【TOP 4】亲子一日游攻略 (二)

开启亲子探索的机会又来啦 !这次小编带你走进多姿多彩的亲子旅游景点啦 ~ 这绝对是 不错的体验 绝对能让你享受一整天的一日游!1. KLCC Aquaria 水族馆列为东南亚最大的水族馆之一,KLCC 水族馆是一座最先进的海洋水族馆。从2005 年开业,该馆是一座位于在吉隆坡城中内吉隆坡会展中心底楼的水族馆。以海洋生物为主题的大型博物馆,占地超过 60,000 平方英尺,拥有超过5000 多种水生和陆生生物, 简直是多姿多彩啊!里面有8个不同的展览区,让你们探索和深入了解水生动物生活以及生活条件。小编觉得这是一个有趣不错的地方,让小孩了解到海洋的生态系统知识和重要性,甚至能近距离接触海星等事物。想提升孩子海洋生物的知识,那这绝对值得去啦!票价链接:https://tickets.aquariaklcc.com/ 营业时间:每天上午10时 至 晚上7时地址:Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。2. Farm in the city小编发现雪隆居然开了城市里的农场?别再去国家动物园啦 !位于沙登城的农场能让你们近距离与小动物互动,而且那些小动物是非常温驯的!小编强力推荐爸爸妈妈们带小孩来这里展开一日亲子游,因为他们的活动内容真的很丰富,也适合各自年龄阶段的人! 同时也能体验生活常态,里面业1分了几个园区值得去探索学习噢!请爸爸妈妈们放心带小孩子探索,因为它绝对是避雷的景点噢。票价链接:https://www.farminthecity.my/kl-tower-mini-zoo/kl-tower-mini-zoo/营业时间:工作日 (上午时至下午6时), 周末 (上午9时30分 至 下午6时)地址: Lot 40187-40188,Jalan Prima Tropika,Bandar Putra Permai, Seri Kembangan,43300 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia票价链接:https://tickets.aquariaklcc.com/ 营业时间:每天上午10时 至 晚上7时地址:Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。3. Royal Selangor Visitor Center以锡蜡制品闻名国际的 Royal Selangor 皇家雪兰莪访客中心已有了上百年的历史,而且锡矿产业在大马有着更是久远和精彩的兴衰史。他们是以独居创新的设计和精致的手艺闻名世界的喔!它也是体验锡器的必去之地 和探索了解他们的历史。在那里可领略到锡蜡工艺品的魅力和了解早年华人奋斗的历史。!是不是很棒勒?此外,爸妈们也能和孩子一起进行亲子互动。那里的工作人员也会讲解锡蜡的历史和工艺以及皇家雪兰莪发展的历史。当然你们也能在那里买一些精致的工艺品。爸爸妈妈们想提升孩子对锡蜡的知识和历史,不妨探访这个地方而且入场免费!小编觉得这地方绝对值得去, 与家人一起缔造难忘的回忆啦。 开放时间:每天,上午9时至下午5时地址: 4, Jalan Usahawan 6, Setapak Jaya, 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.4. 99 Wonderland Park天啊!小编发现到吉隆坡居然有首个以LED灯 珍稀动物及禽类为主题的休闲公园? 位于SELAYANG的99 Wonderland Park 完全打造了一个城市大人小孩的好去处!该园采用部分开放式的饲养方式,让游客得以与鸟类和动物做近距离的互动。公园内的动物包括天鹅、乌龟、鸵鸟, 鹿等等,可被称为一个 “迷你动物园” 。如果你乘坐园内的游艇赏湖,说不定还可以与这些禽类擦肩过呢。此外,园内的一些景观可以让你放慢脚步细细观赏,有充满活力的暴龙区、专供拍照的12生肖景点、潺潺流水的黄金瀑布。晚上还能欣赏美丽的跳舞喷泉和各式各样的景观务必让你流连忘返。当然,小孩们还能亲自体验动物。简直好新鲜!赶紧带上你家的小孩亲人一起享受亲子时光啦~网址链接:hps://www.99wonderlandpark.com.my/地址:99 Wonderland Park, Jalan 1/3A, Pusat Bandar Utara, 68100, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan.

[盘点] 雪隆好去处 亲子游攻略

别再让你孩子看 3C产品了!放心放心,小编已收集了几项国内亲子一日游攻略 让你拥有完美的亲子时光啦!那么就让小编为你准备的几个景点收藏起来吧~1. The Acre Farm Fresh喜欢大自然?那就一定要去位于Serdang的The Acre Farm Fresh UPM。生活在繁忙喧闹的城市,宅在家太久了出门接触大自然的味道还是不错的!不用去到国外已能在大马享受小新西兰的风情。既能平价消费,又能打卡和呼吸新鲜的空气。小编相信大家对这个牛奶品牌不陌生,原来这里也是牛奶的生产地。除了有自家的奶牛,其中也包括了其他小动物,小孩子还可以坐上心爱的小火车,喂食小动物和认识动物亲近大自然。设计装饰都蛮特别都是以奶牛为主题。此外,里面也有小餐厅,自家冰淇淋专卖店,售卖自己的种的菜,还有的是他们也有售卖大瓶玻璃瓶的牛奶哦,而且牛仔群会出来,是不是很特别勒!小孩子大人更有机会近距离接触奶牛群啦。除了亲子游,小编推荐老师带学生在这里展开户外活动教学。赶紧带上家人小孩一起走进大自然来踏踏青,放松心情和打卡拍照啦 ~ 绝不踩雷工作日票价: 大人 RM10, 小孩 RM5周末票价:大人RM15,小孩RM10营业时间如下:周天:早上10时至傍晚7时正  (周一关闭)周末:早上10时至晚上10时地址:The Acre by Farm Fresh, Jalan Maklumat, 43400 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.2. KIDZANIA KUALA LUMPUR想让孩子体验各种各样的活动和激发孩子梦想的起点,小编推荐带你孩子来到这个地方啦, 绝对避雷。相信家长都对KIDZANIA并不陌生。被号称 “全球最大型儿童职业体验乐园” ,位于吉隆坡的 KIDZANIA 提供了一个先进的概念,专为 4 至 14岁 儿童设计的概念令人兴奋的动手活动。 在哪里提供了超过60个职业扮演,并执行现实生活中的任务,同时也能学到无限的知识哦!这种模式的优势在于,孩子们不仅在寓教于乐的活动中学习新技能,还能体验成人的世界,满足摆脱限制、成为体验主角的好奇心,也有利于他们寻找兴趣为未来的职业发展打下基础。还有, 小编建议工作日去哦,假期周末实在太多人了啦!购买票务链接:https://www.kidzania.com.my/ 营业时间:每天,上午10时至傍晚6时(除了星期二)地址: Curve Nx, 18, Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor3. Pusat Sains Negara不想参观高价消费的博物馆,只需每人单价就能进去啦 ! 小编认为小孩需要开发想象和创造力,不妨带他们领略科学的新奇和探索宇宙的奥秘。当一日科学家也是不错的哦!国家科学馆可说是充满科学乐趣的地方,最重要是哪里可以玩好久的也非常适合不同年龄的小朋友和大人。小编发现馆内的活动非常大, 除了能体验有趣的科学实验充满科学原理的小游戏、益智类游戏等等。最特别的是现在有优惠至6月31日哦! 趁着优惠期间赶紧带上家人孩子一起去溜达吧!想了解票价详情能到以下网址查询:https://www.psn.gov.my/ 营业时间:每天上午9点 至 傍晚5时 (周五休业)地址:50662, Persiaran Bukit Kiara, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur4. 巧克力博物馆 Chocolate Museum再来就是所以巧克力爱好者有福啦!小编搜索到雪隆区居然隐藏一家巧克力博物馆。位于哥打白沙罗的博物馆正式从2014年向对外开放,它也被成为亚洲首家独一无二的巧克力博物馆哦!该博物馆真的很特别,具有互动性,互动式展示,最先进的设备和100多个巧克力品牌优惠价格。最棒的福利就是还能现场体验巧克力制作过程和深入了解巧克力的来源。此外,博物馆也分为6个部分:巧克力之旅,认识巧克力之父,巧克力的健康益处,工业中的巧克力和厨房还有Chocolate Galleria. 最重要的是这么好的地方,博物馆入场还免费!小编强力认为这是不错的体验让大人小孩一起探索奇妙的巧克力世界啦! 点击网址链接: https://chocolatemuseum.my/营业时间:每天, 上午10时 至 下午4时 (最后入场时间为下午3时30分)地址: DR Group Holdings Sdn Bhd, No.2 Jalan Teknologi 3/5, Selangor Science Park 1, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia.

【5月份 雪隆区周末好去处,免费打卡最佳景点】

周末不懂要去哪儿,又怕太大消费。不怕不怕,雪隆隐藏着免费的拍照打卡景点,你都去过了吗?给你们推荐5大雪隆旅游景点,既能免消费,又能打卡。赶紧JIO上你们的伴侣一起去打卡拍照啦吧 ~1. River of Life KL位于Masjid Jamek 的生命之河 (River of Life) 简直是梦幻仙境!最适合情侣约会夜游的最佳地方啦。这条生命之河是围绕着吉隆坡最古老的清真寺!它可被列为“世界十大最佳汉滨区”噢。晚上不知道可以去哪,不妨到这里看夜景和蓝河。当然,晚上还包括了喷泉秀。此外,小编也发现到生命之河居然隐藏了浓厚艺术气息的壁画。壁画已成为大街小巷的其中一个景点,添加了不一样的魅力噢。描绘在建筑物表面的壁画是以渔民捕鱼和戏水的场景为主题, 壁画的画工很精致独特呢!喷泉秀时间:每晚9.15pm/9.30pm/9.45pm/10pm/10.15 &11pm地址: River of Life, Leboh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territoty of Kuala Lumpur. (LRT Masjid Jamek隔壁)2. Perdana Botanical Garden吉隆坡市中心居然隐藏了那么美丽的公园!想在周末休闲跑步或野餐接近大自然的你,不妨到这个地方放松啦!在1888年精心规划而成,Perdana 植物园可被列为我国史上最古老的公园之一。这种大型公园前身为KL Lakes Garden, 由船库、温室、木板路、观景台、鹿园、信息中心、纪念品商店、咖啡厅等组成。历史可以追溯到 1888 年。占地101.2 公顷的植物园风景优美,绿草如亩,绿树成荫,小山,湖泊,小径。里面还有有很多十分精彩的园区区域。除了许多品种的植物以及动物,还有瀑布、露天平台和休闲的区域 —— 真的很多东西看也有很多东西可以去体验享受哦。适合一家大小的地方,周末来这里打卡就对了。开放时间:星期一至星期日,上午7点到晚上8时正地址:Jalan Kebun Bunga, Tasik Perdana, 55100, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.3. China Malaysia Friendship 中马友谊花园位于布城核心的斯里绍嘉纳桥附近, 中国风格为主题的公园成立于2014年,以纪念中马建交40周年。这里有盆景树、宝塔、岩石和池塘。花园里到处都是石头装饰,还有一些中国书法和艺术品。在占地 11 公顷的 Anjung Floria 土地上,坐落着以岭南建筑学(源自中国广东及附近省份的风格)设计的中马友谊花园。漫步在宁静的湖面上,在繁花似锦的小径中体验生机勃勃的环境。花园也是了解更多中国建筑和书法的理想场所。想拍摄中国风的婚纱照,该公园是最佳的去处哦!你可尝试穿上汉服或者旗袍,拍摄一些中国风情的美照。时间:上午6时30分 至 傍晚7时最佳参观时间:傍晚7时至晚上9时地址:Lebuh Sentosa, Presint 4, 62250 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya.4. Selangor - Japan Friendship Garden不用飞到日本,在大马也能享受日本的风情!除了中马友谊花园,雪州莎阿南拥有了另外一个友谊花园 -雪兰莪日本友谊花园。该花园位于 Dataran Kemerdekaan 对面的 Shah Alam Lake Gardens,总共耗资380万令吉。这个日本风格的花园占地 2.42 公顷(约 3 个足球场那么大),有5个风景区。在这里,游客可以沉浸在郁郁葱葱的树木和灌木丛、禅宗 池塘和几个真正的日本风格特色的美景中。 女孩们穿上和服可配搭日式的场景拍出很多日系照片噢!该园也是最佳值得拍摄日系为主题婚纱照的去处呢。开放时间:上午10点至傍晚7时地址:Persiaran Bandar Raya, Seksyen 14, 40000 Shah Alam.5. Putra Mosque 粉红清真寺这坐落在布城中心一个湖,是东南亚最大的水上清真寺。这座清真寺采用玫瑰色花岗岩建造,呈现出沙漠般的粉红色调,门、窗和面板上的雕刻木制品为 cengal。它融合了阿拉伯-伊斯兰建筑设计以及萨法维时期受波斯穆斯林启发的当地手工艺技能。所有宗教和信仰的游客在进入博特拉清真寺时都必须遮盖(女士应戴头巾)以示尊重。不符合服装限制的朋友想参观需到入口旁租借长袍哦。开放时间: 上午6时至晚上10时地址:Persiaran Persekutuan, Presint 1, 62502 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya.

5月份不能错过的演唱会 !!

你准备好了吗? 这5月份,马来西亚又要热闹起来啦,陆续两周即将引爆来自海外的歌手。 马来西亚即将迎来两周的演唱会!!!追星家族的你是否已经购买票了呢?盘点五月份大马演唱会合集,一起来嗨翻马来西亚 !!!1. Deca Join 2023 Tour - Reverie's Edge凭歌曲《巫堵》和《浴室》成为备受瞩目的台湾独立乐DECA JOINS,人气在短时间内急速攀升,成为台湾独立乐迷的新宠儿。他们如此独树一帜、别具风格的音乐,直入人心又疗愈,加上“Fushion” 曲风 和开放式的创作过程,为音乐造就了独特的模样。相信在即将来马举办的《Deca Joins Reverie’s Edge 2023巡演》中,他们将会为歌迷带来多首经典的废郁气质又欢愉苦闷的歌曲。日期 : 5月19日地点 : Zepp KL点击链接购买入门票:onetix.com.my2. TYSON YOSHI《MY NEW WORLD ORDER》2023 ASIA TOUR继去年夏天在香港举办为期四天的个人演唱会后,独立歌手兼词曲作者泰森·耀西 (Tyson Yoshi) 即将开始他的首次亚洲巡演“我的新世界秩序”。泰森的歌曲《克里斯蒂》在 YouTube 上的点击量已超过 2000 万,他的作品在全球拥有数百万的播放量。R&B/Hip Hop/Pop Punk 艺人将于 2023 年 5 月来到马来西亚。日期 : 5月19日地点 : The Bee, Publika点击链接购买入门票:https://ticketmelon.com/hivefest/tysonyoshiKL3. 伍佰&China Blue Rock Star 2023演唱会开办两场!!来自台湾知名的摇滚天王,词曲创作人,音乐创作人 和 已成军31年的摇滚乐团China Blue 即将重返云星剧场啦!!想必大家都知道伍佰与China Blue的现场表扬一直被认可是华人社区“必看”的经典。伍佰的现场摇滚表扬不仅让人爱不释手,以及激励人心的歌词出动了每一位歌迷的心坎。他的影响力不仅是影响着华人社区,更是重新开启大马粉丝们对90年代摇滚乐的视野与认知。 当他重新演绎了全新的新一种音乐类型后,在西方也吸引了相当大的粉丝群。多年来,他在无数个地方进行了大型演唱会,更因为专辑获得了无数的赞誉。日期 : 5月19日 至20日地点 : 云星剧场点击链接购买入门票: https://www.rwgenting.com/en/entertainment/wu-bai-china-blue-rock-star-2023.html4. 李圣杰《一人一首李圣杰》大马演唱会被誉为 “情歌王子”的台湾歌手和词曲创作者,李圣杰 时隔3年再度来马开唱!凭借 《痴心绝对》一曲爆红的他在2019年的演唱会唱了第9999次的《痴心绝对》后,不再唱这首红遍大街小巷的经典名曲了。此外,出道超过20年的他唱红无数的情歌,单靠一首《痴心绝对》就可以让歌迷们记住一辈子。他的嗓音非常特别、辨识度也很高、中气饱满,是一位不可多得的抒情男声,也绝对是个十足的实力唱将。日期:5月26日 至 27日地点 : 云星剧场点击链接购买入门票:www.ticketcharge.com.my 5. Crow Lu 卢广仲马来西亚站吉隆坡站的《励志演说》演唱会2023【三金】台湾创作鬼才,演员与作曲人的卢广仲将在这个月来马举办 吉隆坡站的《励志演说》 演唱会2023。 这场名为《卢广仲励志演说吉隆坡演唱会》的音乐盛会将在 2023 年 5 月 27 日(星期六),晚上 7 点吉隆坡 Plenary Hall KLCC 励志开演。相隔多时再度站上马来西亚舞台,卢广仲将使出浑身解数展现百分之百热情,同时也会为本地歌迷献唱多首《励志论》专辑中的新作。 日期 : 5月27日, 傍晚7时.地点 : Plenary Hall KLCC点击链接购买入门票:https://sg.ckstarentertainment.com/register

Indie Supergroup Jaki-Brashga to Take KL by Storm with Debut Concert this May 12th

Malaysian indie supergroup Jaki-Brashga is set to ignite the music scene this May with their debut concert, OUR WORLDS: A Live Experience. Comprising some of the best musicians in the independent music scene, Jaki-Brashga is bringing their electric blend of experimental folk-rock music to the stage for a night of musical exploration designed to give audiences a closer, introspective look at the human experience. New to the scene, Jaki-Brashga has been sneaking up around town in exclusive performances since October 2022. Founded by folk-pop singer-songwriter, Brendan de Cruz, the band’s sound is characterized by its heartfelt message of love, connection and honesty, blending the powerful vocals of de Cruz with the electric magnetism of a band that, together, boasts decades of expert musical experience. Jaki-Brashga comprises bassist, Jaime Gunter, of indie-rock outfit, Volatile, virtuoso lead-guitarist, Kieran Jumawan of J-Rock outfit, Brightburn, multi-instrumentalist Gabriel Januarius on keyboard and synths, who has performed with renowned names Jaclyn Victor, Jose Thomas, and Juwita Suwito, and lastly, Ashwin Gobinath of indie cultural-rock fusion ensemble, Nadir, providing rhythmic mastery on drums.“Each of us has been in the music industry for at least 15 years now, but when we get together to create music, it’s like a clean slate for everyone,” shares Ashwin Gobinath, who also co-produces Jaki-Brashga’s sound with de Cruz. “The studio has become a space for us to experiment and create music that really showcases the full range of our artistic abilities. The chemistry in our sessions ends up being really electric with all of us pushing each other to redefine our creative limits.”With OUR WORLDS, explains frontman and founder Brendan de Cruz, the band intends to draw the audience into Jaki-Brashga’s universe in an experimental audio-visual exploration of the human experience. The theme of OUR WORLDSis centered around the idea that every individual's experience is unique, with much to celebrate in the diversity of human experience. “We will be using projection-mapped visuals and atmospheric soundscapes to support the production and nudge the audience along the musical journey,” shares Ashwin, founder of cultural collective, Nadir, who will be playing at the Rainforest World Music Festival this year. “The concert set list is curated to take our audience on a journey through different emotions, from intense and visceral to reflective and introspective.” To de Cruz, Jaki-Brashga and OUR WORLDS represent the next step in his musical evolution, one that he has been preparing for since he first began his career as an independent musician. “It’s hard work to be a full-time independent artist, and to get 5 people on the same schedule, while everyone juggles their own projects and full-time jobs – I knew it would require a massive investment of love and passion. And I’m proud to say that’s exactly what we have here with Jaki-Brashga.”Jaki-Brashga is also working with multidisciplinary artist Vuevossa, known for exploring the science of geometry and fractals in his visual work, to curate the visual dimension of the show. His artwork will be designed to blend with the new age sounds and flavours of the band to create an all-round memorable rock concert experience. OUR WORLDS: A Live Experience will span 2 hours, showcasing new tracks written and arranged by Jaki-Brashga along with re-explored tunes from de Cruz’s extensive discography.“When I first started, I didn’t know it was possible to make it as an independent artist in the local music scene. It was fellow indie musicians who pushed me to write original music and even produce my own albums to get my music out there,” shares de Cruz. “There are a lucky few Malaysians who have reached great heights on the world stage, but I wanted to showcase the homegrown talent available right here, right now. This is a celebration of the resilience of Malaysians artists who have kept the local music industry alive despite all odds.”“OUR WORLDS: A Live Experience will be a tribute to the human experience and a rocking good concert,” says de Cruz, “but what we really hope our audience leaves with is a newfound appreciation of the original artistry Malaysia is home to.”OUR WORLDS: A Live Experience will be held this 12 May at the Nero Space, PJPAC, 1 UtamaE. Tickets to the show are priced at RM98 and are now on sale hereAs the showcase is entirely self-funded, Jaki-Brashga welcomes sponsorships and collaboration opportunities for those interested in connecting with audiences of the local independent music scene in Malaysia. 

Best Gifts this Mother’s Day for the fashionable mum on the go

Mother's Day is around the corner! If you’re still looking for gift ideas, here are some picks to spoil Mum with something fashionable, yet practical, that will last for years to come. The best-selling TUMI Voyageur collection has been redesigned this season, offering practical versatility in fashionable silhouettes that make for perfect gifts for Mother's Day. Whether mum is a working professional, a busy homemaker, or a jet-setting adventurer, why not gift her a reliable new companion to accompany her on journeys whether venturing out locally or travelling beyond. * For the mum who's always on the move, gift her the best-selling Celina Backpack, created with a multitude of interior organisation spaces and pockets, perfect for any mom on-the-go and great for carrying all her essentials while keeping her hands free.*For the mum who’s a fashionista, surprise her with the Valetta Micro Tote for a stylish yet stand-out gift that will complement any outfit. Short trips to the grocery mart have never looked this trendy! * For the mum who loves dressing casually, look no further than the Adelaide Hobo Crossbody, for a durable and stylish gift that is great for any mum who values both style and practicality.*If a family trip is in the works, surprise her with a new durable travel companion. Discover new colorways this season such as Lilac, Coral and Mist in the 19 Degree Aluminum collection for an endless selection of choices that will sure to leave a smile on Mum’s face this Mother’s Day.With so many styles and colours to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect bag that is durable, practical, and yet stylish - to meet mum’s every need. Shop the full collection, now available in stores and online available on TUMI.my.

A Slice of Past & Present Borneo at klpac

Ahead of Gawai and Kaamatan festivities, The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat presents KonTra : Borneo. Celebrating the culture, the people and the stories of the world’s third largest island, the dance show will take place from 4th until 7th May 2023 at Pentas 2, klpac.A land of unparalleled beauty and ancient rainforests, there is a wealth of culture and traditions there which serves as the source of inspiration for Zhafir Muzani’s third installment of this experimental dance series. Growing up in the small port town of Lahad Datu, Zhafir dreamt of showcasing a slice of Borneo through a fusion of contemporary dance.KonTra : Borneo is not your typical traditional cultural showcase. It will be presenting six new dance works, bridging our past and future, by a contingent of five talented choreographers from East Malaysia along with one more from Peninsular Malaysia.Stories have been a powerful tool to pass down cultural values and beliefs in Borneo and to connect its people to the land as a reminder to respect the environment.One will be able to experience this in Yunnus Enn’s “RUAI” which refers to the great argus, a species of pheasant celebrated by the Iban of Sarawak as well as Andrew Igai Jamu “Dataika Dinihari” (Till Dawn) which draws on the intricate hand and body movements of female bards ‘lemambang sabak’ in the Dayak-Iban dirge called ‘sabak bebuah’. Meanwhile Fauzi Amirudin’s “TOMBIRUO” was inspired by Ramlee Awang Mursyid’s novel which is set in the forests of Keningau and a young man believed to be the caretaker of the forest.Borneo traditional dance is known for its expressive and flowing movements. Hafzal Aziz’s “Penopeng '' incorporates ‘nopeng’ or ‘tandak’, one of the main aspects of bergendang, traditional performing arts of Melayu Sarawak, which is performed in pairs. Sabah dances like Magunatip and Sumazau are known for its bounce-like motion and you will see some of this motion in Jabar Laura’s “Selasih di kanan”, which explores the narrative of young people's souls who are often rebellious, and Ethel Deidre’s “Don’t Slam The Door”, which highlights the stateless community in Sabah.With its colourful costumes and diverse dance styles, KonTra : Borneo is an opportunity to get to know the people of Borneo, its culture as well as their past and present stories better.Tickets are priced at RM50. Students can enjoy a 40% discount (limited offer only) while Eslite Malaysia White Card Members, Tiffin at The Yard & Yamatatsu customers can enjoy 5% off and Eslite Malaysia Gold/ Black Card Members can enjoy 10% off. Purchase tickets online via https://bit.ly/kontraborneo. Visit www.klpac.org, or WhatsApp +6018 227 7212 for more information.Zhafir Muzani will also be running free trial classes - Jom Menari: Malay Traditional Dance (3pm - 3.45pm, 8 - 15 year olds) and Contemporary Dance (4pm - 4.45pm, 16 years old & above) on 30 April ahead of the actual classes.

Jom Raya above the clouds at Resorts World Genting!

Delight in Eid festivities and create ever-lasting memories above the clouds from now till 1 May as Resorts World Genting (RWG) hosts Jom Raya, featuring an array of festive treats and attractions for your enjoyment with family and friends! Vibrant cultural feast of the senses Capture the spirit of Raya as RWG’s iconic shopping piazza, Kimhua Atrium is transformed into a festive space of brilliance and splendour with fairy lights and magnificent Instagram-worthy traditional and contemporary art installations and decorations! Festive entertainment Enjoy a 30-minute traditional dance showcase at Kimhua Atrium and stay till the end for the distribution of special green packets with Flavours of Genting pandan-flavoured Raya cookies and F&B vouchers worth RM50,000 from Jom Makan, Medan Selera, PenyetPenyet.com and O’Briens Irish Sandwich Cafe at 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm and 6pm from now until 1 May except on the first and second day of Eid – 22 & 23 April when showtimes will be at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm.  Children are certainly in for a treat as Genting’s Highland Heroes, Tabbie, Callie and Geno dressed in adorable Raya-inspired outfits will be on hand to interact with fans for 30 minutes at 8:00pm and 9:00pm from 19 till 21 April; and at 7:00pm and 8:00pm on 22 & 23 April and from 26 April till 1 May. Gastronomy and heritage foodsIt’s festive foods galore this month of Ramadhan! Whet your appetite at Medan Selera, SkyAvenue from now till 21 April from 5pm with Set Hidang Ramadhan comprising savoury dishes such as Grilled Tilapia with Sambal, Ikan Keli Masak Lemak Cili Padi, Kerabu Selom, Ulam-ulam, Local Kuih and more at RM59.00 for 2 persons. Alternatively, head to Jom Makan for their Tomato Rice set served with a choice of Ayam Masak Merah, Goreng Berempah or Panggang Madu, dates and a cold drink. Available for lunch and dinner at RM32.00. Come Raya, Jom Aidilfitri Bersama Medan Selera from 22 till 24 April from 12 noon till 9.00pm (last order at 8:30pm) and enjoy festive sets for 2 persons comprising Nasi Impit, Lemang with Rendang Chicken, Sayur Lodeh, Bergedil Tauhu, Kuah Kacang, dessert and ice lemon tea for RM48.00. Get a free Coke cap when you spend a minimum of RM50.00 in a single receipt with one bottomless Coke. This offer is only available from 11am till 9pm with orders at ala carte prices. Spend and earn with Genting Rewards Card This is the best time to indulge in festive shopping and get rewarded! From now till 24 April, Genting Rewards Card members are entitled to redeem a theme park or F&B voucher worth RM5 or RM50 in exchange for 1GP or 10GP, respectively via RWG Mobile App on a first come, first served basis. Members may only redeem once for the duration of the promotion and vouchers are valid for 2 days from the date of redemption.Alternatively, spend and earn 2 GP or 3 GP in a day at our outlets and redeem 1 or 2 free “One Piece” exhibition tickets, respectively via Genting i-kiosks on a first come, first served basis. Fans of Japanese anime and “One Piece” will revel at the opportunity to experience “The Great Era of Piracy” Exhibition Asia Tour as it is arguably the largest experiential exhibition in South East Asia! Voucher validity is until 8 May 2023 and members may only make one redemption throughout the promotion period. A remarkable hill-top holiday awaitsDon’t miss out on all these exciting events and promotions! There’s no better time to indulge in a staycation up in the highlands than now! Make your way up to Resorts World Genting, the undisputed destination of choice for adventurous, fun-loving vacationers; and enjoy an amazing sojourn in cool weather these festive holidays! Log on to rwgenting.com or visit RWG official social media channels for more information. 


What’s up, Doc? Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615 HD) and HBO GO are giving top billing to their favourite cast of chaotic animated characters this April, which as we all know is the most mischievous month of the year! Bringing their signature style of silly shenanigans and playful pranks, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote and the whole crew will turn on the style for Looney Tunes ACME Fools Day – a month-long celebration of cartoons and fun activities.With Warner Bros. Studios celebrating its 100th anniversary on April 4, Looney Tunes are taking the opportunity to widen the story further in four new animated mashups featuring Scooby-Doo, Superman, The Flintstones and The Wizard of Oz.On Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615 HD), there’ll be weekend marathons in April of specially-curated episodes of Looney Tunes Cartoons, Teen Titans GO! and Tom and Jerry, with selected content also available on the streaming service HBO GO and via social channels. There’s a heap of fun things to entertain fans online. They can dub their own videos and watch funny skits – in fact there’ll be hourly content drops from April 4.   Fans can create their own mashup by combining Looney Tunes faces with iconic elements from a few of Warner Bros.’ most well-loved characters including DC Super Heroes, The Wizard of Oz, Scooby-Doo and The Flintstones. Don’t forget to tag @CartoonNetworkAsia and hashtag your posts with #ACMEFools. In conjunction with the 100th anniversary, several regional brands are partnering with Warner Bros. Discovery including Skechers, which is launching a Looney Tunes apparel range, and mobile phone cases and accessories from Rhinoshield. Here in Malaysia, Royal Selangor is celebrating the centennial with the April launch of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck figurines. Common Sense is releasing two t-shirts with the famous Warner Bros. shield this month. Cheetah will also stock a WB100 casual clothing range for all ages from May, while Soda will launch its range in June. Fashion store operator Padini will offer a WB100 capsule collection under their house brands – PDI, BO and Padini Authentics – from now until June.Coming in May is a series of WB100 gift and novelties products from Sheldonet including mugs, luggage tags, bottles, pin badges and tin containers, using Warner Bros. mashups and the Warner Bros. shield. Objet will also have a variety of household products featuring coasters, mugs and tumblers from June.  Follow all the hijinks on social: @CartoonNetworkAsia @HBOAsia @DCAsiaOfficial. @LooneyTunes on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter / #ACMEFools #WB100.Cartoon Network is available on Astro Channel 615 HD. HBO GO is available to download in the App Store or Play Store.

Let’z Meat ! & Sizzling Sun Dayz @Ayu Awana

Let’z Meat up at Ayu Awana, an idyllic tropical daydream within Resorts World Awana, on Saturdays to feast on unlimited meat, fresh seafood, and signature roasts! 30.04.202207, 14, 21, 28.05.202204, 11, 18, 25.06.2022From 4pm onwardsResorts World Awana is a relaxing 35-minute drive up to have a chill poolside dinner with your best buds amidst the serenity of a 130-million-year-old rainforest. Come groove to the beat at 4pm onwards or lounge around by the pool until dinner service starts from 6 – 9pm.Make your weekend at Resorts World Awana more complete by upgrading your stay with your preferred Let’z Meat Package. Optional add-ons such as a guided tour of the guided nature trail, one round of golf at 50% off on green fees, and a 2D1N or 3D2N stay in a Superior Deluxe room at Resorts World Awana are available. Let’z Meat Package 1RM138 (one pax)Let’z Meat Package 2RM158 (one pax)Let’z Meat Package 3RM278 (one pax)Let’z Meat Package 4RM566 (two pax)Let’z Meat Package 5RM616 (two pax)Poolside dinner✔✔✔✔✔Guided tour of the Nature Trail ✔✔✔✔One round of golf (50% off green fees)  ✔  2D1N stay in a Superior Deluxe Room    ✔ 3D2N stay in a Superior Deluxe room    ✔ To reserve, call +6019 390 3738BOOK NOWBOOK NOW* The guided nature trail walk is only available on Sunday at 9am.* Kids below 11 years old get to dine at 50% off.* Add on RM100 for two hours of free-flow beer, house wine and selected cocktails.  For more info log in to www.rwgenting.com1 , 8, 15, 22, 29 May5, 12, 19, 26 JuneFrom 11:30am to 3pmSway to the beat of live DJ acts as you eat your fill at Ayu Awana, Malaysia's most stunning tropical daydream. Reserve your Sundays for sizzles by the pool with your closest friends or family. Join us for a Sunday brunch with an unlimited selection of flame-grilled meats, fresh seafood, signature roasts, paella and desserts! Bask in our heated pools alongside live music and family activities.Make your weekend at Resorts World Awana more complete by upgrading your stay with your preferred Sizzling Package. Optional add-ons such as a guided tour of the guided nature trail, one round of golf at 50% off on green fees, and a 2D1N or 3D2N stay in a Superior Deluxe room at Resorts World Awana are available.Entitlements Sizzling Package 1RM98 (one pax)Sizzling Package 2RM118 (one pax)Sizzling Package 3RM278 (one pax)Sizzling Package 4RM486 (two pax)Sizzling Package 5RM536 (two pax)BBQ brunch for RM98/ pax✔✔✔✔✔Guided nature trail walk ✔✔✔✔One round of golf (50% off green fees)  ✔✔✔2D1N stay in a Superior Deluxe Room   ✔ 3D2N stay in a Superior Deluxe Room    ✔ To reserve, call +6019 390 3738BOOK NOWBOOK NOW* The guided nature trail walk is only available on Sundays at 9am* Kids below 11 years old get to dine at 50% off.* Add on RM100 for two hours of free-flow beer, house wine and selected cocktails.

WeTV Malaysia Presents First Original Series, VILLA KRISTAL

A love nest gets exposed!WeTV  introduced VILLA KRISTAL, a WeTV Original comedy-drama series directed by Kabir Bhatia and Jason Chong. It follows the life of novelist Hani (Mimi Lana) who goes undercover as a politician’sdaughter-in-law to expose the secrets and love affairs of those who live in "VillaKristal".Bringing the the 13-episode series to life are: Tiz Zaqyah as a successful entrepreneur, Mawar Rashid who plays a second wife of a celebrity Ustaz; JasmineSuraya as a former flight attendant and yoga teacher. WeTV Malaysia's country manager Heng Aik Kuang adds, “We are excited topresent VILLA KRISTAL to our viewers, an original and playful story of friendship and compassion brought to life by amazingly talented cast, working side by side with an industry acclaimed production team and directors.“As our first WeTV Original production in Malaysia, VILLA KRISTAL sets the tone of many more exciting original and exclusive titles WeTV will bring to our local viewers in 2022.”VILLA KRISTAL will be released on wetv.vip and WeTV App starting from 4 March 2022.

Come Spin Like A Pro with AFO Radio!

Get on decks and get familiar with the 1s and 2s of the life of a DJ as we give you an opportunity to get up close and learn a thing or 2 from the reknown Club DJ Clifford Sun, who's famed for his R&B and Hip Hop styles on the deck.Workshop Package Content Include : 1. Introduction of DJ Equipment 2. Showcase Mixing 3. QnA on Tips & Tricks 4. Individual Hands On Experience*Open to Teens and Adults from the age of 13 and above, you'll get this one time opportunity to experience DJing behind the decks at AFORADIO.Date    : 25 June 2022 ( Saturday) Time   : 1pm -3pm ( Each slot 15 pax only)Venue : On Air 1 Studio by aforadio @1Utama Shopping Centre (opposite Rollerwa)Price   : RM 50 (ONECARD Members)              RM 60 (Non ONECARD Members) Interested? Sign up, NOW!1. Register Here2. Fill in the details3. Wait for a follow up from our team regarding payment4. A confirmation email will be sent upon completion*Terms & Conditions Apply For more information on our DJs: https://www.onafo.my/shows/the-hot-cue

More than 30 BATMAN Titles Land on HBO GO As THE BATMAN Lights Up The Big Screen

Malaysian fans can immerse in The Batman Experience at Sunway Pyramid from now to March 20, and catch the Bat Signal in KL skies from March 1 - 3Kapow! Gotham City’s most famous resident is taking over HBO GO. Drumming up excitement surrounding the theatrical release of The Batman in cinemas on March 3, the streaming service will host more than 30 Batman movies and series for fans of all ages.From now till March 13, fans can enjoy the many on-screen incarnations of DC’s iconic Super Hero and his alter-ego, Bruce Wayne. Check out these blockbusters which have captured the imagination of Batman fans the world over on HBO GO:Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)HBO GO - Zack Snyders Justice League.Determined to ensure Superman’s ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions. Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash must face the demons of their own pasts to transcend that which has held them back, and come together as an unprecedented league of heroes. The film stars Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher and Ezra Miller. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016)HBO GO - Batman v Superman Dawn Of Justice - Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill.Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was the first live-action film to feature Batman and Superman together, as well as the first live-action cinematic portrayal of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash. In the film, criminal mastermind Lex Luthor manipulates Batman into a pre-emptive battle with Superman, whom Luthor is obsessed with defeating. Stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter and Gal Gadot.  The Dark Knight Rises (2012)HBO GO - The Dark Knight Rises - Tom Hardy and Christian Bale.Grossing more than US$1 billion at the box office, The Dark Knight Rises is the epic conclusion to Academy Award-winning director Christopher Nolan's trilogy of Batman films. Eight years have passed since Batman assumed blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent and sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon hoped was the greater good. However, everything changes with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Stars Oscar winner Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Oscar winner Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman. The Dark Knight (2008)HBO GO - The Dark Knight - Christian Bale and Heath LedgerThe second of the trio of Batman films by Oscar-winning director Christopher Nolan and the first to gross over US$1 billion at the box office, The Dark Knight sees Batman set out to destroy organized crime in Gotham City with the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and new district attorney Harvey Dent. They enjoy early success but soon find themselves prey to a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker. Stars Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart and the late Heath Ledger who won the Academy Award for Best Support Actor in this role. Batman Begins (2005)HBO GO - Batman Begins - Gary Oldman and Christian Bale.The first Batman film directed by Christopher Nolan. As a young boy, Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain. However, the opportunity to avenge his parents eludes him. After seeking counsel with the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader Ra's Al-Ghul, Bruce returns to the decaying Gotham City overrun by organized crime and dangerous individuals manipulating the system. The discovery of a cave under his mansion and a prototype armoured suit leads Bruce to assume a new persona that strikes fear into the hearts of wrongdoers: Batman. Stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes and Gary Oldman.Get The Batman Experience at Sunway Pyramid, catch Bat Signal sky projections  In Malaysia, fans can immerse in The Batman Experience at Sunway Pyramid from now to March 20. Presented by partners Sunway Pyramid and Warner Bros. Malaysia, fans can explore the world of Gotham, unlock riddles for a cup of Riddler-themed coffee, meet Batman cosplayers, play games, and stand to win a life-size The Batmanfigure and limited-edition movie merchandise.    In addition, the Bat Signal will light up evening skies over Sunway Pyramid on March 1, Sunway Putra on March 2, and the Bukit Bintang area in KLCC on March 3. The iconic distress call to the caped crusader features as a three-day countdown to the premiere of The Batman in Malaysian theatres. This marks the first time that a film studio celebrates a theatrical release with laser projections upon the skyline of Malaysia’s capital.  Stream all 33 Batman movies and kids’ titles from now till March 13 on HBO GO. Subscribe to HBO GO online at https://www.hbogoasia.my/ or the mobile app via the App Store or Play Store for as low as RM23.30/month. You can also access HBO GO via Astro. HBO GO is also available on Android TV, Apple TV, LG TV and Samsung Smart TV - and comes with AirPlay and Google Cast functionality.Complete list of Batman movies and kids’ titles streaming on HBO GO from now till March 13, 2022:HBO GO - The Lego Batman MovieHBO GO - Scooby-Doo & Batman The Brave & The BoldNo.DC Movies: BatmanDC Kids: Batman1Zack Snyder's Justice LeagueBeware The Batman (series)2Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate EditionLego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite3Batman BeginsLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Gotham City Breakout4The Dark KnightLego DC: Batman Family Matters5The Dark Knight RisesScooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave & The Bold6Batman: The Long Halloween Part OneBatman: The Brave And The Bold (series)7Batman: The Long Halloween Part TwoBatman Unlimited: Mech Vs. Mutants8Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice is GrayBatman Unlimited: Animal Instincts9The Lego Batman MovieBatman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem10Batman: Soul Of The DragonBatman: Assault On Arkham11Batman: Gotham KnightSon Of Batman12Batman: Death In The FamilyBatman Beyond: Return Of The Joker13Batman: Under The Red HoodBatman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero14Batman: The Killing JokeBatman: Mask Of The Phantasm15Batman: Gotham By GaslightSuperman/Batman Apocalypse16*Batman: Year One (Also part of DC Kids: Batman)Superman/Batman: Public Enemies 17*Batman: Mystery Of The Batwoman (Also part of DC Kids: Batman)*Batman: Year One 18 *Batman: Mystery Of The Batwoman(Photo Credit: HBO GO)

FLOODS : Number of Flood victims continue rises in Terengganu, Kelantan

In TERENGGANU, the number of evacuees rose to 4,335 people from 1,287 families this morning compared to 3,334 people from 931 families on 26th February 2022.The Terengganu Disaster Management Committee Secretariat said Kemaman still has the most number of flood victims at 2,152, followed by Setiu (802), Hulu Terengganu (637), Besut (370), Kuala Nerus (173), Dungun (138), Kuala Terengganu (58) and Marang (five).In Hulu Terengganu, Lubuk Periuk Village Development and Security Committee chairman Abdul Rasek Ali said eight villagers from four families were moved to a PPS after their houses were flooded last night.In KELANTAN, the number of flood victims rose to 3,222 people from 1,034 families at 8am today compared to 2,993 people from 881 families yesterday.Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/02/27/number-of-flood-victims-in-kelantan-terengganu-continues-to-rise

YUMS:10 Famous Breakfast Spots in KL

If you are a Malaysian and especially if you are in KL, you'd probably know all these places in townSo let us know which is your favourite!1. Ali, Muthu & Ah Hock (Halal)source: https://www.havehalalwilltravel.com/is-ali-muthu-ah-hock-halal2. Restoran 168 Wantan Mee & Curry Mee (Non-Halal)source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgWJZkmDCCM3. Nasi Lemak Wanjosource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgWJZkmDCCM4. Madras Lane Yong Tau Foo (Non-halal) source: https://yearningforlove.wordpress.com/tag/madras-lane-yong-tau-foo/ 5. Aunty Manju's Home Of Banana Leafsource: https://theculturetrip.com/asia/malaysia/articles/the-10-best-banana-leaf-rice-spots-in-kuala-lumpur-malaysia/6. Yut Kee Restaurant (Non-Halal)Source: https://www.foodadvisor.my/restaurants/yut-kee-restaurant7. Syed Bistro source: https://www.crispoflife.com/2017/04/syed-bistro-bandar-sunway-tunas-bayan.html8. Ho Kow Hainam Kopitiamsource: https://www.optionstheedge.com/file/hokowcroppedjpg9. Village Park Restaurant (halal)source: https://journey.com.my/story/best-places-breakfast-in-kl/10. Ah Weng Koh Hainan Teasource: https://journey.com.my/story/best-places-breakfast-in-kl/