aspers, head of Sony Motion Pictures Music Group. “It’s the kind ofsong that will make you want to get up and dance right there in the theater.”Watch the colorful and LOL-worthy animated lyric video for “Best Day (Angry Birds 2 Remix)”About KeshaKesha's latest album 'Rainbow' debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 chart, was called "an artistic feat" by Entertainment Weekly and "the best music of her career" by Rolling Stone, and earned the singer/songwriter her first GRAMMY nominations. Since the release, she was named one of Time Magazine's Time 100 (their most influential people in the world), released the behind-the-scenes documentary 'Rainbow - The Film' on Apple Music, set sail on her own festivalcruise (“Kesha’s Weird & Wonderful Rainbow Ride”) and headlined DanReynolds’ LoveLoud Festival. Kesha has sold more than 14 million total albumequivalents worldwide, has approximately 6.9 billion audio streams and 1.7 billion video streams worldwide, and has had 9 Top 10 hits on The Billboard Hot 100, including four #1 singles at Top 40 Radio - "TiK ToK," "Your Love Is My Drug," "Die Young," and "Timber."About “The Angry Birds Movie 2”The flightless angry birds and the scheming green piggies take their beef to the next level in The Angry Birds Movie 2! When a new threat emerges that puts both Bird and Pig Island in danger, Red (Jason Sudeikis), Chuck (Josh Gad),Bomb (Danny McBride), and Mighty Eagle (Peter Dinklage) recruit Chuck’s sisterSilver (Rachel Bloom) and team up with pigs Leonard (Bill Hader), his assistant Courtney (Awkwafina), and techpig Garry (Sterling K. Brown) to forge an unsteady truce and form an unlikely superteam to save their homes.The film is directed by Thurop Van Orman with a screenplay by Peter Ackerman and Eyel Podell & Jonathon E. Stewart. It is produced by John Cohen, and stars Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, Bill Hader, Rachel Bloom, Awkwafina, Sterling K. Brown, Eugenio Derbez, Danny McBride, Peter Dinklage, Zach Woods, Pete Davidson, Dove Cameron, Lil Rel Howery, Beck Bennett, Nicki Minaj, Brooklynn Prince, Maya Rudolph, Tony Hale, JoJo Siwa, David Dobrik, Gaten Matarazzo, and Colleen Ballinger.

Alvin鍾瑾樺 首次挑戰 “一鏡到底” MV 拍攝 高調直抒被黑心聲

Alvin鍾瑾樺繼上一首華語單曲《Don't Ask Me Why》時隔三年後,終於推出全新華語單曲《被你寵愛》!歌曲一上架變擠進各大排行榜包括KKBOX新歌榜,各大電台排行榜都有很好的成績。 粉絲對於Alvin的中文歌更是好評不斷,大讚歌曲一聽便很洗腦,絕對是2019年新神曲。此次的MV拍攝除了Alvin,導演(Jackky Aw)也特別安排了5位舞蹈員一起入鏡。各個舞蹈員都代表了當初那些不看好他的親戚朋友,甚至還有在網上攻擊他的黑粉。雖然拍攝過程中難免另Alvin回想起那些不好的過去,但在導演的鼓勵下也都很帥氣的完成了每一個鏡頭。導演還稱讚Alvin非常有鏡頭感,每一個take都能一秒入戲,很快就進入拍攝狀況。 為了在正式拍攝時能夠順利,拍攝前Alvin,舞蹈員和攝影師一起無數次的練習每一個走位和彩排。果然付出是會有收穫的,當晚僅NG 18次終於完成了一鏡到底的拍攝。 對於第一次嘗試一鏡到底拍攝的Alvin,他表示:“雖然拍攝過程還蠻辛苦的,尤其是攝影師必須在換場景時跟著跑還要對準位置非常地不容易。而我也在每一個換場景時都是用跑的,但定位後立刻對著鏡頭耍帥還不能偷喘氣,這些都是非常有趣的經驗,非常感謝所有的工作人員和舞蹈員。” 《被你寵愛》是Alvin鍾瑾樺籌備了一年的全新華語單曲。 當初那些的不被看好,各種冷嘲熱諷,連表面上稱兄道弟的朋友也在背後貶抑他,還有黑粉攻擊他沒實力、不夠格等的種種心情,Alvin想藉由這首歌唱出自己內心最真實的呼喊,也想帶出勵志的訊息,告訴大家"只要你願意相信自己,一直堅持下去,總有一天會成功! " 他要謝謝當初不看好他的人,才能激發他突破困境,走到今天,所以大家也別因為受到打擊而放棄。  #BeiNiChongAi #alvinBNCA #AlvinChong #Alvin被你寵愛| #鍾瑾樺


 Malaysian pop artist turned international star Yuna debuts the video for new album track “Pink Youth” featuringLittle Simz. The animated video depicts Yuna and Little Simz saving the world from the powers-at-be trying to capture all color and hope from the world. Conceptualized by Yuna and Adam Sinclair, the video was written, directed and edited by Esteban Valdez, with executive producers Carl Jones and Brian Ash (The Boondocks, Black Dynamite).Watch the music video here:When I was writing ‘Pink Youth’, I wanted to celebrate being a girl,” explains Yuna, “When I was younger, I remember a lot of people didn’t believe in me just because I was girl trying to do something amazing… this song is for all the girls out there, who never got the encouragement & support they deserve.”Stream “Pink Youth” here:https://UMM.lnk.to/PinkYouthPR Yuna’s new album Rouge is out July 12; pre-order HERE. Recently, she confirmed album track “Castaway” featuresTyler, the Creator.Watch Yuna describe her inspiration for the song and the collaboration below :  

OneRepublic Releases New Comeback Single titled “Rescue Me” Inbox x

ONEREPUBLIC’S NEW ‘RESCUE ME’ VIDEO TAKES ON A PACK OF BULLIES WITH DANCEGRAMMY nominated OneRepublic releases their new single, “Rescue Me,”. The song was written and produced byRyan Tedder and Brent Kutzle and co-produced by Tyler Spry. This is the band’s first single since “Connection” in June of 2018, which has been streamed over 236 million times globally. Alongside the single, OneRepublic also released the video for “Rescue Me.” The video was shot in Silverton, Oregon and directed by Christian Lamb of Black Dog Films. The video also features Cody Bingham from Dancing with the Stars: Juniors.Watch Music video here:Of the new single, Ryan Tedder said, “Rescue Me was written very quickly, 10 minutes or less almost a stream of consciousness. It was me telling Brent, our bass player and cellist, ‘I wanna write a song with a concept I had started a few years ago (called “Rescue Me”)’. He started playing this lonely sounding guitar riff and the first thing out of my mouth was the chorus as it is now. The concept: In every friendship there’s a give and take, but sometimes you have to wonder if the love you give is the love you’ll get.”Stream “Rescue Me” here:https://UMM.lnk.to/RescueMePR 

After Colorful Collab with BTS, Halsey Unveils Angsty New Music Video

“NIGHTMARE” FOLLOWS CHART-TOPPING, 4-TIME PLATINUM SINGLE “WITHOUT ME”GRAMMY® Award-nominated, multi-Platinum artist Halsey examines the expectations placed on women in our society – and then shatters them – with her powerful new single, “Nightmare,” released today by Capitol Records. Stream “Nightmare” here:https://UMM.lnk.to/NightmarePR The accompanying video, which was unveiled in a YouTube Premiere, was based on a concept by Halsey and features an all-female cast. It was directed by 2-time MTV VMA winner Hannah Lux Davis (Ariana Grande, Ciara), who also helmed Halsey’s video for “Alone.”Watch Music video here:Halsey has set records with her 2018 single, “Without Me.” In March 2019, she became the first artist in history to replace herself at No. 1 twice on the U.S. Pop Songs Airplay chart when “Without Me” bumped “Eastside,” her collaboration with Benny Blanco and Khalid, from the top spot. “Without Me” is the longest-running Billboard Hot 100 top 10 hit by a female artist in this century, and one of only 9 songs ever to spend 28+ weeks in the top 10, topping the tally in January 2019. Cumulative global streams of “Without Me” have surpassed one billion and the track is certified 4x Platinum in the U.S.


In celebration of Paramount Pictures’ release in UK cinemas on 22nd May, it sees celebrated producer andcomposer Giles Martin re-interpreting and re-imagining Elton’s iconic hits, tailoring the music specifically to support the narrative of the upcoming major motion picture, with a truly show stopping vocal performance from lead actor Taron Egerton. Building from a woozy, submerged opening, ‘Rocket Man’ is a stunning interpretation of Elton’s 1972 classic, one that starts in the despairing depths of a swimming pool before transporting to it’s triumphant climax at Dodgers Stadium.  ‘Rocketman: Music From The Motion Picture’ is available to pre-order now, and ‘Rocket Man’ is now available to stream.Pre-order “Rocketman: Music From The Motion Picture” album here:https://UMM.lnk.to/rocketmanPRElton John says: 'It was so important that the music I composed and recorded had to be sung by Taron. I wanted his interpretation of me, through Bernie’s lyrics & my music - not just acting. I left Taron in the hands of Giles Martin, who I trusted implicitly because he's brilliant. I didn't want to be in Taron's shadows, watching over the process, I trusted them to do what they needed to do, artistically, and listening back I've been astonished with the results. Getting the music right was the most important thing, as the songs in the film are integral to the story.' Taron Egerton says: 'The beauty of having Elton involved with the film is that we've been able to work with him to see how far we can take these classic songs. Giles Martin has impeccable taste and massive skills to bring the songs to a place where they are faithful and daring as well.' Tasked with taking Elton’s unparalleled back catalogue and reimagining it to fit the film’s narrative, Martin worked closely with the filmmakers, supervising all of the music for the production and pulling a vocal masterclass from Taron in the studio. From transforming ‘Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting’ into an epic ensemble piece, to morphing ‘I Want Love’ into a heart-breaking moment of conflict around little Reggie’s family meal, each track has been sculpted to form a unique part of the narrative of this most incredible of stories. The soundtrack also contains a brand new Elton John and Bernie Taupin composition ‘(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again’ performed by Elton and Taron Egerton. The album is produced by Giles Martin (except (I’m Gonna) Love Me Again’ co-produced by Giles Martin and Greg Kurstin) and was recorded between 2017 and 2019 at London’s legendary Abbey Road Studios and AIR Studios. Executive Album Producers are Elton John, David Furnish, Matthew Vaughn and Dexter Fletcher.Movie Info : https://www.aforadio.com/movies/rocketman

羅志祥【NO IDEA 沒想法來就對了】簽名會台北場

“You Have No Idea”你想像不到的專輯 全球NO IDEA指數破億超炸呼應同名情歌主打《羅志祥》MV 喜獲巨型圓夢”億圓”幸運幣象徵”亞洲流行天王”所向無敵的”至尊級”超強表現和千名粉絲開心互動 自爆長髮癖、不穿白內褲 求偶像木村拓哉索簽名!    “亞洲流行天王”羅志祥日前(4/27)在台北舉辦「NO IDEA 沒想法來就對了」簽名會,睽違歌壇3年多,羅志祥終於回歸音樂舞台,帶來”You Have No Idea”你想像不到的新專輯!小豬心疼歌迷以往在戶外的活動要日曬雨淋,這次選在室內場地舉辦,貼心的舉動讓歌迷們很感動,小豬ㄧ現身滿場千名粉絲們尖叫聲爆棚!率先播放精彩VCR,集結MV全球觀看、歌曲搶聽、直播觀看,以及戶外投放次數,總計全球NO IDEA指數破億,超炸!唱片公司特別送上一枚巨型「億圓幸運幣」,呼應同名情歌主打《羅志祥》MV中可以完成很多夢想的幸運幣,更象徵羅志祥全方位”至尊無敵”的超強表現!聊起《羅志祥》這首歌,小豬爆料MV劇情本來安排要親嘴,當陳喬恩在拍攝現場開始嚼口香糖,小豬心想要來了!還趕快抿嘴唇,結果後來變親臉頰,他還納悶「說好的親嘴呢?」     因為太久沒出片,很多粉絲擔心羅志祥會不會不出實體專輯了!?而歌迷的心聲他都聽到了,所以新專輯《NO IDEA》不但音樂與舞蹈的團隊陣容堅強,更大手筆邀來全球知名的塗鴉藝術家 André Saraiva為預購精裝版設計手繪封面,不只如此,由於工作滿檔的小豬實在太忙碌,活動安排比較特別的方式來讓歌迷們能更了解他的近況,像是關鍵字IDEA,小豬現場從眾多的關鍵字中選擇,並回答所對應出的問題,讓歌迷們全方位洞悉”你想像不到的”羅志祥。  在聊到自己的偶像木村拓哉時,小豬表示自己因為木村拓哉而喜歡留長髮,自爆有長髮癖的他,這次新專輯本來想留長髮,後來怕不適合《NO JOKE》,才剪短改綁髒辮頭。而剛接下G-SHOCK形象大使的羅志祥,很開心和品牌代言人木村拓哉的距離越來越近,日前喜獲偶像送的簽名禮物的小豬開玩笑的誇下海口說:「若有機會見面會求他跟我要簽名!」而《羅志祥》MV中,女主角陳喬恩拿到羅志祥分享的幸運幣外,浪漫甜蜜的情節還有和小豬大啖小吃,現場精心準備有滿滿戀愛感的美食,小豬現場親手裝飾完成Dazzling Cafe十週年紀念新品:莓果千層吐司酥,並餵被幸福選出的歌迷,全場尖叫聲不斷!在NO JOKE抽鬼牌遊戲中,抽到鬼牌的粉絲原本要被抹奶油,但貼心的小豬改餵歌迷吃奶油,歌迷們吃在嘴裡甜在心裡!    不論是從哪個時期開始喜歡羅志祥,歌迷們對小豬都有所了解,簽名會活動上也設計歌迷們和小豬的默契大考驗,他自爆不穿白色內褲,還加碼爆料喜好穿緊的。答對最多的歌迷喜轉「我只想”羅盤”」,幸運獲得羅志祥人形抱枕;其他則是讓小豬用口紅畫臉的甜蜜懲罰。

Jesse Ruben & Kyle Patrick Performs 300 Meters Above Ground in Kuala Lumpur!

Singer-songwriter, Jesse Ruben who came to Kuala Lumpur recently for a promo tour and stopped by one of our iconic landmarks here in Kuala Lumpur. At 300 meters up, the Sky Box extends out from the Sky Deck ledge that offers a panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur.And that is where Jesse performed “This Is Why I Need You” alongside Kyle Patrick (from The Click Five) and you can watch the full performance below:https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bvy_OvbFcJZ/

Global Sensation BTS Joins Forces With Chart-Topping Singer-Songwriter Halsey For Television Premiere Performance At The “2019 BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS”

Dick clark productions announced that global superstars BTS will take the stage with chart-topping singer/songwriter Halsey for the worldwide collaborative debut of their brand-new track “Boy With Luv” at the “2019 Billboard Music Awards”. BTS and Halsey join previously announced performers Kelly Clarkson, Lauren Daigle, Khalid, Panic! At The Disco and Sam Smith & Normani, plus a special performance by 2019 ICON Award recipient Mariah Carey. The “2019 Billboard Music Awards”, with returning host Kelly Clarkson, will broadcast LIVE from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on Thursday, 2 May at 8:00AM on Blue Ant Entertainment (Unifi TV Ch 473) and will feature this year’s hottest musical acts, unexpected collaborations and buzzworthy moments.Two-time Billboard Music Award winners BTS last performed at the “2018 Billboard Music Awards” with their top 10 Billboard Hot 100 single “Fake Love”. They also walked away with the Top Social Artist trophy in both 2017 and 2018, and are nominated in the Top Duo/Group and Top Social Artist categories this year. Three-time Billboard Music Award winner Halsey took the Billboard Music Awards stage in both 2017 and 2018, first performing her hit “Now or Never” and then joining The Chainsmokers the following year to pay tribute to Avicii. Halsey is nominated this year for Top Female Artist and Top Selling Song for “Without Me”.The “2019 Billboard Music Awards” is produced by dick clark productions. Mark Bracco, Barry Adelman, Kelly Clarkson and Robert Deaton are executive producers.For the latest news on the Billboard Music Awards (BBMAs), exclusive content and more, be sure to follow Blue Ant Entertainment on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BlueAntEntertainment/, @BlueAntEntertainment on Instagram and @BlueAntEnt on Twitter.

吴亦凡 Kris Wu 全新单曲《大碗宽面》无预警上线

吴亦凡全新单曲《大碗宽面》无预警上线  浓郁中国风突破想象吴亦凡全新音乐作品《大碗宽面》震撼发行  尽显愈战愈勇心路历程音乐制作人、唱作人吴亦凡全新单曲《大碗宽面》无预警强势上线。吴亦凡包揽该曲的词曲创作及制作,音乐风格上将东西方音乐元素巧妙融合。区别于此前发布的中国风歌曲《天地》,在这首《大碗宽面》中吴亦凡更多地透露出跳跃洒脱的气质,在原本的中国风曲风上突破创新,通过音乐表达内心的无畏豁达。   全新单曲《大碗宽面》的创作动机并非一时兴起,灵感来源于两年前吴亦凡参加某综艺节目时他在扯面店边扯面边即兴来的一段陕西方言Rap:“你看这个面它又长又宽,就像这个碗它又大又圆……”在筹备首次演唱会期间,吴亦凡又想起了两年前的这段即兴发挥,思考不如将这段方言Rap创作成一首完整的歌,于是就有了全新单曲《大碗宽面》。其实当时这段即兴说唱发出后,发出后,引发网友的高度关注和讨论度。但是吴亦凡在音乐上始终坚持自己的态度、有明确的追求目标,善于创新、勇于尝试,将一切可能实现的做到极致。  歌曲《大碗宽面》的整个创作包含浓烈中国元素,单曲封面紧扣歌曲名,卡通形象的吴亦凡化身厨师,坐在画有龙造型的青花瓷大碗边缘,碗后面一把中国传统折扇上赫然写着《大碗宽面》。封面中国风浓郁,旋律、歌词也将东西方音乐完美融合,用说唱的方式传递出唱作人潇洒江湖行的无畏。这次他将《天地》中“江湖人说我不行,古人说路遥知马力”的无畏做了更有深度的延续。在歌曲《大碗宽面》里,吴亦凡更直接地抒发心声 ——“你拥有你的天地,没人能够把你定义”、“ 一声笑傲江湖,只身闯江湖,何必分出胜负”。字里行间透露出经历风雨的历练,内心中那份信念更加坚定。朴素直白的歌词韵意深厚、饱含鼓舞,这是吴亦凡出道7年来愈战愈勇的心路写照。奋斗路上荆棘满布,每个人都会经历挫折,勇敢闯过去,自有你我天地。  去年环球音乐集团宣布与Kris Wu吴亦凡签订全球专属音乐合约后,已于2018年11月6日重磅推出吴亦凡个人首张专辑《Antares》,专辑获得不俗口碑,吴亦凡的音乐才华也备受瞩目。“时间会证明一切,我只用作品发声”。面对质疑,吴亦凡不骄不躁,选择用音乐发声。4月19日,吴亦凡全新单曲《大碗宽面》惊喜上线,一起感受“凡式”音乐来袭。本周六(4/20)“天·地·东·西·ALIVE TOUR吴亦凡2019巡回演唱会”首站将在南京拉开帷幕,敬请期待。